Chapter 104:

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 104:

That evening, I had the dinner early and went to the room of requirements for an important work. I had to break the rule of separation.

The Hogwarts rumor mill was running at full force, but I had the dinner early and not many people were at that time. So upto now, nothing major happened today after I that satisfying punch. Except, maybe the fact that McGonagall didn't allow Nyxie into the class (It'll create distractions, Mr. Martin.)

I'm wondering if she'd have still denied my request if I was a Griffindor. Most probably yes. Thus, Nyxie would have to be disillusioned and quiet in McGonagall's class.

We didn't have Potions today, but I'll only bring Nyxie disillusioned in there as well. Severus Snape is not the kind of man that you should even try reasoning with. (You're not in the Slytherin house. End of discussion.)

I entered the room of requirements and took out the Vanishing Cabinet form my pocket. This is the reason I retired early for the day. I need to make sure that this thing is working fine and go to France. As it is, France is already one hour ahead of Britain due to time difference.

After taking out the Vanishing Cabinet, I took out the old book on Vanishing Cabinets that I had bought from Borgin.

The method of making the vanishing cabinets is already lost. The only things that are left are these kinds of books, which have methods to check it, to keep it in optimal condition, and to repair it. If the Vanishing Cabinets were still being made, the people of the magical world would've been using them a lot.

Actually, finding this book wasn't a coincidence. In the sixth part, Borgin had helped Draco in repairing the Cabinet. So, I knew that Borgin must have learned this from somewhere or someone. That's why I had used Legilimency.

After reading Borgin's mind, I found out that, the Vanishing Cabinets were invented by a bloke named Anatole Archibald, a weird but genuis Enchanter.

All the Vanishing Cabinets in existence were made personally by him. He didn't share the method with anyone even at his untimely death. The only things he shared were these books which had enough written in them that you won't need to come disturbing him at every minor problem with your Cabinet. Everyone can imagine why the stubborn fool died early.

I had already read the book in my free time. So I just need to test the Cabinet and repair it if it's not working fine.

I took out my wand and slowly started to cast a spell written in the book after placing my wand into the keyhole. If the Vanishing Cabinet is working fine, the door handle would shine in white light after the magic successfully travels throughout the circuit.

'Damn.' It shined a little at first, then it blinked out.

I opened the cabinet door and found that it had a lot of broken stuff inside it, along with some bones. I whistled.

"Well, let's get started." I felt like I was one of those mechanics in TV shows where they do restoration of old things.

First if all, I cleaned it all with my magic and transferred everything to the Room of lost things.

Then I Transfigured an animated canary and placed it inside.

'One, two, three.' Like a magician, I opened the cabinet after three seconds.


The half for the canary was absent. Whoops, looks like cat ate the canary.

"Mew." Nyxie, who was on my shoulder, wanted to me make more birds after seeing me putting one in the cabinet. I made a bunch for her and she happily flew off to enjoy her hunting her I remained deep in thoughts.

I was hoping that since Peeves didn't drop it this time, it should be in working condition. Though it seems that the cabinet wasn't working even before Peeves dropped it and broke it further. Though, I guess it does make sense. I mean, if this Cabinet was functioning properly, Borgin wouldn't have been selling the other Cabinet, instead he'd be using his free passage into the Hogwarts to it's full potential.

"Sucking too hard on your lollipop,

Or love's gonna get you down~"

I repaired the cabinet following the same instructions on the book as hummed a random song. If Draco Malfoy could fix it in even worse condition, then it couldn't been difficult for me. It took several minutes, and skilled magic casting. After I was done, I did the canary test gain.

"The F***."

It still didn't work. Looks like it's gonna take a while if I follow the book's instructions.

Man, I don't have time for this.

Looks like I'll have to cheat after all. Remembering Esme's crying face, I didn't want to wait.

I activated the trigger and put my hand on the cabinet.

"Reparo." Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

It didn't work. The mending Charm is quite versatile, but the spell frame of the charm only allows limited magic to flow through it, even if you try to overpower it. But my purpose of casting it wasn't fixing the cabinet. I just want to copy the exact magical energy of this spell and then use it without any frame.

I closed my eyes and began concentrating.




I raised both my hands in the air like last time even if Durant had already lowered his wand, "Dad, have you checked the wards? It's me." I grinned.

"Oomph!" At that time, I had to catch a small and soft body. Esme jumped on me from her chair.

I patted her head as I hugged her. "Ah, There. There. Little sister. Didn't I promise I'll come sooner?"

Esme sniffed and nodded while hugging me. At that time, Camille also joined us in the hug. And knowing Durant from the last time, I turned to him.

"What are you feeling shy for? Come join us!"

Durant smiled down at me and after a few seconds he also joined us as well.


The next day, as I sat with my friends, I could hear murmurings from all around as the students threw glances at me and Lockhart.

Yesterday night, after I had explained about the Vanishing Cabinet, I spent time with my family before coming back to Hogwarts after promising to visit weekly. With the whole day spent in classes, library, or with friends, I can't afford to go home every night.

Of course mom was about 'why didn't you tell us earlier?!' And I had to explain just how many things could go wrong about this vanishing cabinet thingy. If I couldn't come, it'd only be giving them false hope. It's better that they didn't have much expectations.


As I looked around the halI, I was glad that I didn't have any Hermione in my group. I can remember from canon that she was quite the Lockhart fangirl. And right now, the Hogwarts rumor mill had done it's job and there were various stories with various versions about what happened actually happened yesterday.

At least, all of my friends from Ravenclaw had some common sense and weren't totally nuts for Lockhart. I don't know how someone as supposedly brilliant as Hermione supported Lockhart for the whole year in Canon. She would always defend him when she should clearly be able to tell that the guy is a fraud. She even took that stupid test seriously.

Even though her talent in magic and memorizing can't be denied, with her SPEW as well as a few other things, you can tell that she also had a screw loose somewhere. Maybe the problem lies with her unreasonably strong trust in teachers and authority figures.

If any girl in my group had turned out to a Lockhart fangirl, I'd have Excommunicated her immediately as well along with Michael.

By the way, the guy in question wasn't allowed to sit with us today. I didn't need to say this directly to him. I just recounted all his flaws to all the other people present here, as well as the times he been talking behind their back about their flaws. Though everything I said was the truth, the way I put it made them absolutely hate the guy. And of course, I added how he just ran away to rat me out yesterday. So, everyone was kinda ignoring him.

On a positive note, we had a new member. Luna Lovegood. She was quite pitiful in canon, and from what I've learned about her upto now, she's actually quite smart though a bit weird. But hey, who's not a bit weird in a house full of nerds? I just had to show my friends that Luna was actually quite smart and boom! She's in. That's all that matters here beside being nice.

Here's Luna's resum.


Can already do few first year spells just from reading about them.


Has read and memorized most of the first year books.


Knowledge Magical creatures. Has upto 7th year knowledge on all Magical creatures. Along with hundreds of rare and obscure ones.


To become a magizoologist and discovering new species of magical creatures.

If you put it all that way in front of these children, they suddenly won't find her that weird or...loony anymore. The main selling point here is her knowledge on magical creatures. She's superior most of us here in that aspect. So, instead of being Loony she's now more of an eccentric genus.


Breakfast wasn't at all peaceful. Everyone was asking us what had happened. And yesterday I had to 'Confundus' Michael Corner, so that the rat doesn't go and spread false rumors. I know his kind. They'll take full chance of an opportunity like this.

By now, the Ravenclaws all knew what had happened, cause my friends had told them. And the Ravenclaws had told many different versions to other houses. So now everyone was asking us which one was true.

Since there were teachers here, no one could do anything if I just ignored them. Some Lockhart's fangirls from all over were glaring at me.

I just smirked. Come at me, you b*tches. This year, you're all gonna see Lockhart destroyed. And it's going to start with our duel.


A.N.: Do me a favour and drop the POWERSTONES here

Read ahead on Ptreon /Snollygoster

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