Chapter 168: Farewell and Harry's new friend

Name:HP: I Have "Pure" Magic Author:
Chapter 168: Farewell and Harry's new friend

Chapter 164

The next morning-

On Dora's bed, Chris laid on his back while Dora's naked body was wrapped around him with her head resting on his shoulder. Both of them were completely naked.

"Sigh It seems like we have to go now," said Chris, his hand resting on Dora's ass giving it a nice squeeze.

"Hm... Don't wanna," moaned Dora as she nuzzled his chest.

They had been on it for the whole night and were now cuddling as Chris used pure magic on both of their bodies to remove the hickeys that were covering their bodies.

It also restored their stamina and temporarily remove the sleepiness to the lack of sleep.

Currently, Chris had a satisfied smile on his face, while Dora's face was practically glowing. She had drunk a lot of magic liquid last night.

Unwillingly, they both got dressed after some cleaning charms.

"You go first. I'll say goodbye to my parents," said Dora as she asked him to apparate away. After all, they can't be seen exiting the same room. She was thinking that Chris somehow sneaked into her room last night.

"If you want to meet them, come from the front door."

'Oh right she doesn't know,' Chris realized.

Chris smiled kindly at her, "There's no need for that, babe." he said as he picked her up directly into a princess carry.

"Hey! Put me down!"

"There's no need!" Chris repeated his words as he carried her downstairs as if he owned the house.

"Chris! Don't joke around! Why're you doing this?!" She asked alarmed as she tried to lower her voice.

But her protests were ignored as Chris flew downstairs while carrying her and walked into the dining room while carrying Dora as if he was just walking in his own home.

"Gummorning!" He greeted them brightly his future in-laws.

Dora pinched Chris's shoulder as she hurriedly climbed out of his embrace.

And right now, as she saw her parents' knowing expressions, only then did she realize that her parents might know what went on last night.

"...Good Morning?" She tried to act casual, thinking that it was just her imagination.

But that hope was quickly shattered when Andromeda smiled a full-blown smile while looking Dora up and down,

"It seems that you enjoyed your first time," she, noticing her daughter who was looking more charming than usual. Her eyes were very bright and her cheeks seem to have a permanent blush.

There was a different radiance to her face as it seems like all the burdens she was carrying had been blown away.


But Dora was thrown completely out of the loop. 'They already know?!' She looked at her dad and got the confirmation.

Ted was looking at her with a bittersweet expression on his face which seemed to say 'my daughter had already grown up'.

"No" she murmured, "Nonononono...NO!" cringing in embarrassment she looked towards the only person who could be responsible for this.

Chris, who was casually leaning against the table with his hands folded simply shrugged while enjoying the show, "I took your parents' consent before bedding you. So that you can't use that excuse," he clarified.

"...." Dora was speechless. But it did make sense. It was just like him to do things that no one else would think of doing.

She could just imagine him brazenly asking her parents to let him sleep with their daughter with the absolute certainty of getting even getting the consent. (He wouldn't bother asking if there is a possibility of getting denied)

Dora almost suffered a death-by-embarrassment. The situation couldn't be been more embarrassing "Mom! Dad! It's not like that! We didn't have sex! We"

She was trying to make it less embarrassing but Andromeda cut her off, "You didn't have sex?! That means you're STILL a virgin?!" She asked, looking heavily disappointed. "You're making such a perfect man wait."

Dora's eyes became as dead as a dead fish's eyes. She was proven wrong. The situation just became a hundred times more embarrassing.

Chris and Dora stood on the Martin Manor grounds. Moody and his parents stood in the distance, talking. It was time for the final farewell.

Currently, Chris was saying patting the heads of the two snakes wrapped around his neck while Dora was still sulking about her earlier embarrassment.

"I'll get you for this," promised Dora darkly as she remembered her embarrassing farewell with her parents. Even though she said this, she didn't mean it at all.

Chris just ignored her as he focused on bidding farewells to his daughters as he continued patting and scratching their favorite spot, "You know it was the right thing to do. They'd been worried for all this time," he said as he glanced at her for a second.

They had been blaming themselves for Dora's suffering. If only they had the wealth and influence, Dora wouldn't have had to live such a tough childhood.

Chris patted both of their heads.

"We'll keep talking through the bond, so don't worry much. I've stored all of your favorite snacks inside the bag. Sally, you make sure Cindy doesn't overeat. And also, take care of your mom, you two. She'll cry after we've separated, so keep her company." He smiled at each of them, "Goodbye, and I love you all," he said as he kissed each of them on the forehead.

Sally unwillingly got to Dora's shoulder, while Cindy looked at Chris with wide eyes as if realizing she'll be separating from now. She was just a little girl, so it was normal for her to be like this.

Although she's always been more affectionate towards Dora, she's only now realizing that she'll be very sad without her dad.

"Cindy" Chris tried to unwind her from his neck but the little girl wasn't letting go as she coiled around his neck tightly.


But, at this moment, Selena hissed at Cindy, and the girl slowly calmed down.

Chris's eyes widened when he realized what she'd said, or more with the certainty with which she'd said it.

'We'll meet him soon,' she'd said, as if she's seen the future.


Kings Cross, platform 9

Chris walked along the platform with Nyxie on his shoulder.

Even though she was happy for finally being able to have daddy to herself, Nyixe still missed Sally and Cindy, her little sisters who have to stay away from daddy, so overall, she was sad.

She's come quite far from the snappish jealous dragon she was at the beginning.

As Chris walked along the platform, from time to time, students would point fingers and gesture towards him while talking in low voices. But, he could hear it all.

Though he was a bit infamous for his brutality in Quidditch and his beat down of Lockhart.

He was also famous after his many activities here. The news about his getting a Special Service Award had made it to the daily prophet, and there were a few articles about his Hogwarts Home Club as well.

Chris smiled wryly as he heard some seventh-year girls talking about him. If it was only so easy to get Dora.

He waved at them as he passed by, "Sorry girls, but I'm already taken,"

The girl paused their whispering as their eyes widened. They never thought that Chris could hear them.

Chris winked at them as he proceeded to find the compartment where Harry was sitting.

Chris: Where're you at, bruv?

Harry: In compartment no. 36

Chris: Do you have a sus-looking bloke in shabby clothes as well?

Harry: YES! How did know?

Chris sighed as he saw Harry's message. It seems like some things never changed. He doesn't want to sit in the compartment, but it seems like he has to since dementors can actually be dangerous.

Since he now had friends in almost all years at Hogwarts, if they all started to greet him, it'll take too much time. Thus, he applied a notice me not and proceeded towards Harry's compartment.

Harry was already waiting for him at the door, "Long time no see," he said he they hugged and thumped each other's shoulders.

"Yeah man, how was summer?" He asked, thinking about Black.

Harry grinned, "It was actually great. My aunt and uncle took Dudley to visit Marge at the mental institution, and I declined to go, so I had the whole house to myself," he said happily.

Apparently, Marge had turned out to be in the category of people that really tempted Chris to destroy them just by existing. The same category as Lockhart.

Thus... her sudden transition to the mental institute for being found publically fornicating with about 5 dogs at the same time was entirely a coincidence.

Chris's smiled, "Oh? What did you do alone all the time? Did you not get bored or lonely?"

Harry laughed, "Bored? Hell no. U practiced the magics you taught me at the Potter manor and I played video games for the rest of the time at the Dursleys,"

Harry can have his house-elves teleport him anywhere at any time, so he could go to his manor anytime.

"And as for loneliness," Harry grinned. I made a new friend. It's an amazing dog!"


A.N.: Butterfly effects. Yeah, that's him.

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Pat /Snollygoste