Chapter 391: Mother Anomaly

Name:Hunter of Immortals Author:
Chapter 391: Mother Anomaly

"There are so many people here, how are we going to find our targets?"

After arriving in Area 37, Shae discovered that tracking down the targets for their operation was not going to be an easy task.

The industrial complex wasn't very large, but there were thousands of people in it, and it was going to be quite difficult to track down their targets among these people.

"Shae, take Mole, Rabbit, and Armadillo and go to the people being targeted for assassination. As long as we keep an eye on those people, the killers will turn up eventually."

Seeing as they couldn't find the killers, they would just have to track down the people being targeted by the killers.

There was a very high likelihood that they were in their respective companies or homes, so it wouldn't be a difficult task for adapters to track them down.

"Why do we have to go? It's not every day that we come to such a fun place, I want to play," Rabbit complained as she glanced at the bustling crowd around her, then purchased a pair of virtual celebrity scented panties before putting them on her head.

"Because none of you are good at scouting."

The three psychic mutants were the most mentally unstable members of the team, so they were the best choice to carry out this task.

"Let's go."

Shae dragged the psychic mutant trio away to search for the assassination targets, while Adam and the others split up to search for the killers.

Walking along the streets in the industrial complex, Adam was constantly sensing the emotions of the people around him.

High-level adapters possessed extremely sharp telegnosis, and in particular, after making that important decision, Adam's sensitivity toward human pheromones had improved even further.

Regardless of what emotion a person was feeling, they would inevitably emit different pheromones corresponding to those emotions. As long as he could detect these pheromones, he would be able to differentiate between the normal visitors of Area 37 and those deranged psychic killers.

Adam wandered through the crowd, and while on the food street, he bought a light-up mask to conceal his face. Assuming the information provided by Thilan was accurate, the killers had already adopted their positions at this point.

When it came to killing protected individuals, it was very important to carry out scouting in advance.

Adam was certain that the killers had already mingled themselves into the crowd.

Adam continued to roam through the industrial complex while keeping tabs on everything around him, and around 10 minutes later, he detected something amiss in front of a small stall that was selling figurines.

A woman was staring at a figurine in a conflicted daze, seemingly harboring intense desire for the figurine, but also not daring to take it.

The pheromones that she was giving off were very chaotic, and Adam could sense that she was very mentally stable. One second, she was struck by the urge to kill the stall owner, but the next second, she would become very gentle and benevolent.

Ever since his awakening, Adam had been constantly dealing with all types of mentally abnormal individuals, and in particular, following this period of incarceration in Darvaza Prison, he had become an expert when it came to psychic deviants.

Hence, he was certain that there was something wrong with this woman, and as for whether she was one of the killers, there was only one way to find out.

After approaching the woman, Adam inspected his surroundings to ensure that she had no companions nearby, then strode directly toward her before attempting to barge into her with his shoulder.

However, before he could make contact, the woman sidestepped his shoulder charge.

She's definitely more agile than the average person.

Through that failed shoulder charge, Adam became even more convinced that the woman was an adapter. He reached out to try and grab onto her arm, but the woman evaded him once again, then turned to flee the scene.

Adam immediately activated his rocket booster, and at the same time, he aimed all of his weapons at his target while quickly sending his position to his companions using his communicator.

However, right as he was preparing to fire his weapons to capture his target, the woman activated her mechanical neuron electrical synapse transmission device and dragged everyone in the surrounding area, including herself and Adam, into the psychic world.

This was rather unfortunate as Adam would've much rather taken care of the situation outside the psychic world.

His prosthetic limbs were very advanced, and with the power of technology, he would've been able to easily defeat and subdue his target.

However, no weapon was faster than the speed of thought, so ultimately, the battle was moved to the psychic world.

At this moment, there was an anomaly standing before Adam. nov-ElU)sb.C.O-m

This was an "adapter" that had been chosen by the director, and he was willing to invest a blank slate into them, so they either had to possess enormous potential like Fighter Li, or already possessed an extremely powerful psychic body like Raven, and it was clear that this woman belonged to the latter category.

It was clear just from the anomaly's outward appearance that she was not going to be easy to deal with. She wasn't particularly tall or imposing, standing at only around three meters in height, but her expression was extremely twisted.

She was presented in the form of a middle-aged woman, but she was cradling a "child" that was even bigger than herself. The child had clearly already reached adulthood, but the woman was still cradling him like a baby. At the same time, many hands grew out of the woman's hands to stroke the child, and she was constantly repeating phrases like "Don't be scared, mommy will look after you" and "Mommy will never let you get hurt".

These seemingly caring and soothing words were actually a reflection of her intense desire for control, and they enveloped the giant "child" like a suffocating cocoon.

The anomaly appeared to be quite powerful, but the most troublesome thing about this situation was all of the members of the general public that had been unwittingly dragged into the psychic world.

In contrast with his past battles, his objective for this operation was to enhance his own reputation, and he couldn't allow his name to be tarnished at all. If his actions were to result in the deaths of innocent civilians, then there was a chance that he would be stripped out of his mayoral candidacy outright.

Hence, completing the mission was only his second priority, while protecting the people had become his top priority.

At this point, the surrounding bystanders were still oblivious to the fact that they had been dragged into the psychic world, and there were only some fearful reactions to the anomaly.

In the psychic world, ordinary people were like people in dreams, so their reactions to everything around them were quite dull, and they needed someone to inform them of the situation that they were in.

"Everyone, get back! It's very dangerous here!" Adam yelled as he invoked his anomalic legion.

As soon as the army of anomalies appeared, they began to evacuate the crowd at Adam's behest.

Clown was the most efficient at this task. Clown had been killed in Guang Fei's tactical simulation, but that had only been an illusion, so it hadn't actually been killed.

As soon as it was invoked, it immediately conjured up an army of clones, each of which picked up the people closest to them before carrying them away.

"No one is allowed to leave me!"

A fierce desire for control surfaced in the eyes of the mother anomaly as she watched everyone fleeing the scene around her, and the "silken threads" that had sprung out of her body were reaching out to try and capture the fleeing bystanders.

However, in the next instant, a stone giant appeared in front of her, and at the same time, a near-transparent shadow emerged behind her before digging its hooked spikes into her body.

At this point, Adam had already fused as one with Sludge, and he grabbed into the mother anomaly with his giant hands before crushing her viciously.