(**Kaito’s POV**)

“Ugh… where are we…?”

“Oh, I see you’re awake now.”

I woke up from my sleep and when I opened my eyes, I saw Mirisu-sama smiling at me.

…It’s also in a relatively close distance.


Why is Mirisu-sama here?

Am I still dreaming?

…Huh, did Mi-Mirisu-sama have odd eyes?

I’m pretty sure both of her eyes were a beautiful blue, though, weren’t they?

She also looks a little young for some reason…

And why am I given a lap pillow by Mirisu-sama?

“Onii-chan, are you okay?”

As I was struggling to comprehend the situation, a cute girl with a witch-like hat and an eye patch over one eye peered into my face.


“Eh? Eh!?”

The moment I saw Minmin, I lifted my head from Mirisu-sama’s lap and grasped both of her hands on my own.

Minmin is one of my top three favorite anime characters, and I’m very touched to see her now.

And she’s still so cute when I look at her like this.

I knew that Minmin was short, but I didn’t expect her to be this small…

But― that’s what makes her so cute.

She looked surprised when I suddenly took her hand in mine.

It’s common for girl characters to blush in these situations, but right now Minmin’s cheeks are a normal color.

Well, there’s no way that Minmin would blush if I held her hand…

“You seem to be a bit sleepy-headed… Please wake up!”



Mirisu-sama suddenly slapped me on the head from behind.

“What the hell are you doing!?”

As I said, I turned around and saw Rin, who had taken off her sisterly hat and her silver hair wig.


When I see Rin with a smile on her face, but only her eyes are not smiling, I realize who Mirisu-sama and Minmin are.

….Ah that reminds me, I had come to visit with Rin and Sakura-chan, who were cosplaying as Mirisu-sama and Minmin…

Yeah, what should I do about this situation…

I was so sleepy that I grabbed Sakura-chan’s hand, which put Rin in a very bad mood.

And in one of her hands was the stun gun that had knocked me out earlier.

…If I say something bad, I’ll get knocked out again, right?

“Onii-sama, may I hear your excuse?”

“Uh, about what?”

I asked Rin back, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Excuses… In short, if I say something, it’s taken as an excuse.

However, even if I were to say an “excuse” here, would I be able to say that I mistakenly held Sakura-chan’s hand for Minmin’s?

…I feel like she might get even more upset than she already is…

“I can’t blame you for being sleepy! But― how dare you take Minmin’s hand over Mirisu-sama!?”

It’s not that she’s mad that I held Sakura-chan’s hand, it’s that she’s mad that I pushed Mirisu-sama out of my way and took Minmin’s hand.

It’s true that Mirisu-sama is very cute and I love her, but I like Minmin more, so I can’t help it.

This is the one thing I cannot give up, no matter how much Rin does.

“Sakura-chan, come here for a moment.”

I called out to Sakura-chan and beckoned her over.

Sakura-chan looked at me strangely, but walked up to me.

I grabbed Sakura-chan by both shoulders and made her stand in front of me so that Rin could see her.

“Look closely at her, Rin! Look at this innocent expression on her face, this adorable little mischievous face! And even though she’s a loli, she also has a motherly character, a character that will tickle a man’s fancy.”

“No, that expression and that cute face belong to Sakura-san, right? It has nothing to do with Minmin, does it? Besides, the people in the city call her “the loose screw girl” because she just wants to cast special magic everywhere, right? In contrast, Mirisu-sama is worshiped by the characters in the world of KonoSugoi! And not only is she a very kind goddess, she’s also a cute goddess with a mischievous side!” [TLN: loose screw is kinda like stupid or crazy.[

When we talked about the good points of the character we were most interested in, we put our faces together and went “Grrrr…”.

It’s the nature of otakus to talk about their favorite characters.

Sandwiched between the two of us, Sakura-chan’s face turned red.

Why is she blushing?

“U-Umm, sir and madam…? Please be a little quieter…”

A waitress with an uncomfortable expression on her face said this while looking at me, Rin, and Sakura-chan who was sandwiched between us.

Oh, by the way, is this the store…?

I looked around and saw that the customers who had come to the store to enjoy tea, coffee and cake were looking at us with blank stares.

“””I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”””

The three of us apologized to the waitress and the customers.

Rin looks like she doesn’t care about the people around her, but in reality she just doesn’t care because she thinks what she’s doing is right, and she can apologize when she does something wrong.

…It’s a big difference from that certain clumsy teacher.

After that, when it became uncomfortable to stay in the coffee shop, we headed to the movie theater where we had originally planned to go.

Okayama Prefecture seems to have a lot of places to play these days, but it’s still not as convenient as the prefecture where Sakura-chan and I live.

After all, you can’t go anywhere without a car.

In the place where we live, people usually take the subway or train, but in Okayama Prefecture, people usually drive, so you need a car to go to many entertainment facilities.

Well, you can just take a public bus to go play, or the entertainment facilities themselves provide buses, so it’s not impossible to get there… Without a car, it’s still inconvenient.

Of course, there was no way we could drive, so we decided to watch a movie at the movie theater at the biggest shopping mall in western Japan, which was built a few years ago.

This shopping mall is located near Okayama station, so it’s not too difficult for us to get there.

“Which movie do you want to see, Onii-sama?”

“Hmmm, let’s see…”

I checked the monitor to see what movies were playing.

And among them, I found one film in particular that caught my attention.

“Ah― this has already been made into a movie…”

The movie was an adaptation of an anime based on a novel that Sakihime and I like.

By the way, I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t been able to check out any new anime or eroge…

So I knew that this work was going to be made into a movie, but I didn’t know when it was going to be made.

“Do you want to see this, Onii-chan?”

Sakura-chan reacted sensitively to my muttered words.

“Ah, no… not this one. More importantly, which one do you want to see, Sakura-chan?”

I wanted to watch this movie with her tomorrow, because she would need to know the original story to understand it, and she would want to watch this movie too.

“Ummm… then, I think I’d like this one.”

Sakura-chan gazed at me, then smiled and pointed to a romantic movie.

The rest was up to Rin, who also agreed with Sakura-chan― though she didn’t know about the movie adaptation that I wanted to watch with Sakihime.

And so we watched the movie― Sakura-chan on my right hand and Rin on my left, the whole time―.