As soon as this person's words fell, not only Bai Jin was shocked, but also the woman standing beside the man was shocked and blurted out: "my lord..."

The man raised his arm slightly, and the woman behind him did not dare to speak immediately.

The man looked directly at Bai Jin and said in a warm voice, "if you come to my house and become the embroidery mother in my house, you will earn more money every month than the embroidery products you sell in this embroidery shop. Would you like to?"

The white brocade conceals in the heart to be shocked, but don't want to say: "don't want to."

Bai Jin's words make the man and the woman who is waiting on the other side look slightly surprised. The woman stares at Bai Jin, who has the appearance of self-knowledge, but the man frowns at Bai Jin.

"What? You don't think silver is enough? Or family? If that's the case, if you go to my house to be an embroiderer, I'll give you ten or two months' silver every month, and you don't need to embroider too much. You can embroider a pair every month. As for your family, if you don't want to, you can send them all to the capital. "

This time, Bai Jin understood.

At present, this big customer is a distinguished guest from the capital. Looking at his clothes and listening to his conversation, he must have a noble status, and his offer is naturally tempting.

White brocade looks light, there is no sign of moving between eyebrows.

She lowered her head and said faintly: "if you like, I can sell the existing embroidery to you. If you don't want, you can also have a look in xiuzhuang. After all, there are many embroidery here. As for your proposal, Baijin, thank you for your kindness, but I don't intend to leave home."

The man saw that Baijin didn't have the slightest interest in his offer. A month's silver is a lot for such a country girl as Baijin.

And from that into the mouth of the shopkeeper, you can also know that the woman in front of you seems to be very short of money.

The man frowned at the white brocade with a slightly changed look.

After a while, I just heard this: "what are you embroidering this time?"

White brocade will be ready to double-sided show out, the woman standing behind the man came to take away the double-sided embroidery, respectfully handed to the man in front. Looking at the double-sided embroidery in his hand, the man saw a goldfish playing in the water on one side and a colorful butterfly playing in the flowers on the other side. The posture of the goldfish and the colorful butterfly embroidery was real. At first glance, he felt that they were lifelike, like living creatures. He was surprised that they were really wandering in the water, and the colorful butterflies were dancing among the flowers.

It's not surprising if you only embroider one side, but it's a double-sided embroidery, and the groups on both sides are lifelike, so it's amazing.

Even the woman standing behind the man straightened her eyes,

when the man looked at the double-sided embroidery in his hand, he only felt that his black eyes were a little deeper. For a moment, he was a little distracted when he looked at the embroidery.

For a while, the man just reaction come over, his eyes linger on looking at the show gold, and then looked up to white brocade, this time, the man's eyes than before even more hot.

"This double-sided embroidery was also taught by your embroiderer?"

Bai Jin hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Master xiuniang did teach her, but before she could finish it, she was driven out by the Liu family.

"I'll take your embroidery!" The man said, suddenly raised his left hand, followed by the dark behind him suddenly out of a person.

Bai Jin looks at the sudden appearance of the man in black. She is a little surprised. She has been here for some time, but she has never found the existence of torture. It can be seen that this man is skilled and is hiding in the dark to protect the man.

He was dressed in high-class clothes and talked with extraordinary style. There was a trace of arrogance and ferocity between his eyebrows. In addition, the master Bai Jin who followed him was more convinced that the man sitting in front of him had no idea of his valuable identity, so he must be very unusual.

The man in black who appeared untied the purse tied around his waist and handed it to the man with both hands.

The man took it, and then looked at the white brocade. He actually laughed. The warm voice said, "five hundred Liang, is that enough?"

“……” Five hundred taels?!

White brocade delicate face flashed a trace of shock, stupidly looking at the man in front of.

In fact, her double-sided embroidery really took a lot of effort. When she came here for the first time, she was going to sell fifty Liang, but she didn't expect that someone would bid so much.

The man looked at the white brocade look shocked appearance, only feel interesting, looking at the white brocade's eyes are more moist up.

"Ah Qing."

When the man makes a sound, he sees the woman beside him take the money bag in his hand and pass it to Bai Jin. Seeing Bai Jin's shocked appearance, ah Qing feels that she is really a village girl. However, she is only five hundred taels happy and at a loss. She is even more contemptuous in her heart.

White brocade Leng Leng result money bag, after a while, white brocade raises an eye to see to the man.

Seeing the man with a warm smile, looking at Bai Jin, looking at Wen Sheng, he said, "how about it? If you regret it now, it's too late. "

What the man said was that Bai Jin had just refused to leave with him.

White brocade red lips slightly pursed, thought about it, and slowly said: "childe, this double-sided embroidery really took a little thought, to be honest, I came here today to sell the embroidery to the shopkeeper, ready to ask for fifty Liang."The man picked eyebrows to look at the white brocade and said with a smile: "I think this embroidery is more than fifty Liang."

With that, the man looked down at the embroidery in his hand, and his eyes showed a trace of complexity.

The man is not talking, white brocade nature is not good at talking, and her hand this five hundred Liang, but take some uneasy.

"You can leave." Ah Qing goes to Bai Jin's side with a cold, expressionless voice.

White brocade see that man only look down at the embroidery in the hand, also no longer say Hu ah, this is obviously seeing off a guest.

White brocade is not good to stay, turn around and go out.

Out of the interior, ah Qing has gone back, and Ba Jin stands at the door, but there is a daze.

"White girl, what's up?" Shopkeeper Cheng's sharp eyes found that Bai Jin came out and quickly came to ask.

Bai Jin took a breath and looked up at the shopkeeper Cheng. He took out his purse and said, "it's sold five hundred Liang."

“…… What? Five hundred taels? " Shopkeeper Cheng's face was startled, and then she looked at Bai Jin's eyes more admiration.

"White girl, I knew that your embroidery would sell at a good price!" But did not expect to be so high!

"Shopkeeper Cheng I was going to sell fifty Liang... " White brocade low Nan way.

As soon as shopkeeper Cheng listens to it, he knows that the double-sided embroidery white brocade took this time must have taken a lot of effort. There is some pain in his heart, but he also sincerely congratulates white brocade.

"White girl, since the embroidery has been sold, don't think so much!" With that, Cheng looked around the display cabinet, then came to Bai Jin's ear and said, "besides, this distinguished guest has an extraordinary identity and doesn't care about the five hundred taels of silver!"

The man's speech and behavior are strange, but he is very concerned about the embroidery.

After thinking about it, Bai Jin realized that the embroidery master who taught her double-sided embroidery in her previous life must have something to do with this man

But in this life, she has never been to the capital.

White brocade thought for a while, become shopkeeper and comfort a few words, white brocade is also think through.

At that time, it was in the embroidery village. The man droops Mou to looking at hand double-sided embroider, but is light way: "Fu Xi, go to follow her." , the fastest update of the webnovel!