Chapter 338: Escort Mission

Name:HxH: God of Choice System Author:
Chapter 338: Escort Mission

A day passed quickly, and the Rock ninjas didn’t appear again.

At noon the next day, Tsunade finally came out of the cave.

Minato, Kakashi, and Rin immediately greeted her and asked eagerly, “Tsunade-Sama, what happened to Obito’s ?”

Tsunade’s expression looked a little tired, as she had spent a lot of chakras to save Obito, but she said in a low tone:

“I barely saved his life, in order to really cure him, we need to bring back Konoha as we medical equipment.

Fortunately, the boy’s right eye was not damaged severely, and his vision has now been restored under my treatment.”

Kakashi said, “Since that’s the case, let me transfer Obito back to the village for treatment. Time is of the essence.”

Tsunade looked at Minato and said, “Minato, can you use the Flying Thunder God technique to transfer Obito back to the village?”

Hearing this, Minato shook his head and said, “The distance is a bit far. With my current Chakra, I’m afraid I can’t do it.”

Tsunade nodded, showing her understanding, and did not force Minato, saying, “If that’s the case, then I can only let Katsuyu take Obito back to the village.

Because slugs move slowly, it will take at least two days to get to Konoha from here.

In order to ensure the safety of the road, someone needs to be an escort.”

Hearing this, Kakashi was the first to say: “Let me do it, I will definitely protect Obito.”

“I will come as well,” Rin said.

“What about you, Minato?” Tsunade asked.

Minato Namikaze hesitated for a moment, then said: 〃Although I really want to escort Obito back in person, there is one more thing I need to do. “

After that, Minato looked at Allan who was not far away, and said, “Allan-san, since you are going to Konoha anyway, can I ask you to protect them on the way as a favor for me?”

However, the less danger there is, the more vigilant they should be.

Never let your guard down just because you are not in danger. Maybe the enemy is hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Sure enough, not long after, the enemy really appeared, and the enemy who appeared this time were Rock Ninjas.

They used an earth wall to block Allan and the other’s path.

They planned to encircle Allan and the others within the earth wall and deal with them.

Allan told Kakashi to break the wall with The Raikiri, and he took care of those Rock Ninjas.

The two worked together very smoothly.

Tsunade witnessed Allan’s power for the first time. Seeing that Allan had dealt with Rock Ninjas so easily, she couldn’t help but admire him, and at the same time, she was curious about his identity.

After that, Allan and the others did not encounter any enemy again.

In the afternoon of the second day, they finally arrived at Konoha.

After entering Konoha, Allan completed this escort mission and also received the reward from the system, The Rasengan.

Alan wasn’t that happy about receiving the Rasengan because with his current power, the Rasengan wasn’t necessary.

In fact, being able to come to Konoha Village made him even more excited.

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