Chapter 49:

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 49:

A.N.: For those who haven't already seen it, there's an Auxiliary chapter, added recently, right above the Prologue. MC's picture is posted there, (along with the two Dora's that were already posted in chapter 45.)



I think I'll hit myself....

No, just a bit of stabbing should do.

Anything to...not feel so damn guilty...

And ANGRY!!!

Legilimency, happens very fast. It all happened in just 5 seconds max.

I just wanted to know if her thoughts about kissing... if she wanted to or not, did I actually have a chance or not..Nothing else.

So, I mentioned kissing her, so that she would think about it, and used legilimency to just know - Yes or No? But...I saw something completely different....

This dude, who Dora had a favorable impression of, tried to force her! And why the hell did she think of that memory right when I came close to her? Am I really like to that red haired sh*thead?!

Nonononononono, NO!!!!! I...I m-might be?

Let me see... Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Why I'm not:

1) I could've had any girl in Hogwarts on my first day, if I actually didn't find the idea of magically influencing their thoughts to make them fall for me so..... revulsive and unappealing.

2) I have never done anything that has hurt Dora. That letter incident just a misunderstanding in which, she had some wild thoughts. It was all cleared and even better after I had done the explaining.

3) The fact that I haven't taken any action upto now even when Dora is in her goddess mode. (original appearance), even if I so much wanted to... I have only ever teased her!

Why I might be:

1) Because I used a bit of legilimency, which should be wrong, even if I just wanted to know if she was uncomfortable. Though I don't regret it. How else would I have known that me coming close her causes her to remember bad memories of those jerks! And, I can't do anything about the past. Every beautiful girl has bad memories of at least one jerk before they turn reach adulthood. If they don't, then it would turn even worst if they married a jerk without knowing that he was a jerk.

*gasp* Andromeda gasped, while Dora stepped forward just hugged me tightly.

I still continued. "Are you getting my point? Last year, no one would have cared enough even if I had died of liver failure.....So, let me express my gratitude for giving me something which I consider priceless." I said sincerely.

What? All I said just now true.

Who thinks I can't say touching words without lying? I'm actually very grateful, you know. I just... didn't tell them that hairpin didn't cost me much. But if you look at it's funtions, it's actually priceless as long as I keep charging it up with my pure magic.


Sigh, the break is over, and we're going back to Hogwarts.

"Both of you write lots of letters." Said Ted.

"Dora, focus on your studies. I want to see lots of Outstandings in your NEWTS report card." Said Andromeda while giving Dora a hug. Then she turned me and said,

"And you, young man, are not allowed to drink until you're 17." She kissed my forehead and hugged me as well.

I was surprised at first, but for some reason, I was blinking my eyes rapidly....

'What the hell?! Tears are....'

That was so much like what my mom what say... I hugged her tightly.





That day, I cried for real for the first time in a lot years...


A.N.: I'm sad, cheer me up with some power stones.