Chapter 72:

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 72:



I stopped tapping my feet.

It was time.

I stood up to leave, though I flinched and stepped back immediately as a stinging hex came my way and landed between my legs.

"Where're you going?" Asked Dora as she laughed at my reaction.

I felt a sense of dj vu as inwardly I swore vengeance on her for ruining the moment yet again.

And thus, this time I decided to be the mature one among us and-

I stuck out my tongue and blew a raspberry at her. "*Pbbbt* Not telling! Now, you better keep studying while I go out and have fun."

Ah...I think I totally destroyed her. Nothing stings worst than having to study for your last exam while your friends go out and have fun.This, was my stinging hex for the one she fired.

Patting myself on the back for a job well done, I swagger out of the room while gracefully erecting a shield behind me for the Stinging hexes that I knew were coming for my butt.

"Yeah, love you too. Bye~ Take care of Nyxie for me."

I closed the door feeling victorious. 'Let's see if anything else fun happens tonight. If nothing, then I'd at least get to see a freakin' Cerberus.'

Thinking such, I descended down the moving stairs and made my way towards the third floor corridor.

I waited for about 10 more minutes before I heard footsteps. A lot of them. These kids are too clumsy.

I waited for them to come near, then looked towards their direction and said in a low voice while smiling-

"You two are 7 minutes late. And, Oh! You brought Neville as well. Good."

I didn't even use my dragon senses yet. And I could still hear three pairs of footsteps, if I hear them with enough concentration. Needless to say, the third person with them would most likely be Neville.

'Looks like Neville started his career as a rule-breaker quite early this time.' I thought while smirking. In Canon, he only learnt the joys of rule breaking rules from his fifth year only. But Priest Chris would lead him to the path of Rule Breaking sooner this time. Elder Chris would teach him the dao of Rule Breaking.

Harry removed the cloak from the three of them with a dumbfounded. And I smiled as I saw that my guess had been correct after seeing Neville along with them.

"You can see through this as well?" Harry asked, as he looked at the Cloak in his hands.

"No, bruv. You guys were just too loud. The cloak doesn't block sounds, does it?" I asked him back.

As Harry was going to reply, Hermione cut us off as she whispered harshly,

"Stop talking! You two. Professor Snape might come here anytime!"

Well, she didn't speak wrongly, except there's no professor Snape and the thief was already in. Follow current novels at

Since everyone was here, I concentrated hard and activated just specific ability of the dragon I had been training for the past weeks. Confirming what I had been sus about I smiled as we started to move.

We went to door that led to fluffy the Cerberus. Harry pulled out his flute as I pushed the door open with a creak.

As the door creaked, low, rumbling growls met our ears. Then I saw the dog, a dog that filled the whole space between ceiling and floor. It had three heads. Three pairs of currently closed eyes; three noses, twitching and quivering in our direction; three drooling mouths, saliva hanging in slippery ropes from yellowish fangs. It was laying quite still, all six eyes closed.





I'm of course, talking about 'Bulbasaur' from 'Pokemon'. What else can it be?

'I might research conjuring magical tentacles in the future.' I thought as I grinned deviously.







I am, of course, thinking about their versatile usage in fighting and dueling. What else can it be?

Soon, I saw Hermione also falling.

"Wingardium Leviosa." I called out almost lazily while pointing my wand at her.

I levitated her clothes since you can't levitated a living person.

Hermione's fall slowed down as she gently landed on the Devil's Snare.

I grinned. Looking at the dumbfounded look of shock and realization on Neville's face that was disappearing into vines, I winked.

What can I say? Neville is just a godsent target for bullying. Though my bullying is quite different from other bullies' bullying. There a reason why the people I bully eventually become my friends. I just don't like some people's pathetic behavior. So I just help beating a backbone into them. It can't be that bad if the god didn't mention it...right?

"Woohoo!!!" Right then Harry came falling while laughing a the thrill, followed by the loud barking of three dogs.

'See? That's what I'm talking about.'

I didn't even bother 'Leviosing' him.


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- Go to the webnovel library and find the book named 'HP: I Have Magic'

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