Chapter 33:

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 33:

It's been around two months since I the school started and today is Halloween. And today is the day a Fu*king troll is gonna take a stroll inside the castle.

And I'm very tempted to just sit this one out and observe what happens. I mean, I've changed a lot of things, and if it still follows the Canon, then I'll have to say, that the power of plot is quite real.

During these two months, some noteworthy things have happened. First is that, Harry still got himself in the quidditch team. That whole confrontation with Draco still happened. And now more easily, since Harry had now become friends with Neville.

So, after that, Draco Malfoy, either being very jealous or... being a homo and trying to gain his attention, had challenged him to a wizard duel. By the way, this is the first and last time I've actually mentioned him by his actual name. I usually use terms like 'ferret'.

(Moody turned him into a ferret in fourth year, felt a deep sense of satisfaction at that time.)

So, anyway, things changed after that. Harry had promptly followed my advice and snitched about this matter to McGonagall, due to which, Malfoy got detention and points loss.

Seriously, that's the best way to solve this problem if you don't wanna become a protagonist of some story. There were a lot of witnesses and he asked to meet after curfew, plus, dueling without supervision. And this was all Malfoy's idea and Harry didn't agree. So he instead got some points for not being dumb and telling a professor instead of Griffindor-ing the whole thing.

So, according to what I know, Harry still shouldn't have been able to go past the third floor corridor and know about fluffy's existence.

While on my side, I've been making friends with my housemates and even with other houses. I had stopped doing homework after the first week of the school. I had a deal with each of my Ravenclaw friends for each day of the week. I'd teach him/her practical magic for around 10-20 minutes and that person would do my homework for a certain day. I had never intended to waste my time writing useless essays from the library.

Though I had actually planned this whole thing. In the first week I threw them the bait. Like giving advice about some particular spell, showing them some second year stuff, etc. They'd started asking me about charms, tranfiguration, DADA and even other subjects on their own as they didn't want to loose to me and even Hermione was doing better than them. In the first week, I helped them in everything they asked me. But, from the next week, anyone who asked me for anything? Read latest chapters at Only

"Yeah, of course I can help. But only if you do my homework for one day."

So, today, on Halloween, when I was sitting in my charms class, I decided to do her a favor and, when she had given her unwelcomed wisdom to Ronald Weasley, I'd prevented him from showing his 'appreciation' and 'gratefulness' by silencing him at the critical moment.

During one of these days, I had even helped her to make friends with some of the Ravenclaw girls. They do get along whenever they are discussing about studies or

She had even taken the time to lecture me on how I should do my homework by myself. She even tried to help me by bringing this whole thing to professor Flitwick's attention. Oh, how kind she is....How she has repaid me for helping her.

So, today I was actually quite reluctant in helping her. But... I really don't want her to die because of doing that.

Now, as we were eating the Halloween feast, I was wondering why every reincarnator or transmigrator always tried to fight the troll at all costs.

And I understand why. It's indeed very tempting, you know, to fantaze how you somehow fail to prevent Hermione from going to the bathroom. Or someone else somehow got stuck in the bathroom instead if you somehow prevented Hermione from going there. I had wondered if it was just the power of plot, forcing the protagonist to go and fight the troll.

It wouldn't be much of a problem for me. But I always wonder---Why bother? Do I really wanna smell that disgusting smell? Do I really wanna risk being discovered? I mean, it would be super suspicious if someone just came out of nowhere and beat the shit out of a troll. If there was an evil and manipulative Dumbledore, then his eyes would start twinkling madly and he'd become really alert.

But... what can I say? I'm still somehow tempted. It's like you came to an amusement park and you don't really like a dangerous ride, but you still wanna ride it.

Haa.. Harry Potter world--my amusement park.

I was currently sitting with Tonks. I made sure that the most cliched scenario didn't happen and my love interest didn't somehow end up near the girls bathroom.

Nope. That cliche-ness would've made me wanna puke. I'm now just gonna sit here like a nice boy see if anything like plot-forcing really exists.