Chapter 51:

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 51:

I stepped into the headmaster's office and put on my game face. That is....I put on a nervous-but-still-curious expression, like a kid entering the principal's office for the first time.

My concentration increased and reached the peak. If Dumbledore tries to pull something, I'd be directly executing the Oppression Super Trigger. I want peace, but if his method of peace contains restraining me before talking, or something violent, then.....

He'd be going down before he can say - 'Fawks'.

What? I can't do it? Well, I do have a method....not sure I wanna talk about it. But yes, I'm sure I can do it.

Of course, the method has limitations, can be used on only one person at a time and there's another limitation, but if mention it, then the method itself would be exposed.

And....It's not a killing curse.

Have some guesses. I wanna see who thinks in the same way as me.->

Of course, there are many ways to attack him, given the amazing cards I have, there might be better ways than what I've thought...

Well, just pray that this old man does not 'court death,' or I'd be like- 'Scram!' and go all Chinese protagonist on this Sect-Master-Dumbledore. Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

The office was a big circular room, sounds were coming the many gadgets located here and there, walls had book shelves and portraits. There was a big Chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk, with a lot of paperwork. Fawkes the Phoenix was also there, on his perch. This thing is beautiful. Red feathers that seemed to glow...with a gold tale.

I gave him the usual 'that's Dumbledore in person!!' expression that most students at Hogwarts would make when they're close to him.

"Good morning, Sir." I said.

"Ah...Mr. Maxwell. I have to say, I've been hearing a lot about you in these months. Oh, do take a seat, Mr. Maxwell, make yourself comfortable."

I quietly took a seat and sat face to face with Dumbledore. What does he expect me to say to that? Getting flustered? Well, that's what he'll get then.

I acted a bit more flustered.

"Lemon drops?"

Pfft! I almost laughed out aloud. Oh...if only this guy new....

"Umm, no Thankyou, sir."

"Ah...a pity. Well, don't mind if I have one then." Said Dumbledore as he popped one into his mouth. Then he continued while smiling lightly, "Mr, Maxwell, I always think that sweets are a man's way of making up for the bitterness of his life."

'Bro, I'm eleven years old. How'd I know bitterness?! Do you always get off by talking about complicated things in front of ignorant people?'

I nodded seriously, acting as if I know what he's talking about, but he'd still know that I actually don't know what he just talked about.

Even though I do know what he's talking about. Nice and simple.

Dumbledore smiled as he continued, "Mr. Maxwell ah, can I call you Chris? Just like your friends do? You don't have to so nervous. I assure you that you're not in any kind of trouble. Just be your normal self."

He did look weary.

"But that's not what I called you here for." He said.

That did surprise me. Did he saw something suspicious? What else could it be? Do I need the super trigger?

"Sir, then what is this about?" I asked, curiously, gradually acting a bit open.

"It is...about your family, Chris. You see I was curious about you. So I did some research."

"Ah, Sir, I already got the test from the Gringotts. They said my bloodline didn't match with any other family much."

"See, Chris, my boy, that's where you're wrong. The test in Gringotts only meant that you didn't belong to any 'English' wizarding family. could be a descendent of a family of another wizarding community."








I quickly snapped back to focus. And looked at Dumbledore.

"You know something? Sir?" I asked, even forgetting to be polite for a bit.

"Hoho! My boy, perhaps yes, perhaps not. But... I'd like to suggest you in which community, you might find them."






Author's note: How was it? Everything would make sense. Just wait for the next chapter. I want powerstones. The next chapter also contains more explanation on fake memories.