Chapter 85: The duel

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 85: The duel

I thought for a bit. Should I or should I not? Because I sure as hell won't lose purposefully in consideration of not hurting her pride or something.

Even Dumbledore isn't here, so need to hold back in case of not wanting exposing my capabilities to my enemies. I can even show off upto 10% of my skills if I want.

Taking my pause as a sign of hesitation, Fleur shook her head in disdain.

"It is not as easy as it looks. You're still a little boy"



"Alright. Lets duel." I said, getting up from my seat.

Fleur smiled triumphantly, as if her provocation had worked.

It had kinda worked actually. But that can't be counted as anything good for her.

I didn't like being called a little boyEven if I am one.

The adults didn't interfere as they watched curiouslyExcept my mom,

"Uh, honey, you don't have to do this. They don't teach dueling in Hogwarts. It is only right to decline-"

"It's fine mom. You don't have to worry. Dad won't let anyone get injured, right dad?" I said, shifting all the responsibility to Durant. nove(l)bi(n.)com

I saw Camille giving Durant a look seemed to be saying'If he gets hurt, you'll be sleeping on the couch.'

I got up from my seat, taking off my jacket. I was only wearing a sleeveless t-shirt underneath. My trousers were also easy to move in.

I cracked my neck muscles as I lightly jumped up and down on my toes, rolling my shoulders back and forth. 'Girl, you've just unleashed the beast.'

My body wasn't buffed, just lean and compact muscles with explosive power.

I came to stand opposite to her in the dueling ring.

"Get ready". Called out Durant, who was refereeing.

Fleur took a stance with her wand held up in front of her and stood gracefully in a proper dueling stance.

Why does she have to always look so sophisticated and refined even while dueling? Does she always pay attention to how she looks, or is it a veela thing?

One way to find out.

I made it look like I was trying to copy her stance and took a similar stance to her except, if stuck out my butt exaggeratedly looking quite comical. Fleur subconsciously straighten her hips, thinking that her stance look something similar to mine.


I laughed and got into proper stance this time as Fleur glared at me for mocking her stance.

Out of the corner of my eye, i saw Camille trying to hold back her laughter, while Appoline laughing openly.

But, then I focused.


That seemed to have lit up her bulb as she started to conjure oil at the ground near my feet.

If I can't stay balanced, how would I be able to dodge? Too bad she was already too late. I had now decided to end this.

While she was busy conjuring the oil, I jumped and sidestepped through the area that had been covered in oil.

We didn't have much distance between us to begin with. As soon as I had picked up my speed and started zigzagging randomly while making my way towards her, her spells' accuracy decreased by a lot.

In the end, realizing that I wasn't using magic and was coming towards her. She started to not care for her defense and sprayed oil directly all around her and started firing spells at me.

Damn. Now I can't end this in close range without slipping on oil.

Or ... can I?

I increased my speed as I dodged the last few spells that could be dodged while I wasn't in oil.

Then I stepped straight onto the slippery path. Fleur was surprised and quickly managed to fire two spells one after other as I slid straight into her direction with a great speed.

We both knew the disadvantage of slipping towards her on oil I couldn't change my direction. Even jumping is almost impossible.

The spells two she fired were aim at my torso and my legs. And this time, I can dodge sideways, nor upward.

As the spell was fired close range, I had started reacting already by seeing her wands trajectory. I bent backwards 90 degree to dodge the first one. For the last one, that was going to hit me in the leg, I raised my wand, intersecting it's path.

My wand broke in half as I finally reached Fleur. But my momentum was too much to stop now. Gripping her waist by her waist, lifting her, to stop myself from tackling her and we spun around twice before I decrease my forward momentum before I stopped the both of us with my one hand support her back and other pointing the jagged half of the broken twig on her throat.

"Do you surrender?" I asked.

"...." Fleur's eyes were wide open as she seemed process what just happened and how she ended up like this.

"Chris wins." I heard Durant's deep voice from the side. Then I saw that he had already casted cushioning charms where we were about to fall, and his wand was pointed at the twig in my hand, just in case it got too close to Fleur's throat.

I felt the heat of allure hitting me at full force as I gently let Fleur settle on the cushioning charmed ground and backed off quickly while I threw away the twig in my hand.

Durant picked it up and examined it.

"Transfigured wood stick You were playing with your dragon with this earlier." he said. Surprise evident in his voice.

I just nodded as I laughed and laid down on the ground.

The reason I didn't use magic from beginning to the endIs because, I was dueling without a wand. It was just a stick I transfigured to play fetch with Nyxie.

Afterall, There's no fun in simply ending it with a few nonverbal spell in rapid fire.

Looking at Fleur's blank look as she faxed into emptiness, I frowned in worry

'Did I break her?'


A.N.: How is it? Do I deserve my powerstones?

Read upto "5" chapters ahead on Ptreon. Adding more as soon as I write them! /Snollygoster

A million thanks to those who are supporting me and motivating me to keep writing!!!