Chapter 108:Aaah-Haa-Hasseey-Sssseytha-Ssss-Hathehhh-Ssseyaa-Ayaeeh-Seyytha-Ehhh-Esseytha-Ssss

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 108:Aaah-Haa-Hasseey-Sssseytha-Ssss-Hathehhh-Ssseyaa-Ayaeeh-Seyytha-Ehhh-Esseytha-Ssss

After buying the map, I went to the room of requirements. In there, I started making preparations for the chamber of secrets. Well, I had to start it now, since I can't really rest easy hoping that no one has the Diary. It's better to assume that someone already has it and prepare accordingly.

The very first thing I did was,

"Serpensortia." I summoned a snake.

This is the first and foremost thing I needed to do. To summon a snake.


"Well damn." I muttered while backing away.

I had summoned a f*cking cobra on my first try. It was about 3 metres long, with a brown body, with white patterns. as it landed on the floor with a thud and began examining his surroundings while flicking it's tongue.

'Lets get started.'

Concentrating on snake, I opened my mouth and said,

"Hi - I - am - Chris. I'm - not - going - to - attack -you." I said slowly. The snake turned it's head towards me and it looked like it was preparing to attack me.

I frowned. Did it not work? I turned to Nyxie, "Hey did I speak a different language just now?" I asked her.

Nyxie tilted her head and looked at me,


(Is something wrong with your head??)


Alright, I can't normally speak parseltongue. But... I still have a hope! This time, I concentrated a lot and entered my dragon transformation. I looked at the cobra which was all coiled up, read to attack me and open my mouth


This time, the snake began spreading its neck-flap, raising its head upright, puffing, and hissing.


I couldn't understand a word it was saying.

Needless to say, I don't know jackshit about what I said earlier. I was just trying to produce hissing noises similar how I once saw Harry do. I just ended up making an even bigger fool of myself in front of Nyxie.

Sighing, I vanished the snake sat back down on the couch. I don't know what I was expecting. I just thought that since dragons and snakes are both reptiles, there's a chance that I'd be able to talk to snakes. But well, it's understandable that it didn't work. Even humans can't understand monkeys or chimpanzees even though they're quite similar.

I punched my fist. There goes my plan of keeping a giant Basilisk in my backyard. It obviously won't work. I was even planning on showing my giant Basilisk to Dora.

...Dirty jokes aside, she actually likes snakes. Snakes and rabbits. Isn't she unique?

She has said multiple times that she'd totally have tried to go into Slytherin if her parents hadn't talked her out of it. Dora's Patronus is a rabbit so she apparently likes rabbits more though. Maybe because snakes are usually associated with the Slytherin house. And she hates Slytherin house.

Though the subject of Dragons is a bit complicated due to Charlie Weasley. She does like Nyxie, though Nyxie doesn't seem to like her back for some reason. But over the months, she had somehow managed to make her presence tolerable to Nyxie.

Anyways, I'll need to think about some other ways to deal with the Chamber of Secrets. Man, I knew this wasn't gonna end so easily. But whatever, right now I need to go to my family.

I took out the Vanishing Cabinet from my Newt-case. I don't wanna leave it in the room of requirements. If anyone somehow finds it, they'll have direct access to my home. And Though I've warned my family members against stepping into it, but in case someone does mistakenly enters, they'll still be fine since Newt-case is habitable. That's why I haven't put in a normal extendable pocket.

I entered it and came out on other side in my room no wait This isn't my room, it's Esme's!

As I looked around, I saw Esme sitting at her study table, trying to study while Camille helped her while sitting beside her. Both hadn't noticed my presence.

"Ahem, ahem," I cleared my throat.

"Yeah well, you're using your own magic as well. Just use the stored magic, mom." I pointed out. I think she'll figure it out with just this much.

She did a Lumos again and this time, the wand glowed normally.

"Wow. It's so much easier to do magic with it..." She muttered.

'Well, if it's made from materials that are enough to buy the whole Ollivander shop. Of course it'll be easier to cast magic with it.' I thought inwardly. Though all the material is actually stolen from rich muggles. Though, needless to say, only I can make it. Like my magic casting, my rune carving is also unique, but that's a story of another time. And of course, sensing magic helps me in figuring out the best ratios in alloys and best sequences in runes.

It's quite funny really. Just how much I can abuse my simple ability to sense magic in this world. It can even be a meme!

God to a random soon to be reincarnator: I'll reincarnate you to a Harry Potter world.

Reincarnator: What are my golden fingers??

God: You'll be able to sense magic, And that too, only the magic that you're in direct contact with.

Reincarnator: Wtf! What kind of shitty power is that?! What can I even do with it?! This power doesn't seem like much.

God sighed in extreme exasperation.

"Well, say this to the dude who became a f*cking God with just this."

While I was lost in thought, I felt a tug on clothes and saw that was looking at me impatiently. I turned around to see that mom was still playing with the wand.

I sighed, "Madame Martin, it's not a toy and you're not a kid. Let Esme try it, please."

"Oh." Camille smiled embarrassedly as she quickly handed the wand over to Esme.

Esme giddily took the wand in her hands and tried to do magic for the very first time.

"Lumos!" She said, while doing the wand motion.

And there was a little spark but it quickly went out. Well, magic is not that easy for kids. Even I could only do it so easily during my first time because I could sense it and call it forward easily and also had an adult mind.

Esme got a bit sad that it didn't work on the first try.

I patted her head. "Don't be disappointed, Esme. It was very good for your first try. The incantation and wand movement were perfect. You just need to train your intent. Then I'll teach you the minor details which will help you cast more complicated spells." I entered teacher. Taking out my wand, I cut down all the lights in the room, plunging us into darkness.

Esme got tense by the sudden darkness and put a hand on her shoulder. "Now Esme, try the spell again, to create light in this dark room." This is the easiest way to make her realize the effect of intent.

"Lumos." She said, and the wand tip glowed bright, making three faces dimly visible to me.

"Yeah! You did it, Esm" wait a second, three? There were two other faces here.

"Aaaaaaa!" Camille screamed and fire a purple spell at the fourth silhouette. Camille without her occlumency shields activite is quite lively, huh? (Why the hell would she keep them on when she's happily spending time with her kids? It dampens your emotions.)

The silhouette casted a shield and his face became fully visible. Ah, it's just Durant.

Really man, with ghosts and spirits being real in this world, you can't really be sure all the time.


On the next Monday,

after classes, I asked Harry how to say "Open", "Close" , "Stairs" , etc in Parseltongue. I have high hopes of it working, since Ron did it in canon.

It's time I paid the chamber of secrets a visit.