Chapter 20:

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 20:

We all made our way to the Ravenclaw dormitories. I looked at the most shitty entrance door of the four Hogwarts house and sighed. Well, I hadn't taken this into consideration. This is a completely dumb entrance for the house of knowledge and wit.

I mean if anyone can enter as long as they can give the correct answer. Then you're giving permission to enter for anyone smart enough no matter if he's a student of different house or a death eater.

We entered the common house and I had to admit that I was good. The ceiling had countless stars. There was a statue of Rowena Ravenclaw, a library, and it was quite spacious.

Though I was a weirded out by only seeing blue and bronze. I mean, there's a limit to matching colours.

I went my room. Ravenclaw's best selling point is the single bedroom in front of me. I mean, it would be annoying to explain if I had room mates and they find out that I'm sneaking around the castle for most of the night.

I took out my wand and casted a disillusionment charm on myself. I felt as if a egg was cracked on my head and I felt the magic travelling down to cover me.

I hadn't casted a normal disillusionment charm. I had consciously channelled more magic into into my wand and casted an overpowered one.

According to my research, doing this helps my body take on the exact colour and texture of its environment so fast that I can practically run without anyone being able to 'see' my body. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

I can do that without trigger since I have been able to consciously channel my magic into my wand since the beginning.

The trigger was developed to do magic without a wand.

Then I casted a silencing charm and deodorizing charm, on myself.

'hmm... this much should be enough for now.'

'I have to be cautious.' I thought as I opened up the door a little and casted a disillusionment charm around the area surrounding the room so that no one can see the door open and close on its own. Someone might be outside.

I opened the door slowly and it creaked loudly.



'So much for being cautious'.

I sighed and casted a silencing charm on the hinges and while I was at it, I also conjured a little bit of oil on them.

Nodding in satisfaction, I opened the door again.


this time, I truly activated it. Not the usual version that I usually use.

I call it the 'Super trigger'.

I first activated my normal trigger by focusing my will and intent on the feeling that comes during accidental magic.

But now, instead of start controlling my magic immediately, I instead focused more on the feeling and 'intensified' it.


I was now feeling a buzz in all parts of my body....

Now, I called my magic from my magic core and-


I was engulfed in an amazing feeling. The charms which I had casted on myself were blown away, disabled by the sheer amount of Pure magic flowing throughout my body.

My hair started flowing upwards with a bit of rainbow light flickering in them.

My blue eyes started to glow with multiple colors.

Rainbow lights could be seen flowing through my viens.

I felt.... amazing.

I lifted my hand to face upwards. I looked at my palm.

And magic started to gather in the middle of it.

I started to chuckle...

"I. Have. Magic."
