(**Kaito’s POV**)

“I’m so tired…”

After the movie, we continued to wander around the mall, shopping and relaxing at a nationally known coffee chain, and then we went back to my grandparents’ house.

After eating dinner and taking a bath, I plopped down on the futon.

Rin and Sakura-chan had been staring at me all day, and I was feeling very stressed.

I know I’m repeating myself, but I really don’t like to be watched.

But― in spite of everything, I was enjoying myself.

And I guess you could say it was a perk.

After all, I got to see two cute girls in cosplay up close and personal the whole time.

Especially Sakura-chan, she was just so cute!

I didn’t expect her to cosplay as Minmin!

I was so happy to see that, because Minmin is my favorite character.

…I really hope that Sakura-chan doesn’t find out what I like.

It was Rin who lent Sakura-chan her cosplay outfit this time, so I don’t think that’s the case this time around…

I’m not sure why Rin was making kindergarteners’ cosplay outfits or Minmin’s cosplay outfits if she couldn’t wear them herself.

Is that what being a cosplayer is all about?


As I was wondering about Rin, Sakihime, her voice buzzing, came into the room, calling my name.

She usually knocks, but now she seems to have forgotten to do so.

Her expression was like that of a dog that has been left to its own devices.

So I thought to myself,

“I’m more of a cat person than a dog person, you know?”

…No, what are you thinking, you idiot.

That’s not what I’m thinking, really…

“Uh, what’s wrong?”

I don’t know why Sakihime has this expression on her face, but the fact that she came all the way to the room suggests that she has something to talk about.

“Let’s see, umm, do you want to watch… anime with me?”

When Sakihime said that, she looked up at me with her hands fidgeting.

When she did this, my face naturally heated up.

She was so cute, but how could she not be cute when she made such a gesture?

“Are you going to watch it on Blu-ray? Huh? But you didn’t bring the Blu-ray disc with you, did you?”

I could borrow some from Rin’s collection, but she probably won’t lend them to me if Sakihime is around.

“Ah, no. Here, let’s take a look here.”

Sakihime said, and took out her phone in a simple case.

Sakihime doesn’t use a cute phone case because of the image she has at school.

Or rather―

“Eh, on the phone!?”

With such a small screen, wouldn’t it be hard for two people to look at it together?

I wondered in my head, but Sakihime nodded with a cute smile.

“Yes, that’s right! Let’s watch it together!”

Sakihime said, and laid down beside me. 

―Yes, on my futon.


My mind froze at the sudden event.

Eh, Why is she suddenly lying down beside me?

“This is an anime that just started, what do you think?”

The story that Sakihime showed me began with the hero who was forced to learn forbidden arts by the knights of his kingdom when he was a child, and later chased away from his country because of it. He collapsed after a harsh life on the run, and was picked up by the heroine who happened to be passing by.

The hero does not open up to the heroine at first, but as he interacts with the kind heroine, he gradually opens up to her.

However, as he gets to know the heroine, the knights find out about his whereabouts, and he begins his life on the run again.

Moreover, it is not only the hero who is being hunted this time, but also the heroine and her friends who have joined the hero.

While on the run, the heroes gradually learn about the dark side of the country and realize that if things continue as they are, many people will die in the near future.

Knowing that many people will die, the protagonists gather a group of friends who are willing to rebel against the country, and decide to fight against it.

Sakihime loved this novel so much that he read it over and over again in my room.

So I can understand why he was going to watch it as soon as it became an anime― but, why watch it next to me?

Is it because she wants to share the joy?

“Hey, hey! Hurry up and watch it!”

“Ah! Wait―!”

Sakihime’s arrival caused me to half raise my body from the futon, but Sakihime pulled my arm and I fell down to lie beside her.

Because of this, my face was very close to Sakihime’s.

This person…!

She doesn’t see me as a man at all, does she!?

I was about to complain about Sakihime’s lack of sense of danger, lying on the futon with a guy without a care in the world.

However, when I looked at Sakihime’s face, she looked so happy looking at the screen that I lost all interest in complaining.

I felt that Sakihime’s cheeks were red.

I’ve been trying not to think about it until now. Could it be that she’s not just trying to be friendly with me as a family member, but rather because she really likes me…? [TLN: NO SHE IS DOING EXACTLY THAT GODDAMN IT]

―No, stop it right there.

This will only lead to the same thing as Haruka.

Sakihime is family, after all.

Even if Sakihime has a good opinion of me, the world won’t see it in a good light.

People find pleasure in criticizing others.

And people who are blessed like Sakihime will be jealous to the fullest extent.

And that means that if you give them an excuse, they will become easy prey for you.

That’s why I shouldn’t give them an excuse.

And besides― I’m a dirty human being and I don’t deserve to be with anyone anymore…

“What’s wrong, Umi-kun…?”

Sakihime peeked at my face as if she felt uncomfortable with me not speaking a word, she looked at me with concern.

“Ah… no, it’s nothing.”

I managed to put on a smile so as not to worry Sakihime.

“I see. Oh, it’s started!”

Sakihime gave me a cute smile and nodded, then turned her gaze back to the screen.

To be honest, I still don’t like the Sakihime I see at school, but I don’t hate the Sakihime I see now.

Or rather― no, it’s nothing.

However, I really wanted Sakihime to be happy.

As I was thinking about this, I found myself looking at Sakihime’s face, which was closer to me than the screen.

Suddenly, the fusuma (sliding door) of my room opened with great force.

“Ah! I knew you were in Onii-sama’s room! Sneaking into Onii-sama’s room while we were taking a bath, and then lying down on his futon―you rutting beast, I’ll have you castrated!”

On the other side of the sliding door were Rin and Sakura-chan, who must have just gotten out of the bath― their hair was moist and their cheeks were flushed.

Apparently, they had been taking a bath together, in good spirits.

The bath here is quite spacious, so even ten people can take a bath together.

I guess that’s why they took a bath together, but it seems like they’ve been getting along really well for some time.

It’s just― I think I’ve said this before, but I don’t think Rin can speak for others, can she?

This fellow even crawled under the covers while I was asleep.

“I’m a girl, you know!?”

Sakihime sounded surprised when Rin told her she was castrated.

“I don’t care! Anyway, I’m going to erase you from this world!”

“Wait, wait, wait, wait!”

I desperately tried to stop Rin from taking out a stun gun and attacking Sakihime.

After that, it took me three hours to calm Rin down.

…No, this is taking too long!

―I was so exhausted from using all my energy to calm Rin down that I even felt depressed―.