Chapter 163: The Final showdown

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 163: The Final showdown

The Corpomency shield defended Chris quite easily from Durant's attack. Though... the rainbow color of the semi-translucent shield gained more of a purplish hue after that.

The round shield opened up from the top and Chris's annoyed face, which was looking a bit blurry became fully visible.

Only after he'd seen the power of the Flames did Chris realize that he'd unknowingly used Dragontongue for that one. All types of fire magic of Chris are already quite enhanced. And, if he added the Dragontongue into the mix... well, the results are like that.

The heat was enough to put his clothes on fire. He had to prevent that from happening as well. And while he was busy in this, those f*cking tigers had exploded, making him subconsciously use the Corpomency.

Now a lot was exposed.

'Now, what do I do with this?' he thought as he glanced at the Corpomency shield which had a slightly purplish hue.

At this moment, Durant raised his wand, "Let's end this," he said, and without waiting for his response Durant raised his wand straight up into the air.


And in the next moment, his wand lit up brightly and a wave of magic spread out in all directions.

"Damn," muttered Chris.

This spell was huge. Chris didn't think he had this much magic to spare. He's really serious now.

In the next moment, the ground and the furniture started shaking. Chunks of the debris got torn out of the ground and started to split into thin structures.

Chris raised his wand to attack Durant but a massive amount of debris was blocking him.

Outside the dueling ring, everyone who was watching took distance. And Camille ground her teeth when she saw just what spell Durant was using.

'He got carried away,' she thought furiously. A spell of this scale is very difficult to control and incredibly destructive. What if her son gets hurt?!

Camille prepared her blood just in case something untoward happens to Chris.

Chris on the other just decided to depend on Corpomency.

'Well, I've already come this far. I might as well use 'that' feature of the shield.

If he tried to block this whole magic, he'll soon run of magic. Thus he'll either have to give up now and admit defeat, or just do 'it'.

He looked at his mom who was looking at him in worry.

"Will you still treat me the same after this?" He whispered, but Camille heard it loud and clear. And she just realized that Chris and her suffering from the same problem. Both have the same reason for hiding their secrets.

She smiled and nodded her head excessively, "Yes, you silly child! Mom will always love you, no matter what," she whispered back, but Chris was also able to understand it just by reading her lips.

Chris sighed And the semi-translucent Corpomency shield covered his body once again.

Durant looked at Chris in surprise. He was expecting Chris to start attacking the moment he had blocked the explosion of the tigers. But for some reason, Chris still hadn't dispelled his shield and was only defending.

Logically, he should have tried to destroy as much debris as possible before the attack began, but he didn't... or couldn't.

'Is it perhaps... some kind of limitation or handicap due to the shield?' He wasn't sure. The shield was definitely something if took those explosions with a single dent.

Only a few seconds had passed, and by now, all the debris had turned into sharp and strong spikes which were all just floating in the air randomly. This spell is capable of both attack and defense, but since Chris didn't attack him, he decided to proceed with the attack.

"Cible," muttered Durant as he brought down his wand and pointed it straight at Chris.


And in response, hundreds of thousands of spikes pointed sharply turned their pointed ends at Chris as well.

"Oh... hell," muttered Chris.

He raised his wand and made changes to his Corpomency shield as well. The shield expanded and size and got thicker as well. Corpomency is amazing. And today, he's gonna reveal just why it's own of his OP-est abilities.

"Va!" Durant ordered, and about a hundred spikes suddenly came at him like shooting stars. None was aimed at him. They were aimed at the shield.

*Chink* *Chink* *Chink* *Chink*...

All of them got stuck in Corpomency shield. None could penetrate it. And then, all of them fell to the ground uselessly. The only difference was that, the purplish hue has increased a bit. Chris clicked his tongue.

On the other hand, Durant nodded in appreciation. This spell was definitely turning out to be more and more interesting.

It seems customizable according to the situation. That can be very useful.

And its shielding capacity seems absurd. After the explosions and spikes, there's still not a dent.

'It seems I don't need to worry about hurting him,'

"Tell me when you can't hold it anymore," he called out helpfully, since it's not a serious duel but just a way to get an idea about his abilities in order to make arrangements for his protection.

But inside the Shield, Chris showed no reaction. Just a bored face. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

In this setting, he doesn't have to block all the force which is applied. He's merely converting it into a different form.

Thus, the shield does not have to suffer the damage of resisting and nullifying the energy of the attack by compromising its own energy. This saves him a hell lot of magic, since he doesn't have to constantly reinforce the shield by pouring in more.

Though since it's still in the experimental phase, he wasn't willing to test it's limits. If the Durant went all out and the kinetic force went out of his control... even though he'd be alright inside the shield, the people present here might be in danger.

'Well, it turned out just fine,'

But... at this moment, Chris suddenly realized that everyone was looking at him with blank expressions.

Realizing that might have a lot to answer right for right now, he did the most logical thing.



He fell back to the ground, looking totally drained and exhausted, as if he might die from exhaustion the next moment.

It was indeed most logical for him to be in this state after pulling off that stunt. He is, by no means, trying to buy time to formulate a proper explanation for everything!

'Oh, come on!' Dora rolled her eyes in exasperation. During his first year, this guy has pulled the same truck on her a lot of times after just spamming a few spells far above his year grade. Needless to say, Dora at that time had fallen for his act and gave her full attention and care in nursing him.

Camille also smiled knowingly seeing him act. He's still right as rain. Camille suspected he could still go another round easily.

But of course, the rest of the people weren't an exception as they all fell for his act.

"Chris!" Surprisingly, the one who got the most worried was Fleur. She worriedly ran to his side and kneeled as she checked his condition.

Camille sighed and just decided to not expose her son. Yet again. She went to his side as well and checked his condition.

"He's alright, Fleur," she said after her fake diagnosis, "He just needs some rest. The duel must have taken a lot from him," she murmured as she glared at her husband.

Fleur looked at Chris who only seemed semiconscious,

"T-Then... I'll escort him to his room," she said and levitated him through his clothes, "A-After all, he did the same for me," she felt the need to clarify.

Camille smiled gratefully at Fleur and nodded. But inwardly, she thought that her son had dodged one bullet by fainting, but he had stepped into a minefield instead as she glanced at Dora whose expression wasn't so good.


Fleur levitated Chris who was half-conscious to his room, but after climbing the stairs, she decided to support him the rest of the way. She thought it was only fair since Chris did the same for her that night.

She wasn't aware that she was wearing a dress that night, and by the way, she was struggling in her drunk state, she would have ripped out of her dress if Chris tried levitating her through her dress.

Chris groaned, "I... I can walk," he said weakly as got out of her embrace. He can't afford the consequences. Fleur still insisted. Thus, Chris walked the rest of the way while taking minimal support from Fleur and making sure it didn't look inappropriate.

They finally reached Chris's bedroom and Fleur stopped.

"Um... Chris?"

"... Yeah?"

"I've been trying to talk about it for a while but haven't been able to get a chance. I... I wanted to thank you for the last helping me out at the selection tournament. Louise told me about the poison,"

Chris sighed, "I don't know what you're talking about," he murmured.

Fleur laughed bitterly, "You don't need to worry about the secret of the antidote. I'll always keep it a secret and won't ask any question about it. I... just want to thank you and let you know that, Fleur Delacour is in your life long debt,"

Chris shook his head, "There's no"

"There's no debt in family, only favors," said Fleur, cutting him off while quoting him. "I know. Then, it's a favor. I'll add it to the long list that's been compiling including those Jewelries. Just let us know if you need anything from your family," she smiled, "The Delacours always return the favors,"

Chris shook his head, "But you did help me out a lot. The precious materials, equipments and those priceless books..." began counting out. Despite his best efforts, the Delacours still insisted on helping him out. And the things he got are all quite useful.

"Whether you believe it or not, it FAR from enough," she said firmly, and hugged him as thanks and goodbye. It was a simple hug, and yet, Chris felt that he was making a mistake.

And his premonition was right, because...

Dora was currently standing just a meter away, under Stealth.


A.N: Oooh man, just imagine Chris's surprise if she deactivates stealth and casually clears clears her throat right now.

Powerstones please! Find out what happens next! Here's the clue along with the title of the next chapter:

"I'd like to sleep with your daughter,"

R-18 will only come if powerstones are given! /Snollygoster for advanced chapters.

It's a new month!