Chapter 47:

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 47:

It's the Christmas eve 1 a.m. at night. Everyone at Tonks house has gone to sleep after getting either drunk or tired. I casted my usual stealth package on myself ( disillusionment, silencing, and antiodour charms) and went to Dora's room where she was sleeping peacefully. I discreetly took a drops of blood from her and returned to my room, opened the window, and left the house. I already had enough access to come and go as I please. Not that they'd expect me to leave in the middle of the night. The windows enchanted to only be opened and closed from inside, so I just shut it back tightly with an overpowered sticking charm.

I apparated directly into my own luxury mansion. It was still in tip-top condition due to one extremely diligent elf.

"Jilly? I'm home." I called out, even if I knew that she already knew that I here.

"Master Chrissy's back! Happy Chrissy-mas, master Chrissy" My overexcited house Elf called, while jumping in joy.

'Sigh, some things never change.' I thought and simply hugged the elf. My house elf is over totally hygienic with a very clean and simple black and white long gown. It even had the black ribbon at the neck area. No cushion covers here. During my previous years of loneliness, I only had Jilly. So, she's kinda family.

She still calls me Chrissy and once I had casually said that Christmas was actually 'Chris'mas, celebrated in my honour. The elf thought it was very reasonable and

Anyway, that's not why I came here today though. I had miles to go before I sleep.

"Jilly, bring me all the precious stones that I've bought upto now." I had been buying precious stones for a while now, to study their magical properties and of course, for one more thing-

'How they respond to my pure magic'.

"Jilly is sorry Master. Master had put all of them into the safe, Jilly can't get them for you." replied the elf in a very disheartened tone.

"Oh right, I have given you permission to enter there. I'll go there myself, since you won't even know what to pick there."

I hadn't given Jilly the permission before because that place contains a lot of stuff that shouldn't be displaced.

I sat down on a luxurious arm chair and opened a side pannel on it with a handprint sign on it. I pressed my hand onto it and said the magic words:

"Command sequence: Slide ride,

access code: Ihavemagic609."

The comfortable armchair transformed into a recliner tobggan. A smooth tunnel opened up at floor and the sledge slid down at a high speed.

"Wooohooooo!!!" The tunnel was around 15 meters long. But when I was already half through my ride was moving with a cheeks-stretching speed, I suddenly realized, I might have f*cked up.


'What to do???'

In this kind of situation, I can't activate my trigger since that has a time lag and also needs concentration. Both of which, I'm sorely lacking right now. nove(l)bi(n.)com

I wore a lense on one eye and carved extremely small runes on these stones. One rune cluster for storing pure magic, one for slowly emitting the stored magic and a few others.

Then I quickly used blood magic and a droplet of Dora's blood on each of them, binding them to Nymphadora, so that only she can use these. Then I observed which one reacted the best. To my surprise, Alexandrite reacted extremely well to her blood and even strengthened the effect of other runes.

Alexandrite was the one with colour changing properties.

'Maybe it's due to Dora's metamorphagus abilities?'

Anyways, after that, I took some 22 carat gold and transmuted into a beautiful hairpin. Sigh, this task actually took more time than preparing the stones. I had to take several tries to make it look good enough. Then, after carving some runes on the Hairpin, I embedded the Alexandrite into it.

"Aaaand Success!!"

Sigh, if I had the skill- Inspect, then it's description would have been something like this.

Name: Multipurpose hairpin

Grade: Unique

Description: A beautiful artifact, crafted by the all-rounder Chris for his crush. It can help to hold your hair and also, the contents of your memory. It releases pure magic at an extremely slow rate into the head.


1) +10 magic power, Has to be charged after use.

2) +30 affection for Chris.

3) Increases the speed occlumency defenses.

->4) The runes are concealed. Would self destruct if someone other than Nymphadora, or the creator tries to uncovered them.

5) Can make the mind feel refreshed. ( similar to the effects of having a good night's sleep)

6) If used normally, can last upto a month.

7) Can only be recharged by Chris personally (as of now).


A.N.: You gimme powerstones and I'll get you the chapters.
