Chapter 375 87.2 - No title

Chapter 375 87.2 - No title


"That was crazy? Irina Emberheart can use a sword like that?"

Witnessing the display of the swordsmanship of a mage right before their eyes, the students could no longer be proud of themselves at all.

After all, Irina was a mage, and the display she had shown was enough to make them feel like they wouldn't last even for a second.

"But that guy was pretty good as well, right? His sword skills are not bad." One of the guys said while observing the young man who had just faced Irina Emberheart and who had been the subject of Eleanor's attention.

"Yeah....I kind of get why Eleanor guided him personally. Though, I am still envious."

"I mean...He kind of got what he deserved, no? Irina struck him really hard with the last one."

"He did get what he deserved, but I never knew we had someone like him in our class. What even is his occupation?"

"He uses a dagger and a bow as his main weapons, and his eyesight is pretty good," she said, her voice carrying a hint of admiration.

"How do you know that Nora?" another student asked, curious about her knowledge. Finnd new chapters at

"I was on his team for the dungeon exploration in the first half of the semester," Nora explained. "He was our scout. His ability to spot traps and hidden passages was impressive, and his precision with the bow saved us more than once. He's a lot more skilled than he lets on."

Nora remembered the time when they faced the Fire Salamander. At that time, Irina, the strongest member of their team, and their basic carry were rendered useless against the salamander because of its fire resistance.

There, if not for Astron's quick way of thinking and good assessment of the situation, they wouldn't be able to pass through that monster.

Nora, who later was on another team in Phantom's Land, understood the value he presented to the team a lot better.

"Wait, he was a scout?" one of the students echoed, surprised. "So, he's good with both close combat and ranged weapons?"

"Exactly," Nora confirmed. "And from what I've seen, his dagger skills are just as sharp as his swordplay. He's versatile, which makes him a valuable team member in any situation. Though his overall power was lacking, he compensated it with his skills."

The students exchanged glances, a newfound respect for Astron growing among them. His multifaceted abilities and the fact that he had caught Eleanor's attention painted a picture of someone with great potential.

"Maybe we underestimated him," one of the students admitted. "He might not stand out much, but he's definitely got skills."

"Yeah," another agreed. "I guess he didn't get Eleanor's guidance out of nothing. She must have seen his skills in the dungeon while grading."

"Makes sense, makes sense."

As the murmurs of conversation continued, Eleanor observed from a distance, a slight smile on her lips.

'I guess this is one way of solving it? However, I didn't certainly expect Irina Emberheart to suddenly step up. I guess they somehow became close after all the assignments they did together?' She thought.

On the other side, as the duel was over, Irina lowered her sword, breathing heavily but with a triumphant glint in her eyes. "Looks like I win," she said, a hint of a smile on her lips.

Astron steadied himself, his expression unreadable. He glanced at the spot where her final strike had hit, then met her gaze. "You did," he acknowledged a note of respect in his voice. "That was impressive."

"Do you get how mighty I am now? Even as a mage, I can beat you with swords. Do you feel nervous now?"

"Not really," Astron replied, shrugging. "Contrary to that, if I were you, I would get more anxious."


"Because you gave me another good idea," Astron said as he slashed the air with his sword. "You may have forgotten it, but I have good eyes."

"....." At the mention of that, Irina remembered how the duel progressed. From their previous interactions, Irina could easily say that he learned quite fast. Just like in magic theory, there was no doubt that this guy would master everything rapidly.

"It wasn't hard to guess."

"That's true."

After that, Astron turned to take his leave. Though, with the corner of his eyes, he spotted a pair of blue eyes locked onto him, observing him from a distance.


In the heart of the city, a high-rise building pierced the skies, its sleek, glass exterior reflecting the bustling metropolis below.

This architectural marvel housed one of the most prominent Hunter Guilds in the region, a hub of activity where adventurers and mercenaries converged.

At the building's entrance, a sprawling lounge stretched out, filled with a constant stream of people entering and exiting. The space buzzed with energy, a cacophony of conversations and hurried footsteps echoing through the air.

Countless screens and holograms displayed mission details, news updates, and rankings, casting a vibrant glow over the bustling crowd. Desks lined the periphery, where personnel engaged in animated discussions with hunters, processing their requests and documentation.

Amidst the sea of faces, a bulky man with broad shoulders made his way toward one of the desks. His presence commanded attention, not only due to his imposing stature but also the air of confidence he exuded. He navigated the crowd with ease, his movements deliberate and purposeful.

Reaching the desk, he produced his ID, handing it over to the receptionist with a nod. The receptionist, a young woman with a keen eye, scanned the ID and confirmed his identity. "Rank-7 Hunter Garrett," she announced, her voice carrying a note of respect.

Garrett nodded in acknowledgment before placing a sturdy box on the counter. "I've finished the dungeon exploration," he said, his voice deep and resonant. "These are the hauls and proof."

The receptionist opened the box, meticulously inspecting its contents. Inside were various artifacts, rare materials, and a crystalline core, each item attesting to the dangers Garrett had faced and overcome. After a thorough examination, she looked up and gave a satisfied nod.

"Everything is in order, Hunter Garrett," she confirmed, entering the details into the system. "Your mission is officially complete. Your account will be credited with the rewards shortly."

Garrett offered a rare smile, a fleeting expression that hinted at his satisfaction. "Thank you," he replied, taking his ID back.

With his mission complete and rewards secured, he turned and began making his way through the crowd once more and then left the building.


Upon leaving the building, he lit up a quick cigarette and leaned on the wall.

"I wonder, what that kid is up to? It had been a while since I talked to him, and I heard that the academy semester is about to end soon."

Suddenly, a figure appeared beside him, moving with an almost ghostly silence. "Who is 'the kid'?" she asked.

Garrett narrowed his eyes, annoyed but not entirely surprised. "Haven't I told you not to approach me stealthily, Reina?"

Reina shrugged her shoulders with a smirk. "Skill issue," she replied nonchalantly.

Garrett sighed, shaking his head. "You're hopeless, Reina."

Reina repeated her question, this time with genuine curiosity. "So, who is this kid? Is he the one you've been talking about?"

Garrett nodded, taking another drag from his cigarette. "Yeah, I was just thinking about him. The academy semester is ending soon."

Reina made a thoughtful expression. "Are you going to watch the finals?"

Garrett frowned, looking puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Reina raised an eyebrow. "Don't you know? The Arcadia Hunter Academy's first semester finals always have the same format: one-on-one fighting. The relatives of the students are allowed to watch the fights."

Garrett's eyes narrowed further, his expression darkening slightly. "I didn't know that. That hopeless kid never informed me about this either."

Reina chuckled softly. "Seems like you need to have a word with him. Watching the finals could be interesting, especially if he's participating."

Garrett took a final drag of his cigarette before flicking it away. "I suppose I should pay a visit. It's about time I saw what he's been up to with my own eyes."

"Hmm....Maybe I should come as well."