Chapter 56: Mice King

Name:Hunter of Immortals Author:
Chapter 56: Mice King

Adam wanted to save the people on the street, but he was powerless to do so.

There were seven or eight psychic mutants on this street alone, and there was a chance that there were even more of them further away. Judging from the power being displayed by these psychic mutants, he would've struggled against even a single one of them, so there was no way he could take on all of them and expect to survive.

It looks like what I was told in the Metaverse is true. The psychic mutants really are on the move.

Adam didn't dare to linger here any longer, and he retraced his steps to return to the pub.

Before the swarm of mice arrived, he returned to the elevator, and after arriving in the underground pub again, he immediately destroyed the elevator so that it couldn't be used again.

This wouldn't be able to prevent the psychic mutants from forcing their way into the pub, but it would at least hamper their progress slightly.

After entering the pub, his appearance as a werewolf that stood at over two meters in height was naturally quite a startling sight for the pub-goers inside, and some screamed in horror, while others approached him with intrigue.

"Is this an event being put on by the pub? You're wearing a costume, right?" a drunken man asked as he approached Adam.

In the real world, he was already almost drunk, and his state of inebriation wasn't altered even after he was dragged into the psychic world.

"Piss off."

Adam pushed the man aside, then made his way onto the dancefloor before turning off the music and switching on the lights.

Only after the lights were turned on was everyone able to clearly see that this was an actual werewolf, rather than a person in a costume, and people immediately tried to escape in a panic. However, the elevator had already been destroyed, and due to the fact that this was an underground pub, there wasn't even a fire exit, so no one could escape.

"Don't be afraid! Be quiet, everyone! Quiet!"

Adam roared, urging the crowd to calm down, but his efforts proved to be futile. Thus, he was forced to turn to more violent measures, and he reduced the DJ mixer in front of him to a pile of scrap materials with a swipe of his claws.

"I will kill anyone who doesn't shut up right now!"

The threat was clearly far more effective, and the commotion in the pub instantly died down significantly.

"Alright, listen to what I have to say." Adam took a deep breath, then explained to everyone, "Firstly, I'm not a monster, I'm an adapter. It's almost the 22nd century, I'm sure there's no one who still believes in things like monsters and demons. Is it more likely that I'm an actual werewolf or an adapter? I'll leave that up to you."

A flurry of conversation erupted in response to Adam's words, and everyone quickly came to accept the notion that Adam was an adapter.

"Seeing as I'm an adapter and I'm able to take on this form, that can only mean that we are in the psychic world right now," Adam continued.

"Did you drag us into the psychic world?"

"It wasn't me. Instead, it was a bunch of psychic mutants. Perhaps many of you here haven't ever come into contact with adapters before, so you don't know what psychic mutants are. They are a bunch of deranged criminals, and right now, they are trying to kill all of us. I need everyone to be quiet. My companion will slowly break open this psychic prison, and once he does that, all of us will be able to escape."

"How long is that going to take?"

"An hour."

"Where are the psychic mutants right now?"

"They're on a street outside not far away from here."

"Why should we believe you?" n0velUsb.c0m

Everyone erupted into discussion again upon hearing Adam's explanation, and there were all types of opinions being thrown around, many of which were directing skepticism toward Adam.

"What if you're the one who dragged us in here?"

"Exactly! Maybe you're the only adapter in here, and this is a sinister plan that you hatched!"

"Why should we believe you based on your personal account alone?"

"I don't care what you say, nor do I care whether you believe me or not, but if anyone continues to make unnecessary noise and draw the psychic mutants here, then all of us are going to die." Adam knew that it would be impossible to convince everyone in a short time, so threats of violence were the simplest and most effective tool at his disposal in this situation. "Making excessive noise will get us all killed anyway, so I'm not opposed to killing anyone who continues to make noise. I'm killing those people in order to save more people. I don't want to have to do this, but I think it's a reasonable course of action."

Adam made his way to the rowdiest person in the pub as he spoke, then threatened, "Shut your mouth right now or I'll rip it off your face."

At the same time, his sharp claws sprang out of his fingertips, and flames began to appear in his mouth.

Looking at the threatening display being put on by the massive werewolf, the individual in question immediately fell silent, and soon, the entire pub was silent.

After that, Adam made his way to the office area, then opened the door. Inside, Hook was in the process of using his tools to damage the psychic boundary, and Adam immediately joined in as well.


On the street outside, the slaughter continued.

A man with faculae all over his body soon flew over from the distance, and he nodded with a pleased expression at the sight of the fallen people down below.

"There seem to be a few adapters in this area, and they've already noticed that something's wrong. They've gathered together in groups to damage the psychic contamination area. Mice King, take a few people with you and take care of those pesky adapters."

"Where are they?"

"There are two in that alley, three in those residential buildings, and two in the business district, which makes a total of three groups."

"Which group is the closest to us?"

"That would be the two in that alley."

"Alright, then I'll go there, you can get someone else to take care of the others."

With that, Mice King departed from the street and began to make his way down the dark alley while humming a light tune.

More mice gushed out his mouth as he walked, and these mice were able to pick up some type of scent that allowed them to quickly track down the entrance to the elevator, following which they scurried in through the gaps in the walls.