“I don’t even know why you have a proxy! Who is this Shirousagi!?”

Aria, who noticed that the account name wasn’t Kirara’s, questioned her.

Well, it’s a mystery, isn’t it?

Unlike Aria, who has appointed a proxy to prevent insider trading, Kirara herself does not need to appoint a proxy.

It was only natural that Aria would have questions.

In fact, it was meant to hide KAI’s involvement, but I told Kirara that I wanted to use Shirousagi as a cover for me to get information about Byodoin Systems.

That’s why I’ve prearranged my response to Aria’s question.

“It means I know exactly what you’re up to!”


As if to provoke her, Kirara said that she had seen through Aria’s plans and that she had set up a proxy to prove it, and Aria opened her eyes and snapped.

…No, she was already pissed to begin with.

“There’s no way that the Loser Kirara would be able to see through my schemes! I’m sure that shady looking guy over there told you about it anyway!”

Aria yelled at Kirara and pointed at me.

….No, the shady-looking guy is…

Well, well, she may actually be right… but I think there are a lot of things that Aria said to me that I don’t agree with…

In addition, Alice-san is smiling a little…

I don’t know how you can laugh when your sister is losing and she snapped at other people…

“No, you’re the loser now.”

She didn’t like the fact that she was called a loser, and stuck out her tongue and said so while pointing at Aria.


Aria clenched her teeth in frustration at Kirara’s words.

But in reality, she is a loser, so she can’t say anything back.

Kirara, perhaps satisfied with Aria’s condition, shrugged her shoulders and spoke up.

“You’re right, though. Kaito figured out that if you don’t know anything about stocks, you’ll try to make insider trades. But he didn’t know the stock prices of the Byodoin System, so he turned to this Shirousagi guy, who is famous for making money with stocks at our school. He told me, you know? He also said that there were some rumors that Byodoin Systems is about to make a big announcement, so if you’re going to do any insider trading, it’s definitely Byodoin Systems. He said that other stocks are stable, but too expensive to be profitable. Well, I did read the timing of the stock purchase, though.”

“Why didn’t you ask the boy who was making money from that stock to read the stock market?

“Because this was my game and I was confident in my ability to read the stock market, so I thought I should do it myself.

When Kirara mentioned this, Aria began to think about it.

Then she smirked.

…As expected, it’s not going to be that easy…

I knew what Aria meant when she laughed, so I could predict what she would say next.

“You’ve dug your own grave! It’s not like you and this Shirousagi are on the best of terms, is it? It’s not that you’re confident in your ability to read stock market trends, it’s just that you can’t trust the guy so you read it yourself. And yet, in this game where your life is on the line, I don’t think you’re going to just take the word of someone you don’t know very well! In other words, the reason you put your life on the line for Byodoin System’s stock is because of the advice of another person, and someone you trust a lot― so hey, you’re the one who told her about Byodoin Systems, right KAI?”

Aria regained her composure and looked at me as she said this.

From the way she called my name, she must have realized that I was KAI.

“The only people who know about the Byodoin System’s anti-virus software are the people of the Byodoin Systems or the people who were involved in its production! Isn’t that right? KAI-san, the rumor that has become an urban legend?”

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about, though…?”

I tilted my head at Aria’s words.

Watching us interacting like this, Kirara had a surprised look on her face.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m KAI, or because Aria has suddenly turned on me.

The reason why Aria was able to recover and is now turning on me is because if she can prove that I am KAI, she can prove that what Kirara did was insider trading.

But of course, I’ve already anticipated this scenario.

So, there’s no problem.

“It’s no use playing dumb, you know? You met Onee-chan at Byodoin Systems, didn’t you? That’s why she calls you Kai, isn’t it?”

This was probably a bluff.

It would not be surprising if her sister, Aria, knew that Alice-san had been attending Byodoin Systems.

It is natural to think that she would have bumped into Alice-san at that time, given the flow of the game and the fact that Alice-san calls me by my name, Kai.

However, if she really knew that Alice-san and I had bumped into each other, it wouldn’t  be very surprising if she suspected that I was KAI earlier.

And yet, until now, Aria hadn’t shown any sign of it.

That’s why, this is all nothing but a bluff.

“Oi, oi, don’t say things that don’t make sense just because you’re about to lose, okay? I’ve heard rumors about KAI on the Internet too, but I believe KAI is a man in his forties?”

She can’t be sure that I’m KAI as long as I don’t admit it, so I play dumb.

“Hmm, so you’re just going straight to the point. Well, I thought so too, but I know that there have been exceptions in the past. In other words, it’s not surprising if your age is not in line with your ability. So I’ll ask my sister instead. Hey, Onee-chan, the reason you call him Kai is because he’s that KAI, right?”

When Aria understood that she couldn’t get a word in edgewise from me, she decided to ask Alice-san.


But Alice-san only looked into Aria’s eyes and didn’t answer anything.

“W-Why are you silent…? Hey, isn’t it right? This guy is KAI, isn’t he?”

Aria, who did not get an answer from Alice-san that I am KAI, asks her in confusion.


But Alice-san still didn’t answer anything.

“Why aren’t you answering me!? Do you even understand!? If I can’t prove that this guy is KAI, I’m going to lose!”

Aria, who had finally lost her nerve, yelled at Alice-san.

Alice-san frowned slightly at Aria and made a troubled expression.

You’re an idiot, Aria…

Alice-san has taught you properly.

That I am KAI.

Alice-san has neither confirmed nor denied Aria’s question.

That was the answer that Alice-san gave to Aria.

It’s not that she won’t answer, it’s that she can’t answer.

If she affirmed, she would be violating her contract with KAI.

Alice-san herself is not currently registered with Byodoin Systems, but since she’s Aria’s sister, she’s also related to Byodoin Systems.

In other words, if Alice recognized me as KAI, then Byodoin Systems would have broken its contract with KAI and would be liable for 200 million in compensation.

No matter how big a company Byodoin Systems was, 200 million would not be a cheap sum.

So even if Alice-san knows that I’m KAI, she can’t affirm it.

But instead, she didn’t deny it either.

Aria must have understood the contents of the contract with KAI, so if she thought properly about why Alice-san did not confirm or deny, she would understand.

The fact that she doesn’t realize it means that Aria is under a lot of pressure and can’t afford it.

“Enough! Even if I lose my 200 million shares this time, it’s a blow, but I can start over! That’s why I want you guys to remember this! I’m going to make you guys pay back for this!”

Aria seemed to have given up on this game and said something like that, like a villain in an anime spouting off a throwaway line.

―Well, I guess I’ll take it from here.

“Oi, oi, do you really think that’s the end of this game?”

When I said that to Aria, who was about to leave, she looked at me with a suspicious expression.

“Ha? What do you mean?”

“Did you really think that you could stay in a safe zone even if you were the only one who lost?”

“No, no, I get it, okay? I originally bet twice as much on the stock as she did, and it was her fault for betting her life and not having the ability to make money, right? In fact, I was conscientious enough to double my bet.”

Aria said, not feeling bad about making Kirara gamble with her life.

It seems that just losing is not enough for this person after all.

“I’m not talking about the stakes. What I’m saying is that since you made her bet her life on you, you need to bet your life too.”

“Hahaha, make me bet my life? Do you have any idea how much money you’d have to bet?”

“I’m telling you, I’m not talking about wagers… It’s so easy, I could end your life.”

I say, and take out my phone.

Kirara and Aria tilted their heads, but only Alice-san looked surprised for a moment and then smiled.

…Wait, she smiled…?

I was curious about the expression on Alice-san’s face, but I just started playing the video for Aria to see.

“Yes… I was instructed by someone claiming to be a messenger for President Byodoin Aria to buy shares in Byodoin Systems… First, she gave me a normal explanation, and then she asked me to act out the same exchange again, with one part changed, so that she could record it on her voice recorder.”

When Aria saw the video, she held her mouth with her right hand and looked surprised.

Who is the man in this video?― Aria must know him well.

Yes, as one can see from the content of this video, it is the man who was the agent that Aria used as a front for her insider trading.

My goal was to prove that Aria had done insider trading by taking this video as well as corroborating her purchase of the stock.

This man was quick to start blabbering if you threatened him lightly.

Probably the fact that I had guessed almost exactly what Aria’s replacement had said, and that I had been able to identify the man, was the reason why he was on my side.

“As I recall, if a person in a managerial position engages in insider trading, he can be liable for up to 500 million in damages. You may say that the money is not a big deal, but your name will be ruined if you commit a crime. Not to mention, you tried to set up the young lady of the Saijo Company in a game. Naturally, the public’s eyes will turn on you, and the Saijo Faction will seize the opportunity to blame the Byodoin Faction. The Shinomiya Faction might also cooperate with the Saijo Faction if they see a chance to beat the Byodoin Faction. In such a situation, will a man like that Byodoin president, who only cares about profit, protect you?”

Aria must have understood the meaning of my words.

She put both knees on the ground with a look of despair.

If the fact that she had done insider trading came to light, Aria would be slammed by the public.

She was popular because of her good looks and the fact that she was a young CEO, but of course there were many people who disliked Aria.

After all, she has a bad mouth and an aggressive style.

There are many citizens who don’t like that, and more importantly, there are probably many people who have been tormented by Aria and were looking for revenge.

Aria’s crimes have made it obvious that these people will take this opportunity to blame her.

And President Byodoin, who only sees others as prey, will not hesitate to cut Aria down.

That type of person doesn’t have such thoughts of protecting her because she’s his daughter.

You can see this from the fact that Alice-san told us how Aria was raised in the past.

“That’s… that’s just impossible…! Aaaaaaahhhh!”

Aria let out a scream as she ducked to the ground.

Alice-san is silently looking at me.

Her face showed no sign of the smile or anger she had just shown me.

It was just a blank expression.

I really don’t know what this person is thinking.

It was never part of our agreement that Aria would be taken this far.

And yet, she didn’t show any expression of sympathy for Aria or anger towards me.

…On the contrary, Kirara was looking at Aria with pitiful eyes.

Aria did a lot of horrible things to Kirara, and it is no exaggeration to say that she took away her life, but Kirara must be a very kind person to be able to sympathize with Aria.

On the other hand… I don’t feel anything when I see Aria like this.

In fact, there is a part of me that thinks that this is natural.

A person thinking that abandoning Kiriyama was the right thing to do, that’s the kind of person I am. (TLN: Kiriyama is probably a reference to the Deadliest Fiction, click it for more info)

I really don’t know what’s wrong with me…

“Kai… I want you to make a deal with me…”

When Aria was crying, Alice spoke to me like that.

“What’s the deal?”

“For the next five years… Half of Aria’s earnings will be paid… to the Saijo girl. So, I want you to… bypass this whole incident…”


“This is the only way… to save us…”

When Aria was surprised by Alice-san’s sudden deal, she looked Aria in the eye and replied.

“I see…”

I paused to think about Alice-san’s words.

However, this was something we had already decided on.

In the past, when Alice and I made a deal, in exchange for accepting my terms, she offered her own terms.

She said that she would make sure that Aria herself would bear the compensation instead of Aria’s shares, and that she would make sure that we were on the same page.

If it’s the company’s stock, it will be a blow to the Byodoin Faction, but if it’s Aria’s own money, it’s good because no one but Aria will be affected.

She said that this was also a punishment for Aria.

In addition, as the president of four major group companies, Aria’s income is quite large, and even half of a year’s income is enough.

But― if I recall correctly, the agreement was for three years…

Well, if the deal is to protect Aria, that’s probably how much money is needed.

“Are you okay with that?”

I asked Kirara beside me.

After all, it was Kirara who played the game this time.

I don’t have the right to make any decisions, but I think it’s appropriate for her to make all the decisions.

I’ve asked her to be flexible since I’m making a deal with her to get information.

“I don’t want it…”


Aria and I were surprised by Kirara’s words, which we hadn’t expected.

Alice-san was the only one who was still looking at Kirara with a blank expression.

“I’ve decided to be decent! So I don’t want any of the money from these games! It’s the same with stocks!”

Kirara replied in a high voice.

I smiled bitterly at the sight of her.

…It seems that Kirara has matured more than I thought she would.

In fact, I think I need to take a lesson from her.

“Is that so, well then―”

“Don’t be ridiculous!!”

When I tried to pretend that the game and the insider trading didn’t happen, Aria yelled at us.


I looked at Aria in disgust.

I’m not sure why such an arrogant character would try to protect their unnecessarily high pride, as promised.

I think it would be more polite to give up gracefully…

“Don’t get carried away with one win! I don’t want your sympathy―”

“Smiling Poisonous Tongue.”



As Alice-san muttered words like a nickname beside Aria, who continued to shout, the woman who was supposed to be away from her escort was standing beside Aria before she knew it, and with a single hand-to-hand strike, she knocked Aria out.

…Just now, I could only see the movements of that woman subtly…?

It was like something out of a Manga, and my whole body broke out in a cold sweat.

I’m pretty confident in my kinetic vision― but I couldn’t catch the woman’s movements clearly.

As Alice-san had said, the woman escorting her seemed to be quite skilled.

“I’m sorry… she seems to have a lot of blood on her head… so Alice will take over… Saijo’s kid―no… blonde gal… and your warmth… is very much appreciated…”

Alice-san said, and smiled.

“W-wait a minute!? I’m not sure how you got that nickname, given the way things are going!?”

Kirara, who was newly given the name “blonde gal” by Alice-san, asked Alice-san with a look of confusion and surprise mixed together.

Alice-san smiled happily at Kirara.

It was probably Alice-san’s way of communicating with us.

I think she was deliberately trying to close the distance between her and Kirara by giving her a strange nickname.

Well, in my mind, I was calling her “blonde gal”…

As I was thinking about this, Alice-san, who had been smiling earlier, returned to her blank expression and began to observe Kirara’s face.

“W-what is it?”

Kirara backed away slightly as Alice stared at her face.

“Hey blonde gal… what do you…. think of Yamato Nadeshiko…?”

When Alice mentioned the word ‘Yamato Nadeshiko’, Kirara’s complexion changed.

From the fact that she brought it up all the way to Kirara, and from the expression on Kirara’s face, she was probably referring to Kirara’s best friend.

Still though, smiling poisonous tongue, a blonde gal, or a Yamato Nadeshiko― why does Alice-san give out unusual names as nicknames for others…?

In addition, why did she bring up Kirara’s best friend at this time…?

She was in a good mood, but I think it will only make her feel bad…

When I looked at Alice-san with this in mind, she looked me in the eye and nodded.

Ah― because of the timing of my presence with Kirara, Alice-san started the conversation…

If anything, I guess she wants me to follow up on it.

“I… am…”

Kirara seemed to be forcing her voice out.

“I’m sure… blonde-gal noticed too… Yamato Nadeshiko was… having her family… held hostage… She would never…. betray you of her own volition…”

“But, but!”

At Alice-san’s words, Kirara shook her head.

“But it doesn’t change the fact that she betrayed me! If only she had let me in, I would still have been able to do my best!”

Kirara exclaimed with a pained expression on her face.

Even though she could understand it in her head, her feelings could not convince her.

It’s probably because she was betrayed by her best friend who she trusted.

But if that’s the case, Kirara should just cut her best friend out of her life and forget about her.

But the reason she can’t do that is because she still cares about her best friend.

That’s why Kirara is suffering right now.

Then this is not a problem that can be left unaddressed.


I called out her name and grabbed her hand.


Because of my sudden grip on her hand, she looked up at me with a puzzled expression.

“The fact that you’re suffering right now means that she was an important person to you, right? From what you’ve told me, it seems that it was unavoidable that she betrayed you, so why don’t you talk to her about it?”

“B-but… I might yell… at her… when we meet with each other…”

“If that’s the case, I think that’s a good idea.”


“It’s good to be able to share your feelings with someone. That’s fine. I don’t have a lot of friends myself, so I don’t get into a lot of fights, but you can get along and make up with each other by sharing your feelings, right?”

I said and smiled at Kirara.

After all, that’s how it is with me and SakiHime.

When we first started living together, we quarreled all the time, but once we really put our feelings into each other, we now have a good relationship as siblings.

…I think it’s too good to be true…

“Kaito… it’s not that you don’t have many friends, you don’t have any.”

In response to the advice I gave her, Kirara laughed, even as a few tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

“Hey, come on!”

“Ehehe, It’s true though!”

“Even if it’s true, there are good and bad things to say!”

“This is a good thing!”

“What’s good about it!?”


When I shouted at Kirara, she laughed happily.

“―Yes, he’s right… Kaito is right, I have to face it… So Alice, I want to meet Suzuka.”

When Kirara replied that, Alice returned the smile.

“Okay… I can’t do it immediately… but I’ll do my best for you to meet her properly…”

Alice-san said this to Kirara, and then shifted her gaze to me.

…No, it seems that she’s looking at the hand that Kirara and I are holding.

And this time, she looked at my face.


It’s also― a very unhappy face…

Eh, why!?

I’ve been following up with you properly!?

I’m not sure why Alice-san suddenly became unhappy, and I even felt unreasonable.

“Smiling Poisonous Tongue… For the time being… can you give Kai a hit…”


For some reason, Alice said that it was okay to violate me, and with a smile on her face, the woman sizzled up to me.

It wasn’t unreasonable, it was just a normal unreasonable development…

“It’s not good at all!? Why would you do that!?”

“You deserve… it…”

In response to my cries, Alice-san said something like it was obvious.

Is that it!?

Could it be that she was angry with me for pushing Aria to that point!?

I tugged on Kirara’s hand, thinking that.

“Hey, let’s go home immediately!””

“Ah― yeah!”

I pulled on Kirara’s hand and started running, and she nodded with a happy voice.

“What do you want me to do, Alice-sama?”

“Tomorrow is fine…”

I think I heard some disturbing words coming from behind me, but I pretended I didn’t hear them and continued running with Kirara―.