Chapter 36:

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 36:

As I was exiting through the door of Ravenclaw common room, I suddenly remembered that I was supposed to have an invisibility cloak on me.

I went to a dark and empty corner of the common room and quickly took out a normal adult sizes cloak. I took out my wand, and first enlarged it and then I activated the trigger and casted an overpowered disillusionment on the cloak. This is a very basic invisibility cloak. The invisibility would only last for as long as the amount magic I put in it is used up.

Quickly covering myself with it and dispelling the disillusionment that I had put on myself, I exited by putting Concealment charm around the vicinity of the door, you know, the same ol' method.

After I had exited, I didn't take off the cloak. I simply went to where Dora was still waiting for me.

I mean, it was the Hufflepuff prefect girl.

Earlier, Dora had just come to escort me to my house, so there was no need to change her appearance. But this time, we were sneaking off. So, she took on this form. Though I could immediately tell it was her just by her facial and expression and the way she was leaning her back against the wall. She might as well have written 'Tonks' on her forehead to make it a bit more obvious.

She hadn't heard my foot steps as I still had silencing charm on myself. I realized that there were a few faults with my silencing. First of all, I casted it on my whole body, meaning I can't speak. Second, I didn't cast it on the cloak, so it is still making a bit of fluttering noise.

So, this time, I silenced my legs, cloak and clothes. Now I can speak as well.

I went to her spoke. She was looking around, trying to spot me since she had seen the door open and closing. I had only casted concealment charm only on one side of the door so that that no one in the common room sees it opening. But anyone who's outside the door could see it open and close.

I went up to her and said, "Let go."

She flinch when she heard my voice Right beside her. She must be expecting to hear my footsteps.

But she then grinned "Oooh, you're quite sneaky, aren't you?"

"Well, not as good as you". I said, then continued, "You should disillusion yourself. I don't think even the prefects would be allowed to roam outside tonight."

"Umm... I'm not perfect at that yet. It would be taught this year." She said.

I knew that. That's why I had enlarged the cloak.

I suddenly covered her with the cloak as well. She got startled.

"What are you doing?!"

After we reached the room, I wished for a troll statue along with the usual stuff.

As soon as we entered, I quickly closed the door. And the next moment-

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah" Dora screamed in a shrill voice, but she soon took out her wand and started blasting transfigured weapons on it.

"Take that! You fu*king troll!! And this! Shove it up your arse!!

Then she realized it was just a statue.

I was still laughing under my breath, leaning against the door.

"! you sure know how to curse, Dor- hahaha.. w-where did you learn those words!?"

She turned to face me....and connected the dots.

"You cheeky little-" then she started sending small and harmless spells on me. She knew I'd dodge easily if she sent a single one.


whoa there!

I was-


Hey! I was just troll-ing you a little." I said as I dodged while laughing.

"ha. . .ha, very funny. You think you can go scot-free after pranking me?!"


(A.N.: Sry for the late. Really getting a bit busy with college stuff.)