Chapter 229: The Will To Live

Name:HP: The Arcane Thief Author:
Chapter 229: The Will To Live

"Why... Just why are you still alive?!"

Antilla, General, Kyrin, Ender, Willis, Estris, Sylthia, Akiko.... None of these dangerous people were averse to brutality. Each of them has rich experience in combat. They have even killed many.

But, never in their long careers have ever seen comes anything close to what they were witnessing right now.

In the past vision of the battle, facing against Aslot was a person floating in air.

The first thing that came to everyone's mind was: is that a biomaton?

Because no matter what, any human being with that condition should not be alive, let alone fight in a battle.

The clothes, along with the outer layer of the skin was basically gone, except for vital parts. Blood mixed with water could be seen flowing in and out of various injuries. The muscles were rebuilding themselves in real-time, wriggling and contracting.

Could this person still be called human?

Could any human still move in this condition, let alone fight?

The only reason this person was alive and not a zombie was determined by the glowing blue eyes, which had specks of amber blazing within.

Those eyes... were very much alive.

Bile rose up in Antilla's throat. Her head was spinning. No matter what the condition, there is no way she wouldn't recognize her own Nephew, whose image was now deeply ingrained in her mind.

It's just that her mind refused to believe it. What they were seeing had already happened. So, If that was Axel, then that means he was in the blast radius.

What does that mean?

That he is dead.

"Is... Is there anything we can do?" She asked Estris in desperation, looking at Aslot who was gathering his power for another attack.

"I'm afraid I can't influence death, princess," said Estris as bowed her head. She could influence time, but not to the extent of reversing deaths.

Like the princess, Estris also concluded that the prince was already dead. Not even counting the blast, just because he is in front of Aslot, there should be no escape. A huge amount of power was currently coalescing around Aslot. No matter how he fought previously, he is obviously serious noq.

Antilla could do nothing but watch further in mortification. '

Something inside Antilla broke.

He's gone... And he suffered a lot before dying. Aslot could have obviously killed him easily, but... to drag on until he was in that condition...

Estris closed the vision. They could investigate exactly what happened later but she didn't know if she should make the princess her Nephew die.

There was a deathly silence, broken only by the Princess's heartrending sobs.

"Can I... see more?"

It was Akiko who asked that. Her fists were clenched and her eyes were red. Everyone else might have missed it, but she clearly saw it in his eyes. Axel... still had plenty of fight left in him.


Estris was at a loss, glancing towards the princess. It seems that Boss's goddaughter is a bit tactless. Some things are better left unchecked. She wants to see the Crown Prince's death in front of the Princess.

"Aki..." Just when Kyrin was going to reprimand her, the princess spoke.

"Continue," she said, raising her head. "I have to see him to the end."

"Princess," said the General, but Antilla shook her head with determination.

"It's the least I can do... The only thing I can do for him."

At this moment, Axel, whom everyone to fall any time, actually sneering, revealing blood teeth.

"It's not so easy to kill me." He declared. The water elemental energy around him intensified in response. At this moment, despite his completely ragged appearance, he radiated unquestionable majesty.

"Water Affinity..."

Kyrin's eyes widened realization. When watching his trial, when meeting him again in Atlantis, and when sparring against him, she had almost felt a sense of danger from him. It was obvious that he was incomparably weaker compared to her, who had the power of darkness relic, but instinct always told her otherwise. It was only now that she understood the reason.

Water Affinity. An extremely high one at that.

The bastard has been hiding such a dangerous card all this while. Kyrin let out a hollow laugh. She had finally figured it out, but does it matter anymore?

"Such high affinity at that age...." the General trailed off, disbelief apparent in his voice. An ordinary person might not have been able to understand, but having served three generations, his experienced eyes could of course understand the sheer absurdity of the situation.

The Royal Bloodline needs to be strengthened from an early age through various types of training and operations. And even after that, he had never witnessed nor heard of such an existence.

So, seeing Axel, you was only thirteen and half dead, wielding such pure water energy was of course unbelievable.

"It's not only the Affinity. He's using it with Royal Water Arts!" Said Antilla.

"T-There's wind too!" Slythia blurted out. Not only did Axel have water affinity, but there were traces of wind affinity too. As the Relic Wielder of the Varnox Septis, she could of course tell. "And he's using Varnox Wind Arts! How did he learn those?!"

But the group wasn't given the time to marvel at Axel Aslot launched his attack. A huge amount of magic coalesced around Aslot and when and then, he released it all at once towards Axel.


The water was released towards Axel, its speed enhanced for wind to the point of creating sonic booms. Axel was engulfed in the combined might of Aslot's wind and water.

Axel moved at the last moment, deflecting away the majority of the attack but he was once again thrown away like a rag doll.

"Stop...." Antilla closed her eyes. Her feet became unsteady, causing Ender to support her.

This can't be happening. Another family member, dying from the same spell, the hands of the same man.

"[Soul Extinguisher]"

But even with her eyes closed, Antilla still heard the words.


The piercing, heart-rending shriek of pure unadulterated pain that followed... would haunt her for her lifetime.

She was expecting to die instantly. Horrified, Antilla opened her eyes, saw Axel's body lying on the ground, writhing uncontrollably. His voice was completely distorted due to the damage to his throat, but his screams still didn't stop. His hands and feet broke down at angles and his head turned 180 degree, but his pain did not seem to stop.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Antilla screamed at the top of her lungs.

Ender, who was holding her, could understand Antilla. Through the King, who had been saved by the Royal Relic, they knew that the pain and suffering caused by the [Soul Extinguisher] makes painifera seem like mosquito bite. And right now, Axel was going through that pain.

For some reason, like the king, he was also not given instant death.

Akiko watched the scene without blinking. Unlike others, she was acutely aware of Axel's inhuman tolerance for pain. When sparring with him, she had to completely change her fighting style since you can expect him to even flinch no matter how badly you injure him. She already knew he had survived 10 minutes of Crutiatus. And as for the Infamous Painfera that even Kyrin Sensei fears? He didn't even react to it.


What kind of pain is he in...

To be screaming and writhing like that?

Akiko was an extremely vengeful person. When she heard about her parents' death, even though she heard they didn't suffer, she was still filled with rage. All she wanted was revenge. Kyrin Sensei came to her with three heads, who were the main culprits. That was somewhat comforting, but it was far from enough. She wanted the whole organization.

But, that was before she met him.

At some point, Axel had already become far more important than her revenge against the Organisation. It was to the point that the main reason she followed Kyrin sensei here was to make sure he doesn't get himself killed.

And right now, watching Axel like that, a new level of rage built up inside her. Her vision turned red, because blood was dripping from her eyes.

But no one noticed, because they couldn't take their eyes off the brutal scene in the vision.

Axel had stopped screaming, because he had already stopped breathing. But his body was still spasming, showing that the pain hadn't stopped.

[Soul Extinguisher] is supposed to grant instant death. "W-What... is h-happening?" Asked Sylthia. She was crying. And she couldn't be blamed. If you're a human being, you'd inevitably feel the pain upon witnessing this scene.

"He... is not giving in," said the General, his eyes red. "His Body and Soul are dying, but his will is not."

Antilla buried her head in Ender's shoulder and cried bitterly.

Minutes passed, and Axel's body slowly stopped moving, not because the pain had stopped, but because his body functions had completely stopped.

"I-Is... Is he....?" Sylthia couldn't bear to finish the question.

Did Axel finally die?

No one answered. Watching his suffering made death seem like a mercy. But at the same time, his will to survive made it even more heartbreaking.

When they thought it was over, Kyrin pointed at the vision again. "There's movement."

Sure enough, there was. Axel was not still not moving, but the water around him was. It was slowly seeming into his body.

Then, in the silence, they heard it.


A distinct heartbeat, followed by another.

"What... What is happening?" Asked Estris in confusion.

Kyrin clenched her fists. "He is, using water to make his heart beat."

Everyone felt goosebumps rippling on their skin when they heard it. This will to live. This desperation towards life. It was scalp-tingling.

What? You are suffering from unimaginable pain, and you hold on, after long minutes of suffering, when you finally die, you still force your heart to beat.

But, it was obviously ineffective. The heartbeat was very weak, and it was getting weaker and weaker.

"How... is he not dying?" Ender could no longer hold back from asking. "Wasn't it supposed to be instant death?!"

The question was valid. It is impossible to survive the [Soul Extinguisher]. Watching Axel struggle in vain is painful for both him, for going through it, and for them, for having to watch without being able to do anything.

The most painful part is that, even though you struggle, death is still a 100% certainty. Then why is he not giving up and taking this pain?

No one had the answer to that.

But they soon got it.

Suddenly, Axel's eyes shot open. Now that they were seeing his eyes in a close for the first time, the anomaly was apparent. Instead of the blue glow that they could see back then, they were now glowing a dull amber.


A.N.: POWERSTONES! Today and tomorrow