Chapter 65:

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 65:

A.N.: So, the 'Yes' team wins. But, the 'No' team doesn't need to be disappointed because, as a consolation, I'll take into consideration the reasons which they pointed out for saying no in my writing as much as possible.



The door burst open, and Dora came hurrying in.

"Chris!? Oh Merlin's Poop! What happened to you Chris!?"

She came running to me and began checking my injuries.

She hasn't even spared a single glance to the egg yet. She must care about me a lot since she doesn't even a pay attention to a 15 inches long, glowing, and hot protrusion that I can't hide properly despite my beside best attempts.

My occlumency shields were ready by now. I activated the trigger, but-

I didn't hide the egg. Instead, I pumped pure magic into my body parts to force them to move.

No. I'm not gonna hide even this from her. There can be many reasons for me doing so, like her occlumency shields being strong enough, or... what if she finds out later, or it's difficult to keep this hidden, etcetera-etcetera...

But, right now, there's only one reason.

Looking at this girl, who's so worried about me that she ignores everything and focuses only on me, I had only this thought in my mind:

'I want to give her the acknowledge she deserves, for showing so much concern for me.'

There are a few people who care for my well-being in this world,

But...she's special.

She isn't like Harry. Whom I saved from a life full of abuse, bullying, misery and starvation and helped him achieve the life and love he lacked.

She isn't like Ted and Andromeda, whom I help turn into rich people while they were stuck in middle class due to their 'muggle-born' and 'disowned' status.

(She isn't like the grandma, who doesn't even exist...)

All these people owe me something, and I owe them something in return.

But...She's different. She doesn't owe me anything. She cares for me because I'm . I already know she never cared much about money.

(Remus lupin was piss poor) Read latest chapters at Only

She cherishes my gifts not because they were expensive, but because they were from .

"Dora." I called out.

So, I forced pure magic, in my body, activated the occlumency, and despite all the pain, I moved normally to ease her mind.

I climbed up to my feet and picked up the wand on the table. Then, I cleaned myself up of all the blood and sweat, followed by cleaning the blood on the floor with Scourgify-es

Then, I tore off the shirt of my pyjamas to show her my upper body which was, by now in much better condition externally. There are no wounds visible. Though there's bruising from internal injuries, and that's why it's hella painful and difficult to move. But the baby dragon's magic, though the quantity was quite small for now, had managed to heal at least the external injuries.

I spread my hands apart.

"First of all, it's nothing serious at all."

Dora was still unconvinced."Then, why the bloody hell, was there so much blood?!"

"Well....I'll be truthful with you. You see that egg?" I said, pointed out the elephant- no, dragon in the room.

"Aaahh! Merlin! What is that thing?!"


Girl, seriously?

Oh Dora, need you be so adorable?

"By the way, Dora,"


I looked her up and down.

"You're looking goooood."



So, after that, I convinced Dora. As far as I can see, the matter was solved quite easily. The whole thing didn't even take ten minutes of my life. And of course, her resistance at first couldn't be blamed.

What would I do if she bonded with an unknown creature bonding with which causes her to become a bloody mess?

I can't just expect her to not care, can I? Infact, it would have been weirder if she was like, 'Oh, so your life was, and is still in potential danger? Then I'll just trust you to keep yourself safe and not disturb you anymore. Have to good day.'

And of course, I couldn't tell her that the creature was just a rare dragon species. Otherwise that would mean telling her that I have a method to hatch any dragon egg to become a monstrosity like that.

With the explanation I just gave her, even if someone forcefully read her mind somehow, they'd just think at most, the dragon as a threat, not knowing that the real monstrosity is not the dragon, but the master itself.

And I'd become an even bigger monstrosity, now that I have bonded with this little guy.

I could feel it.

Though right now, I was hurting, but I could feel the strength increase in my body right away. Since I had activated trigger, I even knew that my magic has become a bit denser. That probably means an increase in the quantity I can store, and the quality of it.

Though I never admitted to it, Harry's magic was actually a bit denser compared to mine. It means that his normal Expelliarmus would be more powerful than my own normal Expelliarmus. So, I was always a bit salty about it, even though with concentration, I can produce an Expelliarmus much, much powerful than what Harry would be able to cast. And that is without using trigger, just by my ability as to feel the magic and some use of intent through occlumency.

It means that, I would have become a very powerful wizard even if I hadn't discovered the trigger. And there's no comparison if we add trigger to the equation. He'd need to be trained a for years before he even reaches my current without-trigger level since I've been training since years.

Though that's not my problem, let Dumbledore train him. That wise old man should have a reason for not teaching him anything despite leaving him to fight with a darklord that he himself couldn't beat....right? I really don't want to interrupt the plans of such a 'wise' old man, who happens to have a pointy old stick called the .

Even though I saved Harry from the torture that this 'wise' wizard had left him to, the only reason he could have done it intentionally would have been to have Harry depend on him and idolized him, and have a good self sacrificing spirit. Harry still had all three qualities. So, I hadn't changed anything that'd warrant me having the pointy end of the .




The door swung open, and Dora burst in.

At the last moment, the egg sensed my emotions to hide it's existence and quickly turned invisible on instinct.

At that time, Dora came in and saw me sitting alone with all the blood and mess.

"Chris! What the hell happened?! Are you OK?"

"Uh...I'm fine...see no serious injuries."

"Then, how in Merlin's name are your clothes all torn and bloody and...why are you looking so pale?"

" see, I'm actually a werewolf and I had a transformation yesterday."

".....What..the hell as you talking about? There wasn't even a full moon yesterday!"

I looked away.

"Well...I just wanted to see if you had a thing for werewolves.."


(For those who don't know. Omake is extra. It doesn't have anything to do the actual story)

A.N.: Well, I gave you a taste of both the choices. I was just flexing my writing skills.

Now gimme all your precious stones