Chapter 233: Revenge for Axel

Name:HP: The Arcane Thief Author:
Chapter 233: Revenge for Axel

When they leaders almost couldn't wait any longer, the General finally allowed for questions.

"General... Uh, I would like to know, where has the Crown Prince been this whole time?"

"Yeah, and why did we never know about his existence?"

"Also, how did he get so skilled? Was he trained in secrecy?"

As soon as the General allowed for it, questions began pouring in since everyone had been bursting with doubts and curiosity this whole time.

The General raised his hand to stop the tide before there were too many questions to answer.

"To answer your questions, first off, we were not aware of the Crown Prince's existence. The Kraken seemed to have found out first and sent two of their Overseers for him, which he managed to defeat on his own."

"Also, we do not know how he got so skilled. He grew up in an orphanage in the outer world and attended the local academy with no help from us. So there is a possibility that he's self-taught."

The answers caught everyone off-guard. They had been thinking that the Crown Prince had been secretly trained this whole time as a secret weapon against the Organisation. But that does not seem to be the case.

"The Crown Prince, living in an outer world orphanage?!"


"How could this be?!"

Instead, they heard the most offensive news ever. Those with the Royal Bloodline, and even the direct bloodline of other Septises are given the best treatment from birth. So, it was really quite a shock to know that the Crown Prince, the direct heir to the throne, grew up in that kind of environment.

And of course, it is not clear what they'll do when they find out further details of the Crown Prince's childhood.

"Then, how did he get here?

"And what was his purpose for coming?"

"Did he want the throne? If so, then why did he not reveal his identity?"

The next round of questions arrived before without delay.

"He got here through the Royal Token. I suppose the Princess might have left him one. As for his purpose... it would seem that he wanted to heal his hand."

"Heal... Heals his hand?"

"That's it?"

"Can the people of outer world not even regrow a limb? This has to be an excuse."

"Yes, I think so too. He must have wanted the throne, right? His birthright."

"If that was the case then why didn't he reveal his identity? We'd have forced him to take it even if he didn't want it."

"Actually, he wanted to reattach it, not regrow. His arm, I mean." It was not the General who said that, but Artis, the head of Sanitorium. "There's a difference. And given the importance, it might really be his real purpose for coming here. Not the throne."

After videos of Axel's trial and the Biopark incident had gone algal, he had gotten this information from a five star Mender.

Usually, he would just keep the information confidential, but now with the Crown Prince already gone, there was no point keeping it.

"Regrowing instead of reattaching, what is the difference?" Asked one of the leaders in confusion.

"A big one."

Astris logged into the Sanitorium server and pulled out the information of Axel's procedure.

"Just look at the parameters," he said, showing them Axel's stats. But of course, most of the members had no idea what they were seeing. So, Astris gave them a glimpse.

"To put it in simple terms, if there was a relic for hands, the enhancement... would be equivalent to what his hands can already reach without any external factor," he said, illiciting gasps from all around.

"Those hands are the most important reason why he was able to go toe to toe with Aslot in close combat with ordinary knives without getting them broken in one blow. If he just regrew his hand, all the time and effort he spent training them to this degree would have been wasted. So, I really think this had a huge part in why he arrived here."

It took a while for everyone to digest that. Thinking about the fight, they recalled how the knives kept flashing dazzlingly, taking on the Royal Relic, and released how that was possible.

But then, the miracle actually happened. Her sister, whom she dearly missed, actually had a son. A son who reminded so much of her sister, whether it terms of reliability, talent, or confidence that it filled her with joy from deep within.

The happiness was short-lived, though. And the fall was like heaven to hell.

Witnessing the brutal and horrific murder of her thirteen year old boy, something broke inside Antilla.

Now, She. Doesn't. Care. She no longer has it in her to care. All she wants is to wage war and have revenge for Axel, the last family member she lost.

And if Antilla knows anything about her Royal Sister, she would want the same, the Kingdom be damned.

Antilla looked around at the table. "I know that we've been passive this whole time in the war, focusing on reinforcing the seal first. But that is getting us nowhere and leaving us exposed to attacks from the Squids. Therefore, I propose applying a more aggressive strategy on defeating the Kraken. I will only proceed with those who agree. Your choice is completely voluntary."

There was silence in the meeting room as everyone exchanged glances. But then Ender just nodded his head.

"I'm with Antilla. This guy not only saved me, but also ended that bastard Tronis. So, I am definitely all for revenge."

"So am I," said Sylthia, who had been silent the whole time. She didn't provide any reasons, only keeping them in her heart.

"It's nothing compared to the Kingdom's loss, but I have also lost my son." said the Flame Elder, fire burning in his eyes. Among the two Kingdom's relics that were found at the site, one of them belonged to the Flame Septis. "Kraken must burn for this."

In the Relic Wielder Division's fight against Aslot, his son was the first one Aslot used the Royal Curse on, since, having the power of fire, his son posed the most significant threat to Aslot.

Though his son had managed to escape at the time, but since his Relic was with Aslot, it is safe to conclude that Aslot hunted him down later on and the wielder is no longer alive. The Flame Septis will not let this drift by.

The Principal of Royal Academy sighed. "I will ask you all to reconsider. We currently neither have the Royal Trident, nor the Royal Throne. We can't tread this war recklessly," he said, stopping the domino effect.

"And to think we had almost regained both the relics..." said the Commander-in-chief bitterly.

The Royal Trident, giving the Wielder the ability to harness the power of the sea itself, is the most powerful attacking relic. And the Royal Throne, giving the wielder complete control over the Kingdom's ancient defense system, is the most powerful defensive weapon.

And they could have actually regained both since there was such a capable Royal Prince alive this whole time, who almost defeated Aslot.

But the Principal has a point. The reality is that, right now, the Kingdom has neither of the Relics which have kept Kraken at bay throughout these millenia. the Royal Trident is with Aslot and the Royal Throne is empty, no longer acknowledging neither the King nor Antilla, going into complete shut-down.

So, this is really not the time to be reckless like they could be a few decades back. There's a high chance they might actually lose if they made a wrong move.

That's why, even though everyone was frustrated and wanted to join the Princess, they hesitated.

At this moment, the Lightning Septis Head shook his head. "To be honest, I would have tried to oppose rushing into revenge irrationally as well, but... the Crown Prince has actually made this idea feasible."

"Indeed." Agreed the Wind Head. "Three overseers are down, and Aslot is extremely weakened at the moment. So, no matter what, this really is the best window of opportunity we have, before Aslot regains his power and the Kraken replaces the Overseers. At least the Royal Trident and Throne won't be used by the enemy."

"The Wind Head is right. Even since we don't have the Royal Relic, at least Aslot also can't use it for the time being. As for the Royal Throne, it's a pity that we almost regained it, but since we don't have it, our defense is currently at its weakest. I also believe that attacking would be our best move now." Said the General.

"Let's also not forget the fact that he prevented the Biopark incident, killed three overseers, and saved the Kingdom by sacrificing his life against Aslot. We owe it to him to fight," said Lady Garmos.

"I have been onboard since the moment I saw that Glorious fight," said the Commander-in-chief. "Compared to what HE went through, and overcame, our troubles are worth nothing."

One by one, the leaders expressed their support over aggressively attacking the Kraken. And thus, on 10/13/5335 of the Atlantean calendar, the War between Kingdoms and Kraken entered the large-scale mobilization stage.

Around the same time, in the Royal Sanitorium, Akiko, who had been unconscious this whole time, jerked awake as the lights dimmed.

In the darkness, only a pair of eyes could be seen, having red pupils with black rings around them.

And they were hungry for revenge.


A.N.: Next: Still Alive!

Next next: Axel, The Royal Trident Wielder

I need stones on Monday. We've already gotten #1 this week

it's a new month Come read ahead for action packed final war /Snollygoste