“―The company Byodoin Systems is amazing, isn’t it, Onii-chan?”

After the school closing ceremony, I went home and was eating a delicious meal that Sakura-chan had made for me when she told me that she was watching the news.

“Well, I heard that they made an anti-virus software with a pretty good AI.”

Like Sakura-chan, I looked at the TV and answered.

Three days ago, Byodoin Systems had announced my anti-virus software, and every TV station had been running news about it every day.

Byodoin Systems has also been featured prominently in the newspapers, and the public’s attention is now focused on Byodoin Systems.

The reason why they are covering Byodoin Systems when the general public seems to have no interest in it is because not only Japan, but the whole world is paying attention to Byodoin Systems’ anti-virus software.

The news announcer said that even now, companies in the U.S., Europe, China, and other countries are trying to get in touch with Byodoin Systems.

Perhaps it’s because of this that the stock price has been rising to a daily stop.

I can’t even begin to imagine how much money is at stake.

However, I had expected this to happen.

If Aria was going to play with Byodoin Systems’ stock, she would have a better chance of winning if she bought the stock normally if it went up halfway.

But since Aria was so sure of her victory, she could have predicted that the stock would go up considerably.

Well, it was not Aria who predicted that the stock price would rise significantly, but Alice-san…

I wonder why Aria went to the trouble of challenging Kirara to a competition at a time when she was so busy attracting TV attention.

Is she really that much of an enemy of Kirara’s…?

Well, I don’t know about that, and whether I cry or laugh, the result will come tomorrow.

We’ve already done all we can do.

Now we will have to wait for the results.

…Well, It’s not because we’ve got the backing, but even if our plan fails, we’ve got insurance.

I’ll definitely be able to protect Kirara.

“―Forget about that, UmiKai-kun, here are the results of the test!”

As I was thinking about tomorrow with my eyes on the TV, SakiHime appeared in my field of vision from the side.

She’s too close…

When you see her up close like this, she’s really cute…

―Wait, I didn’t mean that!

I can’t look at SakiHime like that!

I mean, sure, SakiHime might not be interested, but that’s not the point for me at all…

Rather, it’s the thing that I’m most concerned about right now.

Well, there’s no point in telling that to SakiHime, and it’s a pain in the *ss when she asks why, so let’s just deal with her for now.

The test papers had already been returned, but the results were not available until after the closing ceremony, so we still don’t know who won.

…But, the chances of me losing are slim to none.

I’d say I’d win 90% of the time and the remaining 10% would be a draw.

After all, my math score― is 100 points.

…When I say it like this, it sounds like I’m bragging and I’m going to get complaints…

But for me, I’m not interested in the test score, and the other tests were still about average, so I guess an average student would feel like I should try harder…

But I’m fine with that, as long as I can beat SakiHime.

“Which one do you want to get the test results from first?”

When I asked this to SakiHime, she tilted her head in a puzzled manner.

“The way you say it, you’re confident? What was your best subject then, Umi-kun?”


“Fufu, I see.”

When I said that my math score was the best, SakiHime smiled and laughed.

It seems as if she doesn’t expect to lose.

Well, I’m going to change that smug expression now.

“Look, I’m never going to lose, okay?”

I showed SakiHime the math test paper that I had in my school bag.

She immediately looked at the part where the score was written.

The moment she saw my score, she had a surprised expression on her face.

“Eh!? A hundred points!? Are you kidding me!?”

“Haha, you underestimated me too much.”

SakiHime was so surprised that I got carried away and said something like that to her.

“Hey, Umi-kun! No matter how much you don’t want to lose, you can’t just cheat! I always knew you were cunning, but I didn’t think you were that cunning!”

“Why am I regarded as that!? Or rather, why did you think I’m a cunning person!?”

Just how much does she take me for an idiot and tell me that I cheated because I got a hundred!?

What’s more is that, she thought of me as cunning!

…Sorry, but I’m aware of that…

I’m pretty good at taking precautionary measures…

“After all, it’s unusual for Umi-kun to get a hundred! I couldn’t help it but think you cheated! Also, I slipped up when I said that you were cunning, so please pretend you didn’t hear that!”

“If you think so, then ask the math teacher! He’ll tell you that I’ve scored almost a hundred points so far! And how can I pretend I didn’t hear that!?”

“…Well, if you say so much, then I believe you…”

I said firmly, and SakiHime nodded reluctantly.

I mean, this person, when I said I wouldn’t pretend that I didn’t hear it, she went through with it…

What does she even mean by a slip of the tongue…

“Well, it’s still Umi-kun’s loss, though, isn’t it?”

SakiHime put her hand in her bag and said that with a winning smile on her face.

Why would she do that?

As long as I got a hundred points, there should be nothing left other than a draw or loss for SakiHime, right?

“Yes, unfortunately, I got a hundred points too!”

SakiHime says this with a smile and looks into my face.

She’s so close…

I thought about it, but then I made a dubious expression at her.

“I get that you scored a hundred points too, but why are you saying that I lost? It’s supposed to be a draw, right?”

“No, it’s not. What did I say as the rule for Umi-kun to win?”

“Eh? That is, if I beat your score in any one of them― ah!”

I finally realized why SakiHime was so proud of herself as she mentioned the condition that she mentioned the other day that would determine my victory.

“Ehehe, did you notice? Umi-kun couldn’t beat my score this time, so you’ve lost!”

She put her hands on her hips as if to say “ahem” and puffed out her chest.

“…Just now, did you think of something rude…?”

“No, you’re just imagining it!”

The moment I thought about the lack of breasts, SakiHime instinctively sensed it and gave me a cold look like a snow princess.

Why are you only so sharp at times like this…

I mean, I can’t believe I made such a mistake…

I hadn’t thought of this game as anything more than a relaxation, and I was so preoccupied with the game with Aria that I didn’t pay much attention to the rules that SakiHime had given out.

Well then, I don’t know what kind of unreasonable demands SakiHime will make me do.

…No, if it’s an unreasonable request, orders like being her backrest before are also bad…

After all, I’m not confident that I can keep my reasoning in that situation.

“Hey, hey, Onii-chan.”

As I was trying to figure out how to overcome SakiHime’s demands, Sakura-chan, who had been watching the exchange between us, called out to me.

“What’s wrong, Sakura-chan?”

I left SakiHime alone for the time being and looked at Sakura-chan.

For me, my cute little sister is my number one priority.

“Sakura is ranked third in her grade!”

Sakura-chan said to me with a smile on her face.

“Wow―! That’s amazing! You did a great job!”

When I complimented Sakura-chan, she stared at my face while smiling.

…Does this mean you want some kind of reward?

Yeah, Sakura-chan has always helped me with my housework, so I’ll buy her something.

“I’ll buy you something as a reward, Sakura-chan. What do you want?”

I asked with a smile, but Sakura-chan shook her head.

“You don’t have to buy me anything! Instead―”

Sakura-chan cut me off mid-sentence and held out her head to me.

Um… does this mean you want me to pat your head?

Eh, can I really pat it?

That’s because I’ve always wanted to give Sakura-chan a headpat too…!

“Is it a no…?”

As I hesitated, Sakura-chan looked up at me with a sad look on her face.

“No, it’s okay! You did really well!”

I said, patting Sakura-chan’s head.


When I stroked her head, Sakura-chan let out a happy sound.

Her expression seemed ticklish, but she looked happy.

Oh no… she’s so cute…!

What’s more, Sakura-chan’s hair is so comfortable to touch!

I want to keep stroking it like this even more…

I continued to stroke Sakura-chan’s head while thinking about this.

And then―

“It’s unfair… He always favors Sakura…!”

I couldn’t hear what she muttered, but I felt a terrible chill and turned around to see SakiHime looking at me with terrible eyes.

Wait, wait, wait!

Why is she looking at me like this!?

She’s looking at me like I’m some sort of avenging parent. 

I’ve been doing this for a while now, but does she really hate it that I’m getting along with Sakura-chan?

I don’t know how much you want to have Sakura all to yourself!

I just want to take care of my little sister  too, so why can’t you just let me do so!?

I thought to myself as I broke out in a cold sweat.

I’m not going to say it out loud.

…Because I’m afraid of what may happen later…

“Hey, hey, Umi-kun.”


When SakiHime called my name, I reflexively straightened my posture and replied in a cheerful voice.

“I was the best in our grade, right…?”

She looked up at me and stared at my face.

“O-oh yeah, I know about that so?”

I was puzzled by her attitude, but I answered.

It’s not that I went to see the announcement of the rankings, where the top 100 are posted.

The only reason I know about it is because my classmate, who is always in second place in his class, was very disappointed.

Or rather, SakiHime really did come in first as usual.

I thought she was a little bit― actually, a lot more than a little bit, but very silly lately, but she still managed to take the top spot…

“Is that all…?”

SakiHime, who didn’t seem to like my response, was gloomy as she stared at my face.

“U-umm…? Do you want me to buy you something…?”

“Stroke, stroke…?”


I was surprised by SakiHime’s words.

Because the way she said it, she was asking me to pat her on the head!?

I’m going to pat the head of the most popular girl in school!?

We’re sisters and brothers, but we’re classmates!?

What’s more, she’s my step-sister!?

Why is she asking me to do that!?

I couldn’t understand what was going on, and my mind was a mess.

Also, Sakura-chan would be surprised if she saw her sister like this, right!?

The last time I saw her, she was a little bit exposed in front of Sakura-chan, but at least she was dressed up in front of her!

I looked at Sakura-chan, who was still getting her head stroked, but she didn’t seem surprised at all.

Or rather, she’s concentrating on being stroked and looking like a cat.

Apparently, she didn’t hear our conversation.

*Pull pull―*

As I was looking at Sakura-chan, SakiHime tugged at the sleeve of my clothes.

I had no choice but to look at her.

“Y-you’re really going to let me do it…?”

I confirmed that I was going to pat her on the head just to be sure, and she nodded her head.


Ah… but―

I came up with a good idea here.

For the time being, I think it’s better to pat SakiHime’s head like she said…

I concluded that, and reached out my hand to the head of SakiHime without hesitation.

Then SakiHime smiled happily and offered her head to me.

So don’t give me that look…

It’s too cute and it’s a bit problematic for me…

I stroked SakiHime’s head with that thought in my mind.

Wow― it’s so smooth and comfortable to touch, just like Sakura-chan.

―By the way, Sakura-chan’s head pat session is still ongoing, yes.

In other words, from the perspective of other people, I am in between two beautiful girls, stroking their heads.

…Just what’s up with this situation…

If other guys saw me, my life would be in danger, wouldn’t it…?

I kept stroking both of my sister’s heads for a little while, thinking that.

After a while, I took my hands off their heads.


When I pulled my hand away, both SakiHime and Sakura-chan let out a disappointed voice.

…My reason and spirit are already at their limits…

After all, these two are very cute.

Stroking the head of a girl like that is a treat for me as well.

But if I do that, my rational mind can’t handle it…!

I know I’m going to think of some weird things…!

“Mouu~… It’s shorter than Sakura, but it can’t be helped… Well then, Umi-kun, since I won the test game, you have to do one thing I say, okay?”

She looked sulky for a moment and then smiled, trying to get me to do something.

I tilted my head at her.

“What are you talking about? Didn’t I just listen to one thing you had to say?”

This is the reason why I stroked her head so quietly earlier.

I didn’t know what she was going to ask me to do, but I had a feeling that she would make unreasonable demands since she had been so frustrated with me lately, so I decided to reward her with a simple pat on the head, which seemed to be a much lower hurdle than what would come later.

“Ah―! That one doesn’t count! It wasn’t the one I’m asking for!”

SakiHime said in a panic, but I shook my head.

“It’s you who said ‘anything but one’ right? Just now, I did SakiHime’s request properly, right?”

“No, it’s not! That’s what’s so cunning about you!”

SakiHime protested fiercely, but I decided to ignore her.

If I accept what she says, she’ll make unreasonable demands― demands that could destroy my reason.

There’s no way I’m going to listen to those demands when my reasoning is already in tatters.

…Hey Kami-sama, I’m happy to have cute little sisters, but I would have preferred a more receptive one as a sister…

After all, that’s how sisters are supposed to be…

I mean, I’m totally fine with Sakura-chan―she’s very cute and the ideal sister around me, but what about all the girls who come to me all the time, whether it’s SakiHime or Kirara…?

I’m not a big fan of women, so it’s really tiring for me…

Ah― I’m not saying I want an older one, but I want to be healed by someone who is kind and patient…

I’m mentally exhausted from all the things I’ve been through, so I pray to Kami-sama for that.

…Don’t make me get involved with a bunch of clumsy teachers just because they’re older than me, okay…?

That’s far more exhausting than healing, and if anything, it’s a punishment, you know…?

Don’t ever do that anymore, please…?

This is not a pretense, okay?

I had a bad feeling about this, and I reminded Kami-sama of it―.