Chapter 183: Axel Vs Kyrin Tenebrous

Name:HP: The Arcane Thief Author:
Chapter 183: Axel Vs Kyrin Tenebrous

When Kurai sensei revealed her actual intentions behind recruiting Axel, Akiko had really panicked.

Kyrin Tenebrous, or Kurai Sensei, is not exactly a good person. But, she can't be called bad either. If she really has to evaluate her personality, then she would be good, but less good than Axel, and bad, but less bad than Axel.

Axel is good to the people he is familiar with. Too good. To the point that you completely forget he's the same person who had you sign a slave contract when you were a stranger (Potential Threat) to him.

Similarly, due to having known Akiko's parents, Kurai Sensei has always been so good to her that she had forgotten that she could be someone who would try to find out Axel's secrets against his will.

That's why, she was truly panicked and conflicted when she found out Kurai Sensei's intentions. Her only consolation was the fact that there was a high chance Axel will not accept the offer.

Axel is really cautious. And the offer was filled with red flags. First of all, Axel always likes to have the initiative, as well as the upper hand. But that is not the case here. Kurai Sensei has the initiative, recruiting him with unknown intentions, and she has the upper hand, having seven star authority and home domain.

Aside from this, Axel also doesn't like being threatened. By exposing his identity and telling him to not reject her this time, she is basically pissing Axel off by threatening him. With his extreme petiness, if not today, he would definitely get back at her someday for this.

Combining all this, Akiko didn't think Axel would come right now, which would give her time to mediate the situation.

But her expectations were brilliantly contradicted when Axel actually showed up! But, in a very Axel-like fashion, ensuring his safety.

With the situation like this, Akiko was at least sure of one thing: She was being stupid. She never needed to worry about Axel, who worries enough for himself. Witness the debut of this chapter, unveiled through Ñôv€l--B1n.

Feeling relieved, a genuine smile came upon Akiko's lips.

"What the—?"

On the other hand, suddenly seeing Akiko out of the blue, Axel thought he might be hallucinating. How else would he see her here in Atlantis?

Just yesterday, he had bade farewell to her and thought he might not see her again for months. But now, here she is, smiling at him as if reuniting after a long while.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Even as he asked her that, Axel felt that it was a silly question. The answer was quite apparent to him. It was the lady sitting on the couch who was currently glaring at him.

It was clear that Akiko came here with Kurai Sensei. Kurai Sensei must have already known about Akiko's ability and her hatred for Kraken. There is no way Kurai Sensei would miss such an opportunity, and there is no way Akiko would refuse such an offer.

It also made more sense why this girl never once expressed her intention to tag along with him. She was already coming on her own. Why would she need to go with him? She didn't even tell him in case he tried to persuade her to not go.

"Why am I not surprised?" he muttered, shaking his head ruefully.

Akiko nodded. "You can't blame me."

On the other hand, looking at the crowd gathered in front of her hideout, and the person she wanted to meet standing right in front of her, Kyrin gritted her teeth. Now that everyone's attention was focused on him, there's no way she could execute her plan.

Was it really a coincidence that this kid brought so many people here? The kid is either a goof running after fame, or a cunning and cautious fox.

The former that can be easily eliminated. If he really liked to brag for attention, there's no way he would have held back so much of his abilities. That means he is cautious to the point of anticipating her intentions and ensuring his safety just in case she had bad intentions.

"I didn't take you for a coward," she jabbed, causing Axel's eyes to snap back on her. "Neither did I know that you have so little faith in me," she said, letting him know that she knew the exact reason why he came with such a huge entourage.

Axel just smirked. "Trust me, it's for your own safety."

Kyrin raised her eyebrows. "Oh really?" Suddenly, dark tentacles stretched out from Axel's shadow and wrapped around him, binding him to the spot.

"Tell me, how exactly is it for my safety?" She asked, crossing her legs.

Axel was still calm. "Well, if you were really serious, that knife would have been buried into your head," he said, nodding at the space beside her.

?? Kyrin followed Axel's line of sight, only to see a knife buried to the hilt right beside her head.

"That would have ended our cooperation prematurely, would it not, sensei?"


Kyrin was in shock. For the first time in a while, she felt it. The threat of death. That knife throw just now was no ordinary move. Even with all her passive abilities, she was unable to detect anything. If Axel could increase the damage output of that throw, which she was almost certain he could, there was a chance she could have died.

The bindings around Axel became tighter, and for a moment, she considered going further.

"I would not if I were you," But Axel's eyes seemed to penetrate her head, looking at her warningly. Suddenly, his hand was free of the dark tentacles as a knife twirled between his fingers. "You can try going further. But no matter what happens to me, I can't guarantee your safety a second time," his easygoing attitude was gone as he warned her seriously this time.

But, with the last clause worded like that, Kurai Sensei won't be able to reveal it do anything about it, even if she somehow finds out later.

This is like an insurance to avoid future troubles.

Unaware of this fact, Kurai sensei accepted the term without thinking much.

After confirming with the system for any traps, finally, Axel signed the contract.

"Well, welcome to the black ops."

"Welcome, Axel." Estris also welcomed him, appearing neither happy nor sad. "Here is your badge. The rest of your gear will be delivered soon as well."

I've also updated your information in the main server, so now your bracelet will have four star clearance. Don't lose these two."

Axel nodded, looking at Estris. How to say it? This girl, who appears to be a teenager, is extremely capable in her work. He could also sense a strange sense of danger from her. He was glad things ended peacefully just now.

"Anyways," Kurai sensei leaned forward. "Now that you're a member, I'm going to give you your very first assignment," she said sombrely.

"Already?" Axel raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect to be given an assignment already.

"Well, it's an Elite Division. What did you expect? We don't keep our members idle. Why else do you think you aren't seeing the other members."

That did make sense. This is the Black Ops division. Most of the members would already be doing some covert operations or gathering information.

Filled with anticipation, Axel readied himself for whatever mission he will be given. Is it a test of his skills? Or were they already hunting targets? What would be the difficulty?

"Your first mission: Familiarize yourself with Atlantis," said Kyrin with a go-away gesture.


"It's as you heard. You're really a fish here (noob). Go learn some common sense. Familiarize yourself with the new environment. Learn as many things that are different here as possible. I don't want your fish-iness to affect our serious mission."

"Aki, you're new too. You get the same assignment."

"Yes, Sensei!" Akiko nodded. Even hough she didn't have much of an expression, she looked happy. Kurai only shake her head murmur things like 'love' and 'it's good to be young.

Akiko was indeed happy, but for a different reason. Things had actually ended up fine! There was no bloodshed! With Axel's bad luck for trouble, she was already preparing her actions after things would go wrong.

If she shielded Axel, Kurai Sensei would have no choice but to let him go. So, that's what she was planning to do.

Unexpectedly but fortunately, things actually ended smoothly, and now Axel and Kurai Sensei, two formidable individuals, were going to work together to destroy Kraken.

She was definitely happy.

Kyein couldn't watch it any longer. "Now, off you go. I have more interviews to take."

While leaving, Akiko silently RIPed the next interviewee who was going to come. Kurai Sensei's frustration from this interview will definitely be transferred to the next individual.

"Don't take more than a day. You two have Black ops classes tomorrow," Kyrin called out to the two 'love birds' who were leaving...

...Not knowing what trouble they'll get into in this 'outing'.



Next: Outing

next next: Akiko's feelings

Next next next: Another Attack Axel Crushing Mobs

Next... next: Dire /Snollygoste