“This is bad…”

I muttered to myself as I finished my test in the morning and went home to eat Sakura-chan’s homemade lunch.

Though I say it’s bad, it’s not the test that I was referring to.

As usual, the test was neither good nor bad.

Math is tomorrow, but I’ll probably be able to do that as well.

So what’s wrong with that― there are two things.

The first one is that my anti-virus software is due to be released by tomorrow, but Byodoin Aria has yet to take any action.

I’m pretty certain of that, because I’ve confirmed it myself.

I have a very low amount of money to play with, 100,000 yen.

If I wanted to buy expensive stocks like those that are from Byodoin Systems with that kind of money, the number of shares I could buy would be very limited.

That’s why ordinary people don’t buy stocks.

And if Aria were to buy the stock, she would surely buy as many shares as she could for 100,000 yen.

But as far as I can tell, no one has ever bought stocks that fit that criteria.

This is a very bad thing.

If things continue as they are, the worst that can happen is that we will have no way of confirming whether Aria bought the shares or not, and we will have to act just before the anti-virus software is released.

The anti-virus software will be released at ten o’clock in the morning, one hour after the stock market opens.

From then on, the stock will go up, so Aria will definitely take action before then.

It was the day after the end of the school that Aria had designated as the day to present the final results to each other.

And the day the anti-virus software was to be released― four days before Aria’s match was to be settled.

The reason why I know this is because I made a deal with Alice-san.

Here are the conditions we asked for.

―That’s it.

I did 1 and 2 because they were necessary for the game.

Three was necessary for my other purposes.

And I asked Alice-san to handle the account, because only Alice-san, who’s also A-san, could handle it.

In exchange, Alice-san offered me a condition―.

“―Onii-chan… was the food not tasty…? I’m sorry…”

As I was thinking, Sakura-chan, who misunderstood me when she heard me talking to myself, looked like she was about to cry.

“No, no, that’s not it! I’m sorry, I just thought the test was going to be bad!”

I excused myself to Sakura-chan on the spur of the moment.

And then Sakura-chan smiled at me.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself, okay? You should just do what you’re able to.”

Sakura-chan then looked up at me with an angelic smile.

Apparently, Sakura-chan thought I was having a hard time with the test, so she made a joke to change the atmosphere.

I was happy to see my little sister’s growth, because she had said something very noble.

In comparison― I look at my other sister, who is currently sitting next to me with her cheeks puffed out.

Back to the topic at hand, there was one more thing that I thought was wrong with this SakiHime.

Ever since the day I stopped her from coming into my room, she’s been sulking.

When I asked her why, she puffed up her cheeks even more and said, “You really are an S…”

On top of that, she’s selfishly trying to get into my room somehow.

In addition to that, the original seat of the SakiHime during the meal was supposed to be the seat next to the Sakura-chan, but before I knew it, she had moved to the seat next to me…

I wonder what the people at school would think if they saw a cold-hearted beautiful girl at school, sulking and puffing out her cheeks at home…

Or rather, I can’t help but think that SakiHime is more of a sister to me than Sakura-chan anymore.

How did you become such a bother…

…..She’s very cute, though…

But right now, I don’t have the time to care about SakiHime.

If Aria doesn’t make a move soon, I’ll have to make a completely different move…

“―Hey, Umi-kun.”

When I was pondering about SakiHime, she called out my name.

“What’s up?”

“This test― let’s have a match!”

SakiHime suddenly said something like that.

“…Test match…? Me and you…?”

I couldn’t hide my surprise at SakiHime’s suggestion.

After all, she hadn’t dropped out of the top rank since she entered the school at the top of her class.

Such a person wants to compete with me, who only has an average score in all but math.

…You already know the result before we do this, right?

“Yes! And the loser gets to do one thing the other person says!”

Somehow, SakiHime’s eyes were sparkling.

I wonder if this is it?

Is she going to take revenge on me for not playing with her?

…What’s up with this unreasonable development…

“No, I wouldn’t take it if I knew I was going to lose, would I?”

Naturally, I refused.

“It’s absolutely fine! Instead, if you can beat me in any one subject, Umi-kun wins!”

SakiHime said this to me as if she was clinging to me.

Ah― SakiHime didn’t know my math score, come to think of it.

I’m going to accept the challenge because she said it would be good if I could win in any one subject.

After all, I don’t feel like I can lose in math.

“Okay, then I’ll take it.”

“Really!? You can’t run away after the test is over!”

“Yeah, I know.”

When I nodded, SakiHime smiled triumphantly, looking very happy.

Yeah, sorry to say I’m happy, but I think I’m going to win this one, okay?

After all, I’ve hardly ever scored anything other than a hundred in math.

Well, there’s nothing guaranteed in this match, but I’m sure I won’t lose unless I do something wrong.

It’s a good way for me to relax. Now, what should I make SakiHime do?

She’s been giving me a lot of trouble lately, so I want to make her teary-eyed…

I’ve been thinking about what to do with her as I ate my lunch.

…I feel like I’m some kind of a lowlife character…

W-well, as long as I don’t make her do anything weird like in the manga!

*Ring ring ring―.

As I was making excuses to myself in my head, my phone rang.

I quickly check who it is and pick up the phone.


“Ah, Kaito! Maybe now is the time!”

It was Kirara who called me.

And then, she told me that the time had come.

I looked at the time on my phone.

It’s twelve o’clock right now…

That gives me about three hours before the stock market closes.

“Okay, I’ll call you later.”

“Ah, yeah…”

As I was about to hang up the phone, I heard Kirara’s lonely voice.

Maybe she wanted to talk to me a little more.

But I had to do something right away, so I hung up the phone.

As soon as I washed up the dishes, I went to my computer and waited for the target to make a move―.