74 - The Man at the Door

TL/Editor: raei Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None.

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His head was spinning. A house vanished in an instant, along with everyone inside. Worst of all, the unsettling news that some group had taken an interest in him.

"No way..."

Lee Yeonwoo rubbed his face as if washing it. His palms, raw from the fire escape rope, left smears of blood on his cheeks.

That stinging pain and unpleasant sensation.

Yeonwoo asked calmly:

"What group pulled this stunt? And why target me specifically?"

"The Creating A Better World Association, a small outfit under the Korean branch's management... They said they were looking for the dice and bit off more than they could chew."

"The dice? My dice?"

An unexpected reason.

The agent nodded slightly at Yeonwoo's bewildered tone. Glancing at the enhanced reality display in his helmet, he spoke casually:

"After causing major damage to the Spatial Containment Department, they turned themselves in. Confessed everything... I'll fill you in on the details once this wraps up. This anomaly's dangerous, isn't it?"

No time for small talk. The target was a dangerous anomaly capable of teleportation and reproduction. It had uncontrollable infectiousness.

The priority was to stay alert for any surviving entities and finish the operation.

Yeonwoo took a deep breath. Struggling to control his irritation, confusion, frustration, and anger, he sat down on the street and looked at his feet, glass shards embedded in the soles.

"I need medical attention first. My feet are a mess. Can I call an ambulance?"

"Well. About that."

The agent fidgeted, considering briefly. With anomalous entities potentially still around, was it safe to call emergency services to this danger zone? Especially since ambulances are enclosed spaces. What if an anomaly walked out when the ambulance doors opened?

Noticing his hesitation, Yeonwoo sighed deeply.

"Then go buy some wet wipes and disinfectant from that convenience store. I'll patch myself up."

"I didn't bring my wallet since we're on a mission..."

Wordlessly, Yeonwoo pulled out a card from his bag and handed it over. The agent awkwardly reached out to take it.

"I'll be right back. Yell if any anomalies show up."

"And grab some slippers too."

The agent crossed the street and disappeared into the convenience store.

Left alone, Yeonwoo curled up and stared at his palms. Then he shifted his gaze to his feet, glass shards embedded in the soles.

A quiet murmur escaped his lips.


Rainwater absorbed one drop a day. Perhaps due to its effects, the bleeding had already stopped. If he absorbed all the remaining rainwater. If he gradually absorbed the components left in the mountain pension...

"Here you go. Didn't use the card."

Suddenly, a pile of odds and ends spilled out before him. Lost in thought, he hadn't even noticed the approach. Slowly looking at the items scattered beside his legs, he saw wet wipes, ointment, bandages, slippers, and such.

As Yeonwoo began pulling out glass shards with the wet wipes, he spoke. A groan of pain slipped out.

"Why didn't you use the card?"

"No one was inside, so I just took them."


Come to think of it, the convenience store had fallen victim to the anomaly too.

By the time Yeonwoo finished basic first aid and put on the slippers, the agent tilted his head and spoke precisely:

"Anomalous entity elimination confirmed. Operation concluded as of now. Proceeding with Yeonwoo to the designated point."


Yeonwoo stood up. His bandaged feet, slathered with excess ointment, squelched unpleasantly in the slippers. He looked at the agent.

"Where are we going?"

"We're heading to negotiate with that group, the Creating A Better World Association. They wanted to see you and me."

"...Fine. Let's go."

Going to see those responsible for sending the anomaly after him. Yeonwoo's eyes flashed as he climbed onto the back of the agent's motorcycle.


The motorcycle sped down the road without hesitation.



After a considerable ride, the two arrived at a small factory.


As Yeonwoo dismounted the abruptly stopped motorcycle, he surveyed the surroundings. A large building about three stories tall, with what looked like company personnel and equipment gathered in droves.

From armed special forces to excited-looking researchers and trucks loaded with containers. A busy, tense atmosphere.

"Is this the place? Lots of people here."

"Yes. We're seizing some anomalies from the Creating A Better World Association. These people are here to move them."

The agent started walking ahead, glancing at the enhanced reality UI in his helmet. A map lit up, guiding them to their destination like a navigation system.

Yeonwoo followed, dragging his stiff slippers.

"Creating A Better World? Never heard of them. Fill me in."

"They're a tiny group. True to their name, they aim to create beneficial anomalies to make a better world."

Passing the factory entrance, heading to a conference room inside. The agent continued explaining.

"They lack the specialized skills to produce anomalous equipment like the major groups."

Not the technology to create fluorescent vests, memory erasers, or taser guns like the company, or mass-produce gold bars like the Goldberg Club.


"They use their anomalies to create other anomalies. Those people by the door were probably made that way too."

"Anomalies that create anomalies..."

Yeonwoo narrowed his eyes in thought, then realized it wasn't so special.

Even he could achieve similar effects with his dice, and the fog monster creates fog, doesn't it?

The two suddenly stopped walking.

A conference room inside the factory. Armed combat troops from the security battalion stood guard at the door, checking entry permissions via their helmet's enhanced reality.

"Confirmed. Enter. The Korean branch vice director and key members of the Creating A Better World Association are waiting inside." sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ NʘvᴇlFirᴇ.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.


Yeonwoo didn't move. He glanced down at his attire. Hastily thrown-on clothes and a body in disarray from the recent chaos.

Using his phone as a mirror, he saw dried blood faintly staining his face. A wry smile twisted his lips.

'Haha. So the bastards who sent that anomaly after me are inside, huh?'

Tap- Tap-

He walked, slapping the floor with his slippers. The guards didn't bother with a body search or confiscating possessions, just stepping slightly aside.


The door opened roughly.

Inside the conference room was a large table surrounded by people.

An elderly woman with snow-white hair sat at the head of the table, a guard at her back. Opposite her sat people with bowed heads, like criminals.

They turned at the sound of the door. A middle-aged man began to speak, but Yeonwoo cut him off:

"Which one of you sent that anomaly after me?"

"...Investigator Yeonwoo. You have every right to be angry. But please calm do-"

The vice director, an old woman with wrinkled yet sharp eyes, stopped mid-sentence. Her gaze fixed on the ID Yeonwoo abruptly produced.

A special investigator's badge.

"You're the vice director, right? But you don't have the authority to order me around."

vice director or not, it meant nothing before those who threatened his life. Rather, if they threatened his life, he wouldn't hesitate to respond in kind.

An eerie light gleamed in Yeonwoo's eyes. Something inhuman, the alien gaze of one who swallowed rainwater and possessed the dice.

Click- Click-

The guards tensed, raising their weapons. Fingers on triggers. Muzzles pointed at Yeonwoo.

Yeonwoo let out a mirthless laugh.

"Going to shoot? Wouldn't evacuating be smarter?"

"Investigator Lee. Don't do anything rash."

The guard beside the vice director, wearing some kind of medal or rank insignia, spoke through his helmet.

Yeonwoo shook his head.

"I'm not doing anything rash. Danger comes looking for me. Haven't you heard the rumors about me? A factory full of anomalies, a place crawling with company and group personnel - perfect conditions for an incident, don't you think?"


The guard fell silent, then turned to look at the vice director. A gesture asking for her decision.

The vice director spoke leisurely:

"Investigator Yeonwoo. We'll finish our negotiations first. It won't take long. After that, do as you please."



Yeonwoo pulled out a chair nearby and sat down. The agent with the eraser took a seat beside him.

The vice director spoke calmly:

"Well, Association President. We've granted your request. Both the eraser and dice you so wanted to meet are here."

"Yes, yes. We're truly sorry. Take our anomalies. I apologize again. We had no idea it was such a dangerous anomaly."

Though groveling, the association president snuck glances at Yeonwoo and the agent. He'd flinch whenever he caught Yeonwoo's gaze.

Gulping, he said:

"We'll hand over the plastic surgery machine, the oak barrel, and the bed."

A plastic surgery machine that changes people strangely, an oak barrel that alters the liquid inside, and a bed that brings part of dreams into reality.

The vice director looked at the association president.

"What about the computer?"

"Without it, we'd have no way to control our entities... We can't give up that one."

"Then we'll take just the three."

The vice director nodded slightly. The guard activated the mic on his helmet.

"We only need to move three entities."

Simultaneously, the sounds of hurried footsteps and chatter filtered in from outside the conference room. The commotion of moving anomalies.

The negotiation concluded swiftly.

The vice director grasped the cane leaning against the table and slowly stood. She paused briefly before Yeonwoo as she left the conference room.

"Investigator Yeonwoo. What do you intend to do? These people are a friendly group to us. I'd prefer you refrain from harming them."

"...I'll hear them out first."

At that response, the vice director nodded slowly and resumed walking. The guards surrounded her as she disappeared beyond the door.

The door closed quietly.

"Well then, time for us to have a chat."

Yeonwoo rose, dragging his chair to the doorway. A position for quick escape if needed, and to block these people from fleeing.

As the Creating A Better World Association members uncomfortably turned to face him, Yeonwoo spoke:

"You were looking for me? Even unleashing an anomaly?"

"Yes, yes. We truly regret inadvertently threatening you. We've prepared compensation. But sir, please hear me out."

The man's eyes sparkled as he addressed Yeonwoo.

"Using the dice and eraser, we can safely create any number of anomalies. And by creating anomalies this way, we can change the world."

Yeonwoo stared at the man, his expression devoid of emotion.