Chapter 242:The Third Overseer

Name:HP: The Arcane Thief Author:
Chapter 242:The Third Overseer

Axel's legendary fight against Aslot had been seen by literally everyone in the Kingdom.

Furthermore, they got to know that Five of the overseers had also been destroyed by him, their Relics framed right in front of Axel's memorial, putting everyone in awe.

Ever since then, every moment, the warriors had lamented how great it would have been if the Prince was actually still alive.

And now seeing him floating in the air with the Royal Trident in his hand, and the bodies of three powerhouses causing hanging around, their dream had come true.

"""""FOR THE KING"""""

"""""FOR THE KING"""""

"""""FOR THE KING"""""

"He's still alive!!"

"See?! I told you he couldn't die! He even survived the Royal Curse AND the Soul Extinguisher!"

"Not only did he return, he even came back with the Royal Trident!"

Suddenly, the Soldiers seemed to have gotten a huge powerboost similar to the Kraken. Laughing even at the face of death, they began to face the Soldiers with tears of joy streaming down their faces.

Because... they clearly knew what his existence signified.

He was a fighting force, which, if on your side, it would be a dream come true, but if on the opposite side, would be a devil who will haunt their dreams.

But most importantly, his existence signified that the Kingdom still had hope.

Until now, the warriors were fighting a vain battle. With Antilla being the last royal, if they had won this battle, the Royal Bloodline would have still ended with Antilla, along with future of the Kingdom.

But with Axel, the Kingdom can once again have a king, and a very powerful one at that.

That's why, their excitement was currently on an unprecedented level. Because now they knew, that even if they died in this battle, at least their future generations will thrive once again.

Though, while everyone on Kingdom's side was happy, someone didn't share the same excitement.

'What the fuck?'

Axel looked at the Soldiers fighting the Kraken army while fanatically shouting his name, question marks rising from his head.

Seriously, he hadn't thought things through before coming here. So, he hadn't thought what kind of impression he'd make when he arrived with the Royal Trident in his hand and Kraken's markings on his body.

And when he suddenly arrived and saw the Princess, it was only then it occurred to him that, 'fuck, I might have fucked up'.

The last person to have Kraken markings and the Royal Trident had single-handedly thrashed the whole Relic Wielder division and also killed two Relic Wielders.

And then Axel popped up with the same condition.

But, he had also popped three people of Kraken's side and provided healing boost to everyone on Kingdom's side, so he was at least sure it wouldn't be instant hostility.

But, he wasn't expecting THIS either.

""""FOR THE KING""""

Things really weren't making sense anymore. Suppose a random person swoops in wielding your king's weapon, are you supposed to be sus or simply declare him the next king?

What he did expect was to be asked how he got the Trident when it was supposed to be with Aslot.

To that, he would have answered. 'Yeah, I killed that guy cus he was annoying. No big deal.' And then no one would believe, making it a scene similar to certain Chinese movies he had seen in the muggle bars.

But here, they simply declared him the King, no questions asked. Is this how things work here?

And what's with the fanatic and worshipping look in everyone's eyes?

It's like they saw their messiah or something, a big step up from the wretched looks he used to get when living on the streets, which was making him feel uncomfortable.

Axel didn't have long to ponder the issue, though.

The body of the King that he had cut up through the Trident's blade turned into water, slowly climbing the blade without him noticing.

"Watch out!" Antilla shouted, her voice rising over the chants of the crowd that was distracting Axel.


Axel swung the Trident with force, splashing away the water.

'Water body?' Axel realized the King wasn't as weak as he had thought him to be. The man use [Water body] without the Royal Trident, meaning in terms of Water affinity, he is far ahead of him, and even Aslot.

In front of him, the king appeared again, not at all damaged. The King didn't even look at Axel, instead looking at Antilla who had warned Axel. "Should've killed you when I had the chance," he said, shaking his head. Cheêck out latest novels on n/o/ve/l/bin(.)c/o/m

Antilla winced, as if the words physically hurt her. She knew that once you give in to the Entity, the corruption will make you a completely different person. But still, it doesn't change the fact it was the father who had taught her everything, and the father she had spent so much time caring for after he was bedridden.

"But no worries, you'll join your sister soon." The King raised his trident toward Antilla.

"Try touching her." But, Axel appeared between the two, blocking the King's sight.

Axel looked at Antilla who was still crying. "Don't worry. You might not believe me, but I can actually handle myself."

Antilla looked at Axel who standing with his back facing her, and suddenly wanted to cry for a whole different reason altogether.

That was the beginning of the downfall. Until now, when they are at a stage where 6 out of 8 overseers have been taken out by this boy alone.

At this point, Scitius is not even angry. He just wants to know, HOW?!

How did he become strong enough to take on Overseers at that age? How did he survive the Soul Extinction? How did he take control over the Trident? And how did he manage to reinforce the Seal?

His mind needed answers. Answers for where he went wrong and exactly why his plans didn't work.

"Never thought I'd have to personally step in," he muttered, finally getting up from his seat.

"Prepare my amour," he commanded.

He is Scitius, the Brain of the Kraken. Of course, for every situation, he always has a backup plan.

Scitius ran his eyes over the armor, which opened and attached itself to his body.

Customized specially for his use, it covered his body from head to toe, not even leaving room for his eyes. It only had one visor, that was on his forehead for his third eye.

The Armor was connected to hundreds of brains, stored at the back of the ship, which were also interconnected to make for a very bizzare scene.

Thousands of tiny needles extended from the helmet of the Armor, piercing into Scitius's skull.

And then, his third eye opened.


Mental waves released through the eye, penetrating through every area and painting the whole picture in his head.

"""You think it's over?"""

And then, a voice sounded inside every mind in the battlefield.

Suddenly, changes began to occur on the battlefield.

First thing that was clearly noticeable was the fact that the Kraken army, which had by now scattered into a mess, was slowly coming back into formation.

And then, a Kraken warrior, who was losing in a one on one battle with a Kingdom's veteran, suddenly seemed to develop superhuman reflexes and skill, dodging ever attack. And then—


Another Kraken soldier came in from the Kingdom soldier's blind spot and stabbed through the gap in his armor with pin-point precision.

And, this was just the beginning.

Similar scenes began happening throughout every point in the battlefield.

This was the Third Overseer's main ability. Every person on the Kraken goes through a process that makes them completely susceptible to Entity's control.

And as the third overseer, he can access those controls whenever he wants.

That's where his specialty comes in.

He might not be a powerful fighter himself, but he has studied every type of combat art, every type of magic, every type of combat tactic and strategy in great detail.

And, with his mental power and control over the Kraken's army, he can use their body to their maximum potential, irrespective of the damage it can cause to the bodies.

And he can do this not with just one soldier at time, but thousands!

So, even if he wasn't strong enough to physically defeat the Kingdom's huge army. But, with the Entity's support, and with his mental power, he can make the Kraken's huge army invincible.

In the Kingdom's corner. While Axel was giving a beating to King Atasis, suddenly the King's jerked, before pulling an impossible maneuver to evade his next attack, appearing a few meters away.

The King, whose gaze had completely changed, now tilted his head, looking at Axel with an expressionless face.

"Axel... Regius... Arhunt. We finally meet."

"Tha Fuck?" Axel narrowed his eyes, suddenly getting an odd feeling from the King. No, this wasn't the king. It was as if someone completely different was talking to him through the King's body.

At the same time, he also noticed the sudden increase in the Kraken warriors skills all over the battlefield.

Axel's expression slowly grew serious, looking at the King in front of him with new-found vigilance.

"And who the hell are you?"


A.N.: Here's the Chapter as promised! Vote on refill and Widen the gap!

Next: The Fearsome Relic: Mind's Eye

Next King Slayer

Next... next: A 'Mind'-blowing End First Overseer Incoming

Come read till the End of the /Snollygoste