"Nangongxuan, even if you and your Nangong family really have any worries and resentments, they can't be counted as our heads," Meng engchuan tried to persuade. "Do you think your sister, Nangong Yizhu, doesn't even care about Yan Yi, what kind of wife can you care about?"

"How do you know if you don't try?" If you want to change my mind, I'm willing to change my mind


Meng engchuan was frowned by his angry eyebrows. He almost blurted out Jiang chenbi's identity in the last life, but was stopped by Yan Yi. He looked at Nangong Xuan calmly and said, "I beg you to let her go. If you have something to say, let her go. "

"Oh, is it my fault? Isn't Yan Er Shao a promiscuous person Nangong Xuan heard Yan Yi really ask him, but his face was more arrogant and proud, "ha ha ha, I'll ask you another question. If I give you a knife and let you kill my sister or this woman, who will you kill?"

At last, a chill ran across Yan Yi's handsome and gentle face, and a faint blue vein appeared on his clean forehead. However, before he opened his mouth, Jiang chenbi, who had been silent, gave a gentle smile, "useless coward."

"What are you talking about, little girl?" Nangongxuan, like a beast trampled on its tail, fought back ferociously. The blade made a bloodstain on Jiang chenbi's snow-white neck. "I don't know what to be pitiful about. Do you believe me?"

"how can I stab you into anger?" In fact, to tell the truth, Jiang chenbi is not sure at this moment. For a person who is possessed by demons, if you follow him against him, it may be the source of his outbreak, but there is no other way. She chooses to gamble.

Bet on the man's self-esteem.

"Are you hiding in this dark underground palace like a maggot, because you are not the inheritor of Nangong family? Aren't you afraid to admit that you are not as good as Nangong Yizhu everywhere, and even dare not see her now? "


"the secret pass bought the people of Nangong mansion. As your internal agent, what do you think will happen to him? I was killed by the master of Nangong family. I've been crying for a long time! Do you believe it or not, if I say you're here to live, it's no use practicing for another ten thousand years? "

"One more nonsense, I'll kill you!"

"Kill me? You think you're invincible if you kill me Jiang chenbi sneered, "you still curl up in the dark and pant. You deserve not to be admitted by Nangong family all your life!"

Nangongxuan was successfully enraged by her. His eyes flashed with awe inspiring anger, and his face was half Yin and half Yang twisted. It looked like a puppet possessed by evil spirits. "Very good, very good... Say I'm a waste, I'll kill you all one by one..."

seeing that he's emotional, Yan Yi obviously has reached the edge of being possessed by demons, and secretly uses one for sikongling He took out the sword slowly. Sikong Ling bravely stepped forward and called, "I see, you can also hold a woman and a child to show his authority."

He doesn't know martial arts. Nangongxuan doesn't pay attention to it at all. When Nangong Xuan stares at Yan Yi and Jiang chenbi with blood red eyes and hesitates about who to start with, Sikong Ling suddenly waves his hand, "Yuanbao, go up!"

The little monkey was as strong as electricity. He ran up and grabbed the front door of nangongxuan with one paw. He screamed. At the same time, Jiang chenbi secretly used his internal force to push back the top between his arms, and then rolled on the spot. When he turned over, he had already broken free from the shackles!

"You dare to cheat me!"

Although Yuanbao was quick, he was just a little monkey. At most, he was startled for a moment. After being lifted by nangongxuan, he threw it on the stone wall.

And nangongxuan draws out two knives from his waist and cuts them straight at Yan Yi!

However, Jiang chenbi took Meng forgetchuan and others back two steps in succession. At this moment, she did not ask for anything else, but asked Yan Yi to hold on for a while, and then draw a symbol to help her when she recovered a little.

The three men, she, Meng engchuan and Sikong Ling, watched the battle nervously. The so-called layman to watch the fun, the expert to see the way, although Meng nianchuan looked, but can not distinguish the high down, can not help but ask, "girl, how about Yan Yi? Can you hold on? ——What the hell is this? Nangong family has charged us with old debts! "

"I can't say, maybe between Bozhong..." a little worry flashed between Jiang chenbi's eyebrows, "but Yan Yi has to worry that he can't hurt us, but that guy can be killed at any time..."

boom -

suddenly, I don't know who started the mechanism. At the end of the corridor, a heavy stone door was opened, and inside was another stone chamber Even before Jiang chenbi's response came, Yan Yi threw himself into the secret room with his crazy Nangong Xuan!

"Yan Yi!"

Jiang chenbi couldn't stand any longer, so he rushed forward. In any case, he could not face it alone - however, it was too late!At the moment of her approaching, the stone chamber was triggered from inside, and the two heavy stone doors were suddenly closed!

Jiang chenbi's body slammed into the stone gate. The heavy pain was like an invisible giant hand, crushing her bones and churning her flesh and blood. Every inch of her skin was crying for pain. However, she just stopped for a moment, jumped up and hit the stone gate crazily. After a while, she spared no effort, "Yan Yi! Yan Yi! You asshole, why...

does it hurt? Do you feel it? She looked at the bloodstain hanging from the stone gate. It was in the shape of a fist. Just a quarter of an hour ago, Yan Yi was still holding this small fist and gently blowing for her.

Inside the stone chamber, there was a wild laugh, so hysterical, "ha ha ha ha ha... Yan, you want to die yourself, and I will make you happy!"

"Girl, you dare not do stupid things!" Meng forget Chuan and Si Kong Ling wait for reaction to come over, rush up one left and one right to want to open Jiang chenbi, "fairy sister, your hand is bleeding!"

Jiang chenbi was dragged by two men and forced to pull aside. She slowly squatted down slowly, her eyes sour and swollen, and finally, the whole person was paralyzed.

"Fairy sister, don't worry about it. Elder brother Yan is not necessarily defeated by that guy. Elder brother Yan is very powerful. He will be victorious, ah?" Si Kong Ling was holding Yuanbao in his arms. Although he was comforting in his mouth, he was not sure.

That crazy guy just slapped Yuanbao out with one hand.

If you still take the hatred of the aristocratic family...

"yes, girl, although Yan Yi's boy is not reliable on weekdays, he is still sure of what he does," Meng also said. "You see, he took the initiative to lead Nangong Xuan into the secret room. Maybe, he might hang up the loser?"

"No," Jiang chenbi's ciliary feather trembled slightly, and the whole person curled up in a ball. "He was just afraid that nangongxuan would get mad and hurt the three of us. At that time, he was even more detached and lacked skills..."

both sikongling and Meng engchuan were silent. Even if they didn't want to, they had to admit that Jiang chenbi was telling the truth.

"Si Kong Ling."

"Ah, ah, I'm here, sister immortal. What's the matter?"

"You take Meng forgetchuan and walk from the place where I drew the line..." Jiang chenbi said, picking up a piece of gravel. "You have to look after the road..."

"girl, what are you doing?" Meng is afraid that Jiang chenbi is out of his mind at this moment and does something stupid.

"If Yan Yi is really defeated by nangongxuan," Jiang chenbi slowly raised her head. In the dark, a pair of glass eyes were cold. She said slowly and word by word, "I will kill him even if I die together."

"You --"

"but you still have hope to live." Jiang chenbi continued to paint on the ground as if determined, and said in a low voice, "Si Kong Ling, you have a good look, from..."

"immortal sister, don't say it," but Si Kong Ling interrupted her, "I know you have a good intention, but elder brother Yan is in there, and he has forgotten to die for us. How can we give up him?"

Silence, silence everywhere.

The three people looked at each other in silence, and their faces were more or less sad. No matter Meng engchuan or Sikong Ling, everyone had his own unfinished wish, and no one was willing to die in this dark underground palace.

However, love seems to be the only fetter for the three to face life and death.

Br >, what's more, it doesn't have to be a failure

The stone gate opened slowly in the stillness.