
I went back to our house and separated from Umi-kun in front of my room, and when I went into my room, I couldn’t help but smile.

That’s how happy I was about today.

Because thanks to Umi-kun, today was the best birthday of my life!

I was so happy just to have an amusement park date with you, and not only did you surprise me with a birthday cake, but at the end you gave me a birthday present with a beautiful night view in the background!

My heart is already pounding so hard, it’s painful…!

After the roller coaster ride, I nearly cried… But then, I was so happy because the birthday cake was so cute and delicious!

When Umi-kun was fawning over the waitress, my heart was troubled, but that waitress was a good person because she thought we were a couple!

I was so happy to hear the waitress’s words that I put my hand on my cheek, and then Umi-kun suddenly turned around to look at me, and I couldn’t help but turn my face away…

I felt so hot, but he didn’t know I was red, did he?

And also, I took the liberty of holding his hand on the street at night, and he acted as if it was natural!

Can I hold your hand normally next time!?

And maybe we can even try holding hands as lovers!

Or rather, Umi-kun is surprisingly romantic!

He took me to a place where I could see such a beautiful night view and gave me a birthday present there!

And when I asked him to wear the pendant, he really did!

When Umi-kun’s face was so close to mine, my heart was thumping so hard!

And finally, I asked him to call me by my name, and he said that’s what he would call me from now on!

I think I’ve already entered the game’s route!

After that, all we have to do is go on a few dates and start dating.

…Don’t tell me you’ve come this far and suddenly a new girl comes out of nowhere, or another girl steals you away…?

No matter what, isn’t that a terrible thing to do?

I will cry if that happens to me!

And I’ll hate you for the rest of my life, Kami-sama! (TLN: Kami-sama means God)

After saying that to Kami-sama, I took out the present that Umi-kun gave me.

It’s made in the motif of a feather, with a glass ruby embedded in the base of the feather.

Umi-kun took the trouble to match the stone with my birthday stone…

I really want to keep it on my body, but I can’t wear it to school…

Also I want to cherish it, so I will only wear it when I go on a date with you!

I decided to do so and carefully put away the gift that Umi had given me.

*Knock knock.

While doing so, there was a knock on the door from someone.

…Is it Umi-kun?

I opened the door, hoping it would be Umi-kun.


“Ehehe, happy birthday, onee-chan.”

After saying so, Sakura smiled and offered me a present.

…S-so cute!

What’s up with this girl, she’s as cute as an angel!

I resisted the urge to hug her.

“Thank you, Sakura. I’m sorry you had to come all this way.”

With that said, I pretended to be a cool older sister.

…This is good!

After all, I want to be a cool big sister to my little sister!

“Yeah, I hope you’ll be happy about it.”

When Sakura said that, she seemed to be waiting for me to open her birthday present.

I carefully opened the present.

Inside, I found a cute, thin bracelet with a small heart on it.

“Isn’t this expensive?”

I couldn’t help but ask Sakura.

At least, I think it’s not something a student could afford.

“Ehehe― I’ve always been indebted to onee-chan, so I did my best.”

“You’re really…”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at Sakura.

If anything, I should be the one to take care of Sakura, who does all the housework for me, but Sakura, just because she is taking care of me, I can’t believe she would buy such an expensive item with her own allowance…

“Thank you, Sakura. I’m so happy.”

I said so and patted Sakura’s head.

Sakura had a pleasant look on her face and rested her head against mine.

Sakura is really cute…

I was very happy with the gift from Umi-kun, but I was equally happy with the gift I received from Sakura.

Because Sakura is my cute and precious sister.

I didn’t go to Umi-kun’s room today, but instead I took Sakura into my room and talked with her until she fell asleep―.

After the vacation― the school was in an uproar.

Well,.. I knew this was going to happen…

The reason for the panic in the school is because of the rumor that Sakihime had a boyfriend.

Some of the boys were screaming and crying.

This just goes to show how popular Sakihime is.

But as I know the truth, I felt sorry for those boys and at the same time relieved that from now on there will be no more strange men wooing her.

…Shut up…

That’s right, when a man talks to Sakihime, it makes me worry about her.

After all, that girl is so d*mn cute, you know?

She’s more like a little sister than a big sister, so who wouldn’t be worried about her if she was being courted by another guy?

That’s why I’m thankful that rumors like this will keep strange men away from Sakihime.

…As long as I’m not harmed…

“What do you mean…?”

Currently, I was taken out of the classroom by Saijo, and was confronted in a deserted hallway.

It’s the usual reverse pattern.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

I tilted my head at Saijo.

No, I know what you’re talking about.

However, because this person’s mood was so uncharacteristic, I immediately blurted it out.

“You’re Momoi’s boyfriend, aren’t you?”

“What an idiot… I don’t remember any of this at all.”

“Fuuun~… It seems that the day Momoi and her boyfriend were walking around together was July 7th, right? If I recall correctly, someone had promised to play with Momoi that day~?”

Says Saijo, and glanced at me.

This person also does some bad things like this…

“That’s right, I was the rumored guy. However, I’m going to tell you just this, I’m not dating Momoi. I only did it so that men would avoid her.”

I said that and explained the facts to Saijo.

I’m sure this person won’t harm Momoi anymore, so she won’t tell anyone about this.

“Is that really the truth…?”

But, for some reason Saijo didn’t believe my words.

“No, think about it normally. Do you think that Momoi would have any interest in me?”

“Just how low can Kaito’s opinion of himself be…”

I’m not sure why Saijo was so taken aback when I gave my strongest reasoning.

It’s not that I have low self-esteem, that’ s just a fact.

“Well, if Kaito says so, I believe you…But you didn’t say that you dressed up properly when you were with Momoi but won’t do anything if you’re with me, did you?”

Saijo decided to settle the matter with herself before I could say anything, and said something like that to me with a furtive glance.

一What on earth did you dislike so much about…

However, even if it’s Saijo, I’m going to dress up.

In a different case from Sakihime, Saijo is an important girl for me, and I don’t want to embarrass her.

“I understand. I don’t know if it will suit Saijo’s taste, but I’ll make sure I’m well presented.”

“Well, I guess that’s fine. Ah, and on a different note, I heard that our homeroom teacher is going on maternity leave at the end of this month.”

Saijo, who seemed to be satisfied with my reply, now asked me to talk about something else.

It’s great that you’re in a better mood, but class is starting soon.

Not wanting to be late for class, I decided to let Saijo’s words slide.

“Is that so? We can’t help it.”

“Eh? You’re not really interested?”

“That’s right. I don’t remember getting involved with her much…”

I don’t usually talk to my homeroom teacher.

It was not my homeroom teacher who was always pushing me to do work, but my classmates.

“Fuun, forget about it then. You’re not interested in knowing who the replacement is, are you?”

“I guess so. Well, we’d better get back to class or else we’ll be late.”

I replied to Saijo and walked to the classroom.


Saijo replied to my words and walked next to me, so we walked back to the classroom together―.