
“...Onii-chan, I know you’re worried, but you’ve been sighing for quite a while now...”

When I sighed, Sakura-chan had a troubled smile on her face.

Ahh~... my little sister is really cute…

...What am I even talking about?...

I’ve been a little distracted from reality…

But with that said--

It’s almost 8:00PM... What the hell was she doing at this hour...?

Yes, it’s almost 8:00PM, but Momoi still hasn't returned from school.

Even though there was a student council meeting, the last dismissal time is supposed to be at 6:30PM, so normally she would be home by now.

And no matter how many times I tried contacting her, she never replied.

Oh, by the way, it was Sakura-chan who contacted Momoi.

...I didn’t know Momoi’s contact info...

I’m sure she’d tell me if I asked her now... though, it’s kind of embarrassing.

It’s because I don’t know how to ask a girl for her contact information.

As for Sakura-chan, she told me herself.

By the way, I don’t know Saijo’s contact information either…

That girl asked me to exchange with her many times, but I refused all of them.

This is because, if I told her, I feel like I will never stop getting notifications from her all day long…

Well, it may have been a little bit a while ago, but that person properly faced herself of what she did, I still pity her. 

But then again, having notifications all day long, it makes me remember of the trauma I had.

Well, I'll tell Saijo-san someday.


...For now, let’s leave Saijo out of this for now.

More importantly-

“I wonder if something happened?”


I was trying to figure out what Momoi was doing again, and responded to Sakura-chan’s muttered words.

“I’m going to school right now!”

“Eh? Hey… wait, Onii-chan!”

I ran towards school, leaving Sakura-chan’s surprised voice behind me.

--I’m an idiot!

It’s that unreasonably cute Momoi!?

If you’re walking alone in the middle of the night like this, you’d probably be attacked!

Why didn’t I act sooner?

Anyway, for now, let’s head to where Momoi is as soon as possible!

I was worried that Momoi might be caught up in something strange again, so I ran as fast as I could towards the school.

“I’m sure you’ll understand why I’m here…haa-...haa-...there’s light from the student council room…”

--When I arrived at school, I saw light leaking from the window out of the student council room.

In other words, Momoi is still in the student council room.

Good grief… What the hell is the student council doing at this hour?

With that thought in mind, I peeked through the student council room window.



--From there, I saw Momoi alone, facing the computer.

Why are you alone...?

Where are the others...?


I opened the door to the student council room, went inside, and called out Momoi.

“--! What…? Why is Kanzaki-kun here?”

When I called out to her, Momoi looked at me with surprise.

She seemed to be so focused that she didn’t even hear the door open.

“Do you know what time it is?”

I asked, ignoring Momoi’s question, and she awkwardly averted her gaze.

She seemed to be aware of the fact that it was already past the dismissal time.

Well... It’s just... It’s already pitch black outside.

It would be strange if she didn’t notice this.

“So, what are you doing here this late in time?”

“That’s… work is piling up…”

Momoi replied weakly as her voice strained.

She must have realized that I was angry.

“Work piling up?” Then, why are the others not here? Maybe the others are not even doing anything right now at home while you were working on it until you brought it home?”

I narrowed my eyes and asked Momoi.

Momoi turned her head away to avoid eye contact with me.

It’s not that I want to push Momoi over the edge.

And to be honest, I don’t feel comfortable saying all this to Momoi right now as it hurts my heart.

But if I don’t say it like this, she’ll most likely cover for the others and not tell me the truth.

“It’s because... everyone is slow at typing with the keyboard on the computer. That’s why it’s more efficient for me to take care of it… I can’t leave it to anyone else to finish the work...”


Well, even in this internet society, there are still many people who can’t use a computer.

In addition, the number of people who don’t use computers is rapidly increasing due to the recent spread of smartphones…

“Well, what about the student council advisor? Why don’t you explain the situation to her and ask her to help you?"

I asked, and Momoi shook her head.

“She’s... mechanically illiterate… Right now, she’s in the staff room waiting for me to finish.”


“Is the student council full of no good people who can only study?”

I muttered to myself.

“That’s just terrible…? Not everyone can type without looking at the keyboard like you Kanzaki-kun…”

“No, I know, but come on… No matter how much you want to, there are five student council members… How come only one person can type on a keyboard properly, and then the advisor is mechanically illiterate? Besides, it’s not unusual for people to be able to touch-type nowadays.” 

--Touch typing, also known as blind touch, is typing on the keyboard without looking at your hands.

There are many people who can remember the position of the keyboard in their head, but basically, those people’s fingers remember the position of the keys on the keyboard.

And when your body remembers, you can type faster because you are not thinking with your head. (TLN: Basically, muscle memory)

In addition, you can tell if you’ve made a mistake by looking at the screen, and you can type while looking at the document, making you type faster than usual.

And it’s true, there are a lot of people out there who can type on a keyboard without looking at their hands. (TLN: Yes, just like me xD)

“And why didn’t you call me to let me know you’d be late? Sakura-chan messaged you several times, didn’t she?”

When I said that, Momoi awkwardly showed me the screen of her phone.

...It’s pitch black?...

...That means, she…

“Did you forget to charge your battery…?”

When I asked, Momoi nodded deeply.

Hey… Where did the top regulars of the national mock exam go?

The student council, including her, is full of clumsy people…

“N-n-no that’s wrong…!!”

As I made a dumbfounded face, Momoi sounded flustered as she said that.

“What is…?”

“That… This is, it’s because I’ve been feeling off lately, not because I’m out of it by any means!”


I didn’t reply to Momoi’s words, so we both stared at each other in silence.

“Yes, yes, yes… that’s right.”

“Ah, how terrible!”

Hearing Momoi’s excuse, I felt like an idiot and brushed it off.

Behind me, Momoi complained with tears, but I ignored her since it felt silly to deal with her every time.

--Because you were feeling off, that just means you’re out of it after all…

.... Eh?

You’re out of yourself recently?

Then, that means--



“What the hell!?”

Momoi suddenly gave me a strong chop with a strange shout.

“What the hell are you doing!?”

“It’s Kanzaki-kun’s fault for ignoring me!”

When I looked at Momoi while holding my head with my right hand, I saw that she had teary eyes and puffed up her cheeks.

Hey… isn’t this person too cute?

Or rather, how old is her mental age?

At least, I think she’s younger than Sakura-chan’s.

“Haa~... It’s only a waste of time doing this. For now, how much work do we have left to do anyway?”

“Umm… about this much…”

What Momoi showed me was a bunch of paper, probably around 30 sheets of A4 paper.


I’ve never been in the student council before, so I’m not sure, but is it really this much work?

I’m not sure if it’s because of the large body of students, or because we have many facilities and equipment?

Well, this school has 10 classes per grade, so I guess it can’t be helped…

“You should really get some other people to help you with this…”

I couldn’t help but say to Momoi that it’s too much work.

Even I’m not sure how long it will take me to finish this.

Especially if it’s Momoi who can’t touch-type, I could only wonder how long it will take her to finish this.

“I’ve already asked everyone else to do something else…”

“That’s what I’ve been saying, if you’re still doing it at this hour, this means that you can’t divide the work to others properly, can you?…”


Momoi wouldn’t retreat to my complaint.

Haaa~... Really, what a stubborn person.

“Where are the urgent tasks?”


“What I’m trying to say is, the ones that are needed to be accomplished for tomorrow.”

“Oh... Those ones are already done. The ones that are left are for the upcoming following days, but if you don’t finish it up right now, work will just keep on piling up...”

I see…

So she was still able to prioritize her work properly.

Well, so that part of her is still an honor student.

“If that’s the case, at home, use my--... No wait, you can’t...”

I was about to tell her that she could have used my pc at home but then again I remembered she wasn’t able to because I was monopolizing it lately.

The fact that she’s not being selfish here makes me think she’s honestly a good girl.

I don’t have a choice.

I’ll buy Momoi’s computer out of my own money.

“I’ll get a computer for-- No… Actually, never mind that.”


Momoi tilted her head in disbelief as I rephrased my words.

...I’m sorry, Momoi…

After all, I don’t want to buy you a personal computer.

Because--... That would mean from now on, she won’t come to my room to play erotic games…

.... What is it?

Shut up… I know it’s unfair…

Besides, it’s true that it’s troubling when Momoi just came out after her bath…

However, I don’t like it if Momoi stops coming to visit me…

...Haa, really, what’s wrong with me…

This and all of it was because Momoi is too cute...

I couldn’t help it, but just put my right hand over my face and look up to the heavens.

“Umm… What’s wrong?”

Momoi sounded confused by my actions.

“No, it’s nothing… Rather, can I take a look at some of the stuff you’re doing?”

“Uhh, yes…”

I took the stack of papers from Momoi and looked through them.


"This is the same text here and there, isn't it? What's different about this part?”

“Eh? Well, yes, that’s right but…”

"Well, why don't you make a copy of this once in Excel, turn it around, and fix only the parts with different values?

"Ah, but then, in this document, there is only one thing to enter for this equipment, but there are three here, right? In that case, I would enter only one name for the three things. I'm going to put the three together so that I can see what's related to it, so I thought it would be faster to make it from scratch rather than just work on it while modifying it.”

I see what you mean…

"And then there's the departmental activities and the student council budgets, and the formatting - no, I mean the formatting, it's just different forms that you make for different types of documents, but don’t they all look similar?

I asked, in which Momoi nodded her head.

“Ok, I got it. Now, let’s go home.”

“Eh? But, If I don’t do this now, I’ll have a hard time later on…”

“I don’t care, it’s already late, just give up for now.”

When I said that, Momoi nodded reluctantly.

“Momoi, can you turn off the computer for now and ask them to clean up and lock the door?”

“Eh, uh, yeah…”

Momoi was puzzled by my words for a moment, but immediately began to do as I said.

I felt bad that I couldn’t help Momoi, so I took a few pictures of a few documents varying in different formats with the camera of my phone without her noticing this. 

Part 2

"I'm sorry for being so selfish. And thank you for staying late for me.”

Momoi bowed to Kisaragi-sensei, a clumsy teacher in her second year of teaching.

I'm hiding in the corner of the hallway, watching the scene.

As expected, I was with Momoi at such a late time, and it was annoying to be told something, so I decided to hide and wait.

...Well, you see?

No matter what you say, as long as our looks don’t match, if I was alone with her during this hour, she might get suspicious of us, don’t you think?

So, don’t look at me with those pitiful eyes...

Or rather-- the advisor of the student council, Kisaragi-sensei... 

The only thing she has going for her is her cute appearance, other than that she’s just clumsy… 

Azusa Kisaragi is a home economics teacher who takes things lightly, acts carelessly, and makes a lot of mistakes.

In addition, she cries to her students when she is in trouble.

...That’s, mainly what I think of her though…

That person knew that I was not good at refusing because of my communication disorder, so she would ask me for help with tears.

At first, I couldn't even have a proper conversation with her, but by the end of the first year, I got used to dealing with her.

However, in the second year, I didn’t have any more contact with her at all. 

This is when I stopped being involved with this person -- after school around the end of my freshman year, when she cried out to me, "I dropped the key to the home economics room, please help me~" We looked for about two hours together, but couldn't find it at all.

And, where do you think we found it…?

--In the pockets of her own clothes!

Here’s our conversation at the time.

“Still, no matter where I look, I can’t find it at all..”

“Oh no, what should I do…! The vice-principal will get angry at me again…”

“Who on earth, just loses that many keys anyway…”

“No, don’t you remember that I put it in my pockets this time? But now, It mysteriously disappeared from my pocket!”

“Hee,… By the way, you did look into the pockets properly, didn’t you…?”

"Oh, what's with your eyes? Come on, just-- Ah......”

“I wonder, that Ah just now is…?”

“Awawa~, it’s in my pocket this entire time…”


“Ah, wait, don’t leave me~!”

--I didn’t yell at her at the time.-- After all, my communication level was comparable to the swamps, so no matter how clumsy the teacher was, I couldn’t yell at her.

I was just so dumbfounded that I wasn’t able to say anything else.

And since then, I’ve been avoiding this clumsy teacher.

No, that’s not the only reason why I gave up on her, okay?

She's such a huge pain in the ass…

She always brags about her sister to me to show how much of a siscon she is.

It appears that her sister is in the same grade like us in another high school called Kirisawa Gakuen, but she seems to be a very cute little sister who is natural and fluffy.

So before I knew it, I was being told endless stories about her.

Of course, I don't believe a single word of what this clumsy teacher says, let alone half of whatever she says, but it's hard to take the battering of hearing the same story over and over again.

So that’s why, I don’t want to have anything to do with her anymore, and if I see her, I immediately run away before she notices me.

“Ah, it’s okay, it’s okay, I should be sorry because I couldn’t be of any help.”

“No, I’m grateful that you’re still here.”

--Even so, It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen this cool mode of Momoi.

When I look at her like this, I could only look at her as a different person.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

With that, Momoi walked towards me.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, okay? Let’s go home together now.”

After saying that, Momoi had a pleasant smile on her face.


I held my mouth with my right hand and quickly turned my face away from Momoi.

Oh no!

This person is just too cute!

I'm so happy that I'm the only one who knows this Momoi.

Momoi tilted her head and looked at me strangely, but I couldn't make eye contact with her anymore.