Chapter 1: Prologue: Murder by marker

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 1: Prologue: Murder by marker

Harry Potter: I Have Pure Magic

Magic in its purest form is called pure magic. Pure magic can't be summoned at will by any wizard from their magic core or soul. Wizards can only draw out magic whose purpose has been completely defined through spells and intent.

Then... what if someone can actually draw out the magic in its purest form, the Pure Magic? What would be its functions and what would be the complications and variables that'll arise from it in the Harry Potter world due to this?

(This book becomes great in the later chapters. The beginning chapters need rewriting since I was just writing for fun in the beginning so quality isn't as good as the later chapters, though they are still bearable since this book has 20k collections. Some grammatical mistakes in the beginning as well, though not in the later chapters. The MC is a bit evil/scummy in the beginning but his character improves as his relations with the other characters deepen.)


* * *

I woke up feeling two peculiar sensations in my head. It was like there was pain but at the same timethere was not. Like a phantom pain.

... I'm not making any sense, am I?

"Mr. Maxwell...? Mr. Maxwell!" I heard the voice and I instinctively wanted to respond. Even though my surname surely isn't Maxwell.

But then suddenly, I felt someone shove me. nove(l)bi(n.)com

"Hey Chris, wake up! Or you're going to be in trouble," said the guy who shoved me.

I opened my eyes and found myself in a completely different classroom than the ones I usually go to.

The teacher, a young average looking plump woman in her 30s, was speaking something while looking in my direction in a stern tone. Though, I wasn't paying even one bit of my attention to her.

"----Is that clear, Mr. Maxwell?" She asked looking in my direction.

"Yes ma'am," I said out of impulse.

'Damn! Why the hell did I speak?

Wasn't she talking to this Maxwell guy?'

But then...

I started to have new memories. Foreign memories. I looked down at my hands and got a shock.

Yep! They werent mine.

And: they were very small.

Oh no... oh no... oh no.

This hits too close to those cliche novels that I have read.

What's the last thing I remember?


"Baam! BAAAAMM!"

I was sleeping during the lectures of this very boring and strict professor and then, I was rudely awakened by something hitting me right between the eyes!

Startled, I stood up in surprise...

Only to be hit heavily by something in the back of my head.

And man did that hurt.

I died... but not before screaming bloody murder and blaming it all on the professor.

I don't clearly remember, but I'm pretty sure I swore to come and haunt the professorwho was looking more dead than me.

Still not satisfied, I even raised my two bloody hand towards the professor... to add the extra detail.

'Can I go back? I might just die from embarrassment this time....Gosh! to be done in by a marker!'

"Though not in the same world." continued God.

'OMG! Is this what I think it is?! R.O.B., I'd that you?!'

"And no, I don't do wishes but I'll let you have your memories because you made me laugh not your blank soul. And... I'll grant you just one piece of advice for one crucial moment in your life- 'don't hesitate, he won't be aware, and you won't get caught.' "

"Hey! How am I supposed to know what you're talking about?! My whole life, I'll keep thinking if that's what you were talking about," I protested.

I'd rather have nothing than this kind of cliche advice, thank you very much.

The God laughed, "Oh don't worry child, since it's not just empty words. The words you just heard would make themselves known when the situation comes. And it will come sooner than you're excepting. You're on your own after that."

Gods then looked at his wrist watch, "Alright that's all I can give you. Be carful. Since even If you follow advice at the crucial moment, it's just an advice for one moment. So even if you do follow my advice for this one, you might just make a bad choice at other crucial moments and get yourself killed eventually."

Well, better take whatever I'm getting. I had a feeling that this is some kind of VIP passage that only someone who's been doing good stuff his whole life gets and I somehow got in through entertainment quota.

I cleared my throat,

"Alright, I'm very grateful and all, but please don't send anyone else into that world with future knowledge." I requested solemnly. It would have been interesting to have multiple reincarnators, but only if I was reading about someone else's life. But in my life? No thankyou. I'm out if this is that kind of scam.

"Alright I won't, God! I mean: Me! you're such hypocrite. So....Have a good life son! May I bless you!"

With that, the God sent me off while I was still thinking how someone can find the innocent me dying funny. Also, what's with the constant use of first person pronouns like I, me, myself in place of the word god! How would he say Goddamn it?

Well, can't understand the God's humor. Maybe if I become a god myself....

.*flashback end*


A.N.: Here's what to expect in this story.

Everyone mentions positive points, but I'll mention the negatives ones as well, since I know them well, and have worked hard to vanish them from my future later writings.

-Some chapters are small in beginning. But all chapters are of a big length after a threshold. You can check out the chapters after 85, all are big.

-Also, the mistakes you see in the English are mostly typos, and they're non existent in the future chapters after I started using Grammarly keyboard in later chapters.

- Romance:

The romance might seem a bit off in the beginning since it would seem that mc is using tricks and lies to the love interest, but that's NOT the case. He'll realize that he doesn't like tricks after his first few tries, and he'll be honest after he can fully trust her and when her mental defense is strong enough to keep his secrets.


There'd be at least a few times that I'll make you laugh out loud. A few jokes might seem a bit cringy to a few people, but the later chapters focus more on the plot and less on humor, so the novel is for everyone.

-Overall writing quality:

The writing quality keeps improving. Some chapters in the beginning are also edited or Rewritten. The plot thickens as the story progresses. And many unique factors come along which you've never seen in any other fanfic before.


In this slightly AU world, Nymphadora Tonks is one year younger than her canon self and Dueling is as just as popular as Quidditch. She's old than MC, so their relationship will take time to develop and also after her occlumency shields are strong enough for the mc to be truthful about some matters, though he'll still keep the transmigration bit with himself.

MC will have a completely different and badass magic, and he'll delve into both Dueling and Quidditch. He'll hide his powers and secretly cheat using his unique magic without anyone noticing.

Some of the people who are going to suffer very much at MC's hands are Gilderoy Fraud-hart, Dolores Um-bitch, etc. So, if you are their sympathizers, then this is not a place for you. Cause I'll make a point to destroy these two.

In the third year, for Dueling World Championship for under 17, he'll visit different countries and learn different magics.

As for his family... it's quite complicated, but... it'll never be as you think it would be. You'll get surprises about it even after chapter 60.

Apart from this, there's a lot more, but I don't want to make this intro any longer.