Despite every soldier’s aversion to additional work, the technicians who had been voluntold to go get the Hydroponics bays up and running were getting right to work. Not that they particularly wanted to do it, but the thought of fresh fruits and vegetables coming soon was enough for them to give their very best to the project.
The traders had only sent them seeds, and some small cuttings, so it would be some time before they would be able to harvest anything fresh, but that didn’t matter. Once it was planted, someone would have to tend it and watch it grow every day, and that was one of the best duty rotations that the Technicians could apply for.
Not only was there very little heavy lifting, most days you were paid to literally watch the grass grow.
There were a large number of Kepler wheatgrass seeds in the shipment, a perpetually growing plant that could be cut down periodically, with the main stalk dried and ground into the finest of flour for baking. It was a simple luxury, but still a luxury for any spacefaring force.
Abraham Kepler had a supply on board as well, but it was mostly reserved for officers since the space on board was limited when they had two full-field armies of infantry plus a pair of Mecha Regiments on board.
The Dutchman had a very limited hydroponic bay, with nothing growing in it at the moment, but the Colony ship not only had a massive facility, but it had a transparent dome over it, so it could save power when they were near a star by strategically positioning the bay toward the light.
Max found that to be a bit odd, but the design of this ship was intended for much longer use than most. Either it was because they were expecting a century to cross between galaxies, or because they were going to keep using the ship after finding a new home.
That was different than Kepler, or most Human strategies. They often made the ships modular, so they could drop off all their supplies on the planet and use the containment as buil