Chapter 389: Regrouping

Name:HxH: God of Choice System Author:
Chapter 389: Regrouping

Not long after, Allan successfully reunited with Bon Clay and Mr. 3.

Additionally, there was one more person.

This man was tall, bald with a dark complexion and a well-toned physique. There was a large “Spring” character tattooed on his chest, showcasing his formidable power.

Allan’s eyes lit up as he immediately recognized the bald man as the strongest underling of Crocodile, Mr. 1, Daz Bones.

Despite being in prison attire, his cold assassin’s demeanor was still palpable.

he had consumed a Devil Fruit, granting him the superhuman ability of Cut-Cut Fruit.

His Devil Fruit ability was extremely lethal, allowing him to freely transform any part of his body into a blade, such as his hands or feet, into sharp cutting tools.

He could also harden his skin into steel-like hardness, comparable to armor.

Mr. 1 was born in West Blue and was once a well-known and notorious bounty hunter, also known as a killer.

However, he failed in his attempt to assassinate Crocodile and was defeated by the latter.

Crocodile was impressed by Mr. 1’s strength and cold killer aura, and so instead of killing him, he made Mr. 1 one of his subordinates.

Defeated, Mr. 1 submitted to Crocodile’s immense power and joined Baroque Works, earning the title of Mr. 1.

A few months ago, after he and Crocodile were defeated by the Straw Hat Pirates in Alabasta, they were both incarcerated in the underwater prison Impel Down and imprisoned in the fourth level, the Blazing Hell.

Now, with the help of M.2 and M.3, Mr. 1 was successfully rescued. Despite being weakened after being imprisoned in the fourth layer of the prison for a long time, he still had an intimidating presence, befitting the first assassin of the Baroque Works organization. After a brief conversation, Allan also got to know Mr. 1, Aka Daz Bones.

“Hey, what happened to you, Hannyabal? You’re hurt pretty badly.” Magellan expressed sympathy in the medical room.

Hannyabal grumbled, “Magellan, you must be enjoying this, right?”

Magellan shook his head, “Not at all, I’m not the kind of person who takes pleasure in others’ misfortunes.”

Hannyabal said, “It’s all your fault for always taking a dump. As the first person in charge of Impel Down, you should be suppressing pirates, not lazing around in your office eating all the time.”

In response to Hannyabal’s accusations, Magellan says, “Very well, I’ve come here, so who hurt you like this? Your strength is not weak, who exactly is this guy who did this to you? Tell me, I’ll seek revenge for you.”

Hannyabal responds, “It’s that mysterious person, he’s called Allan.”

Magellan thinks for a moment and says, “I’ve never heard of this person before, he must be a recent arrival.”

Hannyabal says, “He should still be on the fourth floor. Magellan, you must quickly go and capture him. He is an absolute danger and you should not underestimate him.”

“Okay, I understand. I’m going to find that guy now,” says Magellan before leaving the medical room.

“Domino, any news about Sadi?” Magellan asks his subordinate as he leaves the medical room.

Domino shakes his head, “Sadi’s prison beasts have all been defeated, but we don’t know where Sadi went.”

“Oh well, it doesn’t matter, the most important thing now is to capture Allan. Magellan’s face becomes serious,” says Magellan.

“The governor is finally taking action,” Domino says with anticipation.