Chapter 432: Commencement of Retaliation

Name:Hunter of Immortals Author:
Chapter 432: Commencement of Retaliation

Upon departing from the psychic world and returning to the operating room, Adam was immediately greeted by the sight of unconscious bodies strewn all over the ground.

The doctors, nurses, and security guards that had been cleared out during the King's Game weren't dead, but they had suffered psychic trauma and were unconscious as a result. In contrast, the attackers that had been killed in a subsequent psychic battle had suffered irreversible brain death, and that was what they deserved.

Adam took pictures of the entire scene, then contacted Diana and Shae to search for Succubus Beth's body, given that he should've been nearby. During this time, Doctor Edwards had already restored the entire clinic's control system, and he made his way into the operating room from the viewing gallery, then took a glance at his surroundings in an expressionless manner before dragging the unconscious workers to the side using the prosthetic limbs on his back.

"Do you need a hand?" Adam asked, in response to which Doctor Edwards merely pointed at the door, gesturing for Adam to leave the room.

Adam's spider legs sprang out of his back, grabbing onto the bodies of the four attackers before carrying them out of the operating room. There, Adam crossed his arms as he watched Doctor Edwards carrying away the unconscious bodies, spurred on by his OCD. From here onward, all Adam had to do was await the arrival of Mechguard units.

Several cleaner automatons arrived in the operating room to clean up the scene before applying a protective membrane to seal the hole that had been burned into the alloy doors.

The replacement heart also successfully arrived, accompanied by Mechguard units and private security guards, which temporarily took over the security responsibilities of the clinic while also making records of the identities of the attackers and the psychic battle that had just taken place.

After that, Doctor Edwards began to carry out the heart transplant surgery on Congressman Johnson on his own with the assistance of the prosthetic limbs on his back. What was quite remarkable was that he was more efficient than the entire medical team on his own, quickly completing the heart transplant, the sutures, and the removal of the extracorporeal circulatory system before sending the patient to the ICU.

At this point, Diana had also tracked down Succubus Beth's body, and it was a burly middle-aged man. Looking at his outward appearance, he didn't even hold a millionth of the allure that his psychic body had to other men.

To think that he'd assign a body like this to a woman who puts so much value in her looks. Looks like the director is still as cruel as ever!

After handing everything over to the Mechguard units, Adam made his way to the office, where Doctor Edwards gave him a storage device without wasting any time.

"I am a doctor, all I care about is the success rate of my operations and the survival rate of my patients. I don't care about where my organs come from."

Doctor Edwards was absolving himself of any wrongdoing, and on the surface, the evidence only indicated that he was the beneficiary of an organ pathway with ambiguous sources. There were no monetary transactions, and there was no way to prove that he had any control over the illegal procurement and sales of organs.

"This organ exchange pathway is a massive network that spans across the entire world and has existed for over 100 years. In some places, it's more or less an open secret, and there are even some war-torn countries where the network doesn't have to disguise itself at all."

There was a hint of derision in Doctor Edwards's eyes, as if he were looking at a young man who had bitten off far more than he could chew and was on a certain path to self-destruction.

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Adam calmly accepted the storage device, then examined its contents by connecting the device to a prosthetic reader on his body. The content inside was as massive as the content of an entire library, so there was no way that he could go through all of it in a short time, but he was able to verify that the information was genuine, and that was enough for him.

"My mission is to expose to the general public the evil deeds of those who are trampling over the law and human morality. My job is to capture those heinous criminals and expose those who are pulling the strings behind the scenes so they can be punished by the law and adjudicated by justice."

It didn't matter to him even if the entire world would turn on him. He had nothing to fear, and the only way to go was to forge straight ahead.

"I wish you success," Doctor Edwards said in an indifferent manner, clearly unmoved by Adam's bold claims.

With that, Adam's trio departed from the clinic.

For this operation, Succubus Beth had brought along two teams with him, one of which was responsible for breaching the perimeter and attracting the attention of Mechguard units and other law enforcement units. Upon successfully breaching the perimeter, they immediately retreated, so they weren't captured, but that didn't mean that they were safe. Raven was not going to pass up this golden opportunity to eliminate his competition.

On the way back, Adam received a call from May, who exclaimed, "You managed to take down Succubus Beth? How did you do it?"

The pawn shop's appraisal of the operation was that it had a less than 10% chance of success, but Succubus Beth's demise had already been confirmed by Mechguard, and given how well-informed May was, it was no surprise that she had already found out.

Adam didn't give a direct reply to the question. Instead, he declared, "This is only the beginning. I will deliver on all of my promises, and I hope you'll do the same."

"Of course. Given what you've shown me so far, I believe it's time to elevate our collaborative relationship to a higher level so we can give you more support," May proposed.

What she was trying to convey was very clear: she was willing to offer Adam more support and assistance as long as it didn't entail compromising the pawn shop's principles.

Adam then received a call from Cowboy, and that one was far more straightforward.

"I'll save the praise for when I next see you. I'm calling on behalf of Commander to tell you that you have the green light to go full steam ahead. There will be many people supporting you in whatever you choose to do from here."

This unexpected victory had erased much of the doubt that everyone had previously harbored toward Adam.

Adam wasn't convinced that he truly had the unreserved support of the northern congress, as Cowboy seemed to claim, but that didn't matter. He had to unite all of the allies that he could and influence as many people as possible to ensure the highest chance of succeeding in his ultimate mission.

"Congressman Johnson will be the first domino to fall. From here onward, I will continue to create more and more miracles."

"And we will support you every step of the way."

This was the best position that the northern congress had ever been in, and they were already sure to benefit immensely from what Adam had done so far. If they wanted to continue to ride this wave, then the best way to proceed would be to grant Adam more support.

Upon returning to the election center, Adam was greeted by warm applause and cheers from the workers who had spilled out onto the streets to welcome him. Just now, support for Adam had spiked drastically, taking him out of the danger zone and returning him to a level of support that wasn't far away from his all-time peak.

There was an excited look in Toshiyuki Matsumara's eyes, but he was still calmly providing Adam with important advice.

"We need to take full advantage of this victory to show the general public that you're following through on your promises so you can receive more trust and support. The more exposure this story receives, the better."

Adam agreed with this idea, and he decided to hold a press conference on the same day. As it turned out, all of the major media outlets had already caught wind of what had happened, and in no more than an hour, countless reporters had flocked to the election center, producing a lively and bustling atmosphere akin to that of a festival.

Photographs of the attackers were displayed alongside some surveillance footage from inside and outside of the clinic, as well as snippets from the psychic battle. Adam was standing in front of the lectern, giving a calm speech.

"This is the only beginning. I hereby declare war on all of these criminals who have partaken in illegal activities. Parasites like Congressman Johnson, who waste taxpayer money, provide protection to heinous criminals, and trample on the integrity of law and justice, will all become my targets!"


The projected image settled on Adam's face, and a man turned around to face everyone else in the room with a cold smile.

"Do you still doubt his ability to shake things up now?"