Chapter 80:

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 80:

(A.N.: the conversations happening would be in French would be denoted by written in { }

e.g., { This line is written in French.} )

(It is of course, for auth- *ahem* reader's convenience.)


The owl seemed be blocked by something as it stopped on the window, like it was being rescanned, then it entered through the window into the dinning room, and I got a good look at the people sitting on the table.

One of the people sitting there was, of course, Durant Martin, whose pictures I had once seen once or twice in Susan's magazines, he had golden blond hair, like mine, sharp grey eyes that held a bit of caution as they followed that movement of the owl, and a chiseled face that had stubble on it which somehow still made him look handsome. His face had a bit of resemblance to mine now that I looked at him closely. The man was in his pyjamas, which is understandable since this a Sunday morning.

The other was a woman serving the other two the food on the table as she had a smile that seemed a bit contagious, bringing a smile to other people's faces as well upon seeing it. She had light brown hair, almond shaped electric blue eyes that showed warmth in them. She had a heart shaped face, with sculpted features that looked picturesque, but when she smiled, dimples naturally formed on her cheeks giving her a different kind of beauty. Even though she was wearing a simple gown, she looked graceful and refined in it.

The last person in the room was a little girl who seemed to be about aged between 5-7 years. She had chubby cheeks that were currently munching on a baguette, her light brown hair were in a bob-cut, and her big and innocent eyes were a grayish shade of blue, and her cheeks also had dimples which magnified her cuteness several times. She was wearing fluffy pyjamas which had animated dragons in it.

The owl approached the table and dropped the letter in front of Durant, who promptly levitated it with his wand and took it in his hands after casting detention charms on it.

Seeing just the address written on the envelope and no sender's info, the man frowned and open the letter, taking out the parchment from it.

" !!!!!! "

As soon as he saw what's printed on the parchment, his eyes widened into saucers and he intensely read the words printed on the parchment once again.

{What is it, honey??} The women asked urgently as soon as she saw the man's extreme reaction. The woman seemed more shocked at the man's reaction compared to the man's shock after reading the letter. It looks like the usually stoic man had rarely shown such extreme reaction to anything.

Man didn't answer yet, he quickly lifted the parchment and held it against against the sunlight coming through the window, checking it the same way people used to check dollar bills in my previous life.

Still not quite able to believe, he quickly casted a few spells on the parchment as well, but how it come negative?

The woman has by now, gotten up from her seat and crossed over to the man's side to find out the answer for herself. She read the parchment from over the man's shoulder


The woman gasped.

{I-Is this... real?}

The man nodded slowly, and spoke for the first time in a deep voice. {Yes.. } He looked quite shaken himself and I could clearly see hope written all over that previously impassive face.

Tears came out of the woman's eyes as she picked up the envelope and quickly looked for the envelope and check if there was something else in it.

And I wondered if I should have put something in there. Maybe, a lock of my golden hair? Kidding.

In short, I had calculated all the future scenarios with my S.Tg. Blue.

In the stunned silence that followed, I raised up both of my hands as I showed him the invisibility cloak and showed that I'm wandless. I then smiled,

{ Check the wards, father.} I said.

Durant's eyes widened as he realized that the wards had recognized me as a family member. He wouldn't have noticed this if had directly attacked me with the wards. He then also noticed my appearance, which clearly had an uncanny resemblance to his own. He quickly lowered his wand.

When I was sure that he isn't gonna use the wards, I looked at Camille.

{ Umm... Hi mom.} Her wand was actually lying quite far away her, so I hadn't taken much of a security measure against her.

Without hesitation, Camille quickly ran upto me and encircled her arms around me into a tight hug.

"Oh." I felt a bit awkward since I didn't even know her before today, but my magic, which was moving around my body quite restlessly, slowly settled down and body felt at ease.

It is said that a mother's hug is magical. It seems that there's some truth to those words. The subconscious feelings and memories of the previous Christopher that I had absorbed, and this body which still remembered it's creater's embrace, seemed to create a magical effect on me. Though I was still vigilant.

{Mommy, Mommy... who is he?} Right then, I heard a cute voice.

I parted from the hug a bit reluctantly to focus on my cute little sister. She was looking at me with her round, curious eyes. Her lips were pouting a bit. Maybe due to her mommy not paying attention to her and to someone else.

I lightly tickled her chubby cheek with my finger. Her cheeks were sooo soft!

{ Esme, he's your Big brother.} Camille said to the Esme, so that's her name.

{Hi Esme}," I said as lightly pinched her soft and chubby cheek.

Esme dodged out of reach and then looked at me after hiding behind her mother.

Sigh... my little sister too cute, right?



So, that's his family. It's not a cliffhanger this time! I know that you guys can only take so much, before starting to try and find my location.

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Read next three chapters on /snollygoster. Posting more there as soon as I write them!

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