(**Kaito’s POV**)


When I rang the intercom at Kirara’s house, she answered in a depressed voice.

That’s unusual…

I thought about it, but then I called out to her.

“It’s Kaito. I want to talk to you, so please open the door.”

“Eh!? Kaito!? W-wait a minute!”

Kirara said in a flustered voice, and began to slam around.

Five minutes later― Kirara finally came out.

“Sorry to keep you waiting…”

“Ahh―no, don’t worry about it.”

When Kirara came out, I understood why she took a while to come out.

There was a trace of tears on Kirara’s face right now, and her eyes were slightly red.

She was probably trying hard to cover up the fact that she was crying so that I wouldn’t notice.

If that was the case, the kind thing to do was not mind about it.

“Come in.”

Kirara asked me to go inside the house.

But I shouldn’t go into a place where a girl lives alone.

“Let’s talk outside.”

“E-ehh… but…”

Kirara muttered and turned her attention to her clothes.

I didn’t notice because my eyes were on her face, but she had already changed into her loungewear.

It may be a hassle to make her change her clothes, but I can’t just enter her house.

“Kaito, are you really that uncomfortable with the idea of you coming into my house…?”

Kirara looked up at me with tears in her eyes.


“It hurts me when you hate me so much…”

“O-okay, I get it! I get it, don’t look at me like that anymore!”

I nodded, defeated by the sad expression of Kirara.

…I’m really weak-willed…

“Yes! Well, come in, come in!”

As soon as I agreed, Kirara cheerfully pulled my hand.

…Was that just an act earlier?

…No, you’re flailing…

Kirara’s voice was higher than usual, and her hands were shaking slightly.

She must be forcing herself to be cheerful.

“So what’s up?”

Kirara asked after sitting beside me, letting me sit first.

I should probably wave her off, but I couldn’t do that as she was forcing herself to act cheerful.

“There are two things I want to ask you first. I know this is a tactless question, but how much money does Kirara actually have in her allowance right now? I’d like to know without any false pretenses.”

I asked Kirara, even though I knew it was a rude question.

Because it’s a very important part of the plan I’m taking.

“Umm… about 100 million yen…”

“I-I see…”

I nodded, a little awkwardly at Kirara’s words.

…That’s crazy!

How does a student have a hundred million of allowance!?

No, Alice-san probably has an amount of money that is an order of magnitude greater than that…

However, that girl earned her own money in the past.

So that’s why I know she has a lot of money― But in Kirara’s case, it’s just an allowance…

In any case, there is something wrong with the Japanese economy.

If you can give such a large amount of money to a child, you should make sure that the money goes to people who are struggling to survive for a day.

But for now, I was grateful that Kirara had the money.

“I’ve also prepared 200 million. Altogether with Kirara’s money, that’s a total of 300 million yen… However, it’s still not enough…”

“Eh!? W-wait a minute! How is Kaito able to prepare such a large sum of money!?”

Naturally, Kirara was surprised by my words.

However, I can’t answer that.

In fact, I think it would be better to disclose the truth as KAI in order to increase her confidence in what I’m about to ask of her.

Since Kirara is the daughter of one of Japan’s largest factions, I’m sure she’s heard of KAI, and so it’s not surprising that KAI would have access to such a large sum of money.

However, I still couldn’t tell Kirara that I was KAI.

It’s not that I don’t trust Kirara.

I think the current Kirara would be fine with me telling her.

I’m sure that even if she knew I was KAI, she wouldn’t try to force me into joining the Saijo Faction.

But― If I want to protect Kirara from the measures I’m taking, it’s not good for him to know that I’m KAI.

If all else fails, I have to make sure it’s just me.

“I can’t tell you that. But don’t worry, it’s not like I borrowed it from some weird black-market bank.”

“No, even a black market bank wouldn’t lend you 200 million… Nevertheless, I don’t mind… Is the game designed to be played with 100,000 funds?”

Kirara said so, and gave me a dubious look.

“It’s used for the final amount of the game. It doesn’t matter how you use the money for other things, as long as the money you offer as a prize doesn’t include it. After all, that’s what Byodoin has bound us to.”

“No way, is Aria trying to do the same thing…?”

It seems that Kirara thought that I was trying to raise the stock price by providing a large sum of money.

But what I’ll do is the opposite.

“Hey, Kirara. Do you think that Byodoin will use various strategies to raise the stock price?”

“Eh…? It’s different…? It’s that Aria, you know? I’m sure she’ll come up with all sorts of tricks.”

“The premise is different from the first place. Do you remember that she said that she doesn’t know anything about stocks? From that, do you think she can come up with complicated strategies?”

“But that might not be true either. If anything, it’s more likely that she’s lying.”

I shook my head at Kirara’s words.

“No, that’s unlikely. She was using a voice recorder. She even told you that you can’t run away, right? If Byodoin had lied to you, you could nullify the game. But do you think she would have messed up like that?”

“Ah, No… you’re actually right…”

“Right? So, her strategy is simple. It’s the most reliable, and it’s something that no one who knows anything about stocks would ever do.”

Perhaps, for a moment, the thought crossed Kirara’s mind as well.

However, she thought better of it and didn’t worry about it anymore.

“What’s the strategy?”


When I explained, Kirara gave me a very surprised look.

“What’s up with that!? She’s too cunning! That’s definitely a crime!”

“That’s right. But― she’ll do whatever she can to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

“If so, what should we do? We have no chance of winning if that were the case.”

“Isn’t that why you said I should get off…?”

“Ah― that’s right…”

After saying that in disgust, Kirara shrugged her shoulders.

It’s not often that you get to see this kind of expression from her.

…Well, I don’t even want to see it…

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure we win.”


“Yeah, but in return― Will you entrust your life to me?”

I asked Kirara with a serious look on my face―.

Part 2

A few minutes after I told her I wanted her to entrust her life on me, she slowly opened her mouth.

“Yes, I will. After all, I know very well that Kaito is amazing. Besides― if I lose this one, my life is all over…”

Kirara smiled at me, then said with a bitter smile that her life would be over.

Yes, her life is at stake in this game.

So, as far as I can tell, it won’t make much difference if she puts it on me.

However, entrusting your life to someone else is not something that can be done so easily.

I thanked Kirara for believing in me.

I’m also going to make sure that Aria receives the punishment she deserves for pushing Kirara to this extent.

“I’m going to explain what we’re about to do here― But before I do, how confident are you in your ability to read the stock market? I want you to answer this honestly. After all, you’re the key to this game.”

This game was originally between Kirara and Aria. 

I’m only helping her, and I think it’s best to say that this game was won by her.

Besides, the stock Aria was planning to buy was quite expensive because it’s from a major company.

So, even if she spent 300 million yen, the stock price would only fluctuate by a few yen at most.

The timing of the stock purchase is very critical.

I’m going to leave it to Kirara to read the timing of the stock purchase.

Well, I’m not going to tell Kirara that I’m going to make the final decision on the timing of the stock purchase until after I’ve gotten confirmation from her…

So, from Kirara’s point of view, she’ll think that she won from her own judgment.

This means that Kirara will no longer care that she lost to Aria and ran away, and that will be great.

“Umm― As I said before, I haven’t dabbled in the stock market much, but I’ve been reading the market for a long time because it’s a good way to learn about management. So I think I can read them reasonably well.”

Kirara replied, looking me right in the eye.

I judged that there was no lie or pretense in her words.

Well then, there will be no problem.

I know that Kirara herself is an excellent person.

I’m certain that she’s as good as Aria.

“Well then, I’d like you to read the stock market trend of the company I’m about to tell you. Also, I want to know when the stock price will drop the most during the next two weeks. Probably because that’s when Byodoin will buy stocks.”

“How do you know all this? Aria doesn’t know anything about stocks, so she can’t read the flow of stocks, right?”

“Did she ever mention that this will be a one-on-one game? I’m sure she’ll ask a different person to read it for her.”

And that person is Alice-san.

She’s the one who gave me the hint.

When I asked her if she knew anything about stocks, she said, “She doesn’t know anything about stocks.”

In other words, someone else does.

And since it was only me and Alice who were talking at that time, the only person she could cite was herself.

Not only that, but she went out of her way (on purpose) to make it clear that she would be involved, and silently affirmed that she would read the stock flow with my question.

That would mean that― Based on her reading, the best time for Aria to buy the stock would be when the stock price would be at its lowest point within the next two weeks.

There is no one who can accurately read the flow of stocks― other than A-san.

I know her very well.

That’s why I’m sure of it.

And the strategy I’m going to take is, as I said before, the timing of the stock purchase is crucial.

I definitely need to know when Aria will purchase the stock.

That’s probably why Alice-san gave me such a hint.

However, there’s no guarantee that Alice-san will read it, so I’ll have to do my own research to make sure that Kirara won’t make a mistake.

And this is something I didn’t discuss with Alice-san― I’m going to make Aria feel the same way as Kirara did after she pushed her to this point.

I’m going to show her what happens to people who live their lives by preying on others― Aria.

While I was explaining to Kirara why I was asking her to read the stock market and what I was going to do, I was also thinking about this in my head―.

Part 3

“I’m back―”

“Ah! You’re finally home!”

As soon as I entered the house, Sakihime came out of the living room.

“Umm, what’s wrong?”

I was confused by Sakihime, but I asked her that.

“There’s nothing wrong with me! 一Moreover, how long have you been playing around?”

For some reason, Sakihime seemed to be preoccupied as she put her arms around my waist.

I looked at the time on my watch.

…It’s later than usual, but it’s only just past 8pm.

Or rather, the time of the last time I played with Sakihime was later than the time of the last time I played with her, but what is there to be so upset about?

“So you enjoyed your date with Saijo-san that much?”

It seems that the current Sakihime is a mixture of the Sakihime from school.

Her eyes were very cold…

“I’m just late due to various reasons.”

“What do you mean by various reasons!? Maybe you’ve taken a break from it all!? Or rather, you didn’t even deny that it was a date!”

I couldn’t explain what had happened, so I slurred my words, but Sakihime reacted even more.

Or rather, what do you mean by “break”… 

Well, I did have fun, so you could say it was a break…

In addition, she said that she was going on a date with me, but when I didn’t deny it, she became more angry…

How bothersome…

Sakihime is cute these days, but sometimes she becomes bothersome with things I don’t even understand.

“First of all, Saijo and I separated at noon, so we didn’t get to hang out much okay?”

Well, I did see her again after that…

“Eh, is that so? Then, you just dropped by somewhere by yourself?”

“Yeah, I did.”

As soon as I answered that, Sakihime started smiling.

…Was she feeling jealous…?

No, that’s not…

There’s no way she’s jealous of her brother, and she probably just doesn’t like the fact that I get along with Kirara.

I understand that feeling― but now that I know more about her, I can no longer treat Kirara indiscriminately.

I feel bad for Sakihime, but I’m not mature enough to separate the two.

“Hey, let’s eat already and take a bath, so that we can continue that game!”

Sakihime, in a better mood, hurried me to do so.

That game was the one with all the blonde heroines.

Sakihime, who was so grumpy at first, seemed to like the scenario, and now she liked it very much.

…I wonder if she would cry if I made her play the last route…

But I have something I need to do right now, so I can’t let her play the game.

“Sorry, I’m busy again for the time being starting today, so I can’t let you play the game for a while.”

“E-ehh!? You’re going to put me off again!? Just how much does Umi-kun love jirashi plays!? Girls don’t even like jirashi plays!? (TLN: “jirashi play” means s*xy tease or s*xually teasing plays, it’s hard to find a website that tackles this term in-depth and only products and weird stuff appeared which made me conclude it’s meaning. Look it up at your own risk, although it’s mashed along with pokemon stuff because it’s being referred to as jirachi by Google)

“Bah―! What are you saying so suddenly!? You can’t use those words as a girl! You can’t just give people strange sexual habits without permission!”

一Where did Sakihime learn to use such words!?

Could it be that!?

Was this caused by eroge!?

In other words, from me!?

And while I do like that kind of thing― but I don’t remember ever telling you that!?

What’s with all the “how much”! 

It’s like I’ve done it a million times!

“Ah whatever… Umi-kun, I’ll read your light novels again!”


“At Umi-kun’s room!”


“Why not!?”

When I refused to let Sakihime in, she screamed in pain.

I’m sorry, but I can’t let you in my room for the time being.

If Sakihime finds out what I’m trying to do, she’ll get into trouble.

That’s how badly I’m trying to handle this.

…Really though, I’m such a horrible human being that I can’t even talk about Aria…

But if that’s what it takes to protect Kirara, then so be it.

However, I really have to be careful not to draw the wrong line…

“―Onii-chan… the rice is getting cold…”

As I was playing out the protests of Sakihime, Sakura-chan came out of the living room.

Her expression was slightly cloudy.

“Sorry, sorry, I’ll be right there!”

I said, and walked into the living room with Sakihime, who was still complaining.

Then I saw Sakura-chan staring at me.

“Is there something wrong?”

I ask her gently.

Sakura-chan looked at Sakihime for a moment and then whispered in a low voice so that Sakehime could not hear.

“Don’t… overdo it okay…?”


I looked at Sakura-chan, surprised by her words.

Sakura-chan gave a troubled smile and immediately headed for the kitchen.

…What’s up with that girl like really?

No matter what I do, it’s like she knows I’m trying to do something, right…?

I’ve always wondered if she’s too good at sensing the subtleties of people’s emotions.

Or perhaps, am I that easy to understand…?

After this, I ate my dinner, wondering if I was the type of person who could easily show it on my face―.

―By the way, right after I got back to my room, Hanahime-chan sent me a message other than good morning and good night for the first time in a while.

However, I had some things to do, so we exchanged a few words and I concentrated on my computer for the rest of the day―.