“Hey... Hey, Kirara-chan.”

"Hmm? What~?”

As I was eating the strawberry whipped crepe I had just bought, Nene Kimura, a member of my clique, called out to me.

We were in the middle of eating the crepes we had just bought after shopping.

“Why have you been hanging out with Kanzaki lately?”


Aoi and Miyu reacted to Nene's words with a jolt.

Maybe they were traumatized by Kaito's name.

Miki, unaware of this, joined in the conversation with great interest.

“Yes, that was quite a surprise, but why?”

"Hmmm? I'm just playing with him because his reaction is interesting.”

I smiled back at them.

It's not true, but I don't need to tell them that.

If I give them a poor reason, they might bring unnecessary trouble for Kaito.

Kaito Kanzaki - a boy who looks like a nerdy otaku.

He doesn’t stand out. Even if he disappeared from the class for a day or two, no one would notice.

And if you talk to him, he can't even look you in the eye and talk to you - he's extremely annoying to talk to.

That's who Kaito Kanzaki was.

But the impression I have of him now is different.

The reason he looks so shady is that his bangs are so long that you can't see his eyes.

I've only seen his face properly once, but honestly, he looked much cooler than those Idols on TV.

Those dignified and cool eyes were hidden deep beneath his bangs.

Besides, his true personality is not that he can't speak properly, but that he's quite a talkative person. 

I didn't know exactly why he was acting so cautiously at school, but I knew it was because of something that happened in the past.

That's why I'm following him around now.


Of course, it’s because I'm his girlfriend.

--Even though it’s a promise I forced him to make

I wouldn't be able to stay by his side if I didn't.

I've done so much in the past.

...... So you're saying I can't hang around you?

I can't do that.

Because I like him.

You know?

When he's really pissed, he has this look in his eyes like everything is in the palm of his hands.

When he looks at me like that, it scares me.

But I still like those eyes.

I also wish I could see more of those eyes.

Even though it's scary, When he looks at me that way, it means he sees me as an enemy, and that's not good.

I don't want him to hate me.

I can't help it!

Besides, he doesn't see me as Saijo, he sees me as Kirara.

...... What, you don't know what I'm talking about?

I don't know what you're talking about, but you've got to get a grip.

He would have understood what I said by now!

So, you see, He's not looking at me because of my family background, Saijo, but because I'm a girl named Kirara.

The boys around me approach me because I am from the Saijo family.

Well, I'm also a beautiful girl, so some boys come up to me because of my looks, but I refuse them.

I'm not interested in people who approach me for something in return.

So, if a guy confesses to me because of my looks, it means he's after my body, right?

I really hope you don't do that.

Can you please check the mirror before you go out?

Well, if it's a guy that’s good-looking, I'll say no because I don't like him.

If he still insists, I'll tell him it's fine if he's reincarnated as Kaito Kanzaki.

If you approach me claiming you have the same name, I'll ridicule you for being an idiot and erase you from society.

Well, despite the jokes, I liked Kaito a lot.

And you know, Kaito doesn't like it when I annoy him by following him around, but he doesn't really reject me.

He doesn't ignore me. He just deals with me as if it's normal.

I think that's a sweet attitude for someone who has done so much in the past.

But he told me that he didn't care anymore.

Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean he's forgiven me.

When I asked him, "Have you forgiven me?”, he denied it.

He said he just wanted to get it over with.

So, I'm trying not to worry about it, so I don't show it, but in his mind, I'm still not forgiven.

Well, there is another reason why I follow him around.

It's because I need him to be there for me.

The other reason I blurted out to Kaito is my reason for coming to this school - it was to find someone who can beat "him".

If I go out into the world like this, I'll be crushed by "him" again.

That's why I decided to find a talented person at this school, which has the largest number of students in the prefecture.

The first person I set my eyes on was The Princess Momoi Sakaki.

I had high hopes for her because I heard that she ranked high in the national mock examinations and could exercise on par with boys, but I was disappointed.

She was serious.

A serious person couldn't beat "him".

On the contrary, she became the biggest obstacle for me.

I know...

I know that this is nothing but unjustified resentment.

But I didn't have the time to pretend.

So I made a mistake.

--But because of that, I was able to meet a person named Kaito.

If it's him, he might be able to beat that guy.

So even if I hadn't fallen in love with him, I think I would have ended up following him around.

"You're terrible, Kirara-chan! If you do that, Kanzaki will get the wrong idea~”

That's what Miku said when she heard my answer, and she laughed.

"He's sure to fall in love if he's treated like that by a cute girl like Kirara."

Nene also agrees with Miku.

Aoi and Miyu both looked at me with cold sweat running down their faces.

They know Kaito's true nature.

So they must know that I'm serious about following him around.

And yet, I think they're worried that I'll get angry because Miku and the others were making fun of my feelings for him.

But even if they tried to stop them, They couldn't protect Kaito from them because they couldn't talk about what happened.

But you know, I don't mind when people say bad things about Kaito.

In fact, you can say more.

Because I'm the only one who should know about his charm.

I don't want to have more rivals if they find out about his charm.

If people notice his true colors, especially his looks, there will definitely be girls who will come after him.

That's why I won't protect Kaito either.

"Wow, that's a problem!"

I replied jokingly, laughing at them both.

I'm just playing with Kaito, that's all.

"But, Kanzaki is pining for Momoi's sister, isn't he?"

I know, I know! For some reason, when other boys try to talk to her, she runs away, but she only approaches Kanzaki and smiles at him!

Momoi's sister was a girl who had been the subject of rumors for some time.

She looks like an elementary school student, but her breasts are as big as those of a gravure idol, which is enough to make her stand out, and she is the younger sister of the most popular girl in the school.

She was also very cute, just like her older sister.

There was a rumor that such a beautiful girl had been staying with a man for a while.

That man was Kaito.

...To be honest, there were times where I was worried that Kaito would be stolen by Momoi's sister.

But when Momoi's sister hugged Kaito, I was convinced that there was nothing to worry about.

It was because Kaito, who was being hugged, looked like a big brother who had trouble dealing with his sister.

Kaito does not see his sister Momoi as a girl.

If that's the case, I decided that it was better to not care if Momoi's sister was there than to be hated by him.

However, it still doesn't feel good to see him being nice to other girls, so I'll stay by Kaito's side and keep him to myself.

...... Hmm?

What do you mean, contradictory?

“No, I mean I won’t separate Momoi’s sister and Kaito if they are already side by side but if he’s with me first, I won’t hand him over.”

"Well, if Kirara-chan doesn't like Kanzaki, then there's no problem, right?

"Yeah, what?

When I was thinking about that, Nene asked me with a very nice smile.

You know, there's a rumour about how the boys don't like Kanzaki getting the attention of Momoi's sister, so they're going to call him out and beat him up!

...... What is that ......?

I've never heard of that ......?

"Kanzaki's a nerd and trash of society, so let's get him!"

Miki, like Nene, had a wide smile on her face.

It looks like they want to see Kaito get beaten up as soon as possible.

"Hey Miki, and Nene." 

"Hmm, what is it?"

I laughed and called their names, and they looked at me.

I told them.

"If you do anything to Kaito, I'll erase you from society.

--I told them with a smile.


The two of them looked extremely frightened by my words.

Oh,but it wasn't just the two of them.

Aoi and Miyu also had frightened expressions on their faces.

Well, but this is the fault of those two.

I forgive them for saying bad things about Kaito, but it's a different story when they actually harm him.

I will never forgive them if they hurt someone I care about.

...Besides, this is for the sake of these children.

If you try to harm or crush Kaito, You’re the one who’s going to be crushed instead.

It's not like Kaito is a strong guy, he doesn't seem to be a strong fighter. If you surround him with a group of people, you might be able to beat him up, but I feel like you'll get twice as much payback later.

...I mean, what is Kaito really like?

If he's good at fighting, then God is giving Kaito too many things!

It's not a good idea to play favorites, you know.

Kaito doesn't need your fighting skills or anything, okay?

If you're giving it to him, I'll forgive you this time so you’d better remove it, okay?

I want to be dominated by Kaito, but I don't want to be hurt, okay?

--I tried to talk to God about such things while Miki and the others continued to be frightened.