“I’ve been tricked! I won’t forgive that thieving cat today!”

When Rin-chan went to Onii-chan’s room in the morning, she was upset to find that Onii-chan was already gone.

Rin-chan was really excited because it was Onii-chan’s birthday today, but then she realized that Onee-chan had left the house too.

Sakura had been aware of it for a few days, but she was hoping that Onee-chan would ask her out.

But she didn’t ask me out…

I wonder if that’s why?

When I woke up in the morning, Onii-chan was not there, and I was really bothered inside.

“Not to mention, Onii-sama too! He knows how much I look forward to Onii-sama’s birthday every year, but I never thought he would betray me! Sakura-san, let’s go!”

“Eh? Eh?”

Rin-chan suddenly grabbed Sakura’s arm and started walking fast.

She was walking so fast as if running would be too much of a big deal.

But is she going to chase after Onii-chan and the others now?

“Are you going to chase after Onii-chan and the others?”

“No, I just checked, and it looks like Onii-sama is riding his bike. I don’t know how long they’ve been out, but I don’t think they’ll make it in time if we chase after them now. Besides, if Onii-sama comes to Okayama to hang out, they’ll only be in the Okayama Station area, so if we take the bus now, we can get there before they do.”

Rin-chan said confidently.

Seemingly convinced that Onii-chan was heading for Okayama Station.

“But… with the bike, you can go to other places, too, right?”

“I’m sure they’ll take a detour, but there’s no place around here where you can spend a lot of time. So I’m pretty sure they’re heading for Okayama Station. There are more urban cities to the west, but even if I were to go there, I would probably take the train from Okayama Station. Besides, I know where Onii-sama is, no matter where he is.”

Rin-chan said and showed me her smartphone.

The screen showed a map with one red arrow and one blue arrow.

The one with the red arrow is moving a little bit, but it’s still moving little by little.

“What’s this?”

Sakura asked Rin-chan to find out what the arrows were.

“It’s an app I asked Onii-sama to put in last year. Normally it’s just for taking pictures and editing them, but it’s actually a camouflage app for locating people. And the red one is Onii-sama and the blue one is me. As long as I have this, Onii-sama can’t escape from me!”

“That’s… a crime, right?”

“Onii-sama has given his consent! ……in his sleep…..”

Rin-chan mumbled something at the end, but I couldn’t make it out.

But I don’t think Onii-chan would allow that to happen, so I think Rin-chan tricked him into letting her do so.

…But her complexion didn’t show the color of a lie.

Why is that?

Is it true what Rin-chan says?

…Or is it the words that Rin-chan muttered earlier that’s affecting me?

Sakura couldn’t figure out why this was happening, and tilted her head in thought.

“Don’t be so suspicious, I’m not lying, okay?”

As Sakura tilted her head, Rin-chan looked unhappy, as if she thought she was being suspected of lying.

“Oh, you’re wrong! I was just thinking about something else!”

I had my suspicions about Rin-chan too, but now I was thinking about Sakura’s eyes, so this isn’t a lie.

“Is that so…? Oh, no, we shouldn’t! We have to hurry or we’ll miss the bus! If we miss it, the next bus won’t come for a few hours, and we absolutely cannot afford to miss it!”

“Oh, that’s right! Yeah, let’s go, let’s go!”

Sakura nodded at Rin-chan.

Sakura was glad that the conversation was over, because if she had talked too much, she would have had to talk about her eyes.

Sakura didn’t want anyone to know that she had special eyes, so she was relieved that Rin-chan had turned her attention to the time.

But Rin-chan, like Sakura, knows where Onii-chan is…

Sakura thought that only Onii-chan and Sakura could know each other’s whereabouts through the app, and she felt a little disappointed because she thought that Onii-chan cared about her―.

Part 2

“What’s going on!?”

We’ve been waiting for Onii-chan at Okayama Station for a few hours now― the app says that Onii-chan is already at Okayama Station, but we can’t see him.

Rin-chan zoomed in on the map and looked at the location in great detail, and the place where Sakura and the others are now overlaps with the place where Onii-chan’s arrow is.

Rin-chan got mad at the app because she still couldn’t see Onii-chan.

Sakura secretly looks at the app that Onii-chan made for her on her phone without Rin-chan noticing.

Onii-chan was now a few kilometers away from Sakura and the others.

I guess Rin-chan’s app is broken and Sakura’s app is correct.

So I’ll have to tell Rin-chan about this app, and that will solve the problem…

…But right now, Onee-chan wants to be alone with Onii-chan, so Sakura decided not to tell Rin-chan about this app.

Sakura had a lot on her mind, but she didn’t want to get in Onee-chan’s way.

Besides… I’m really hungry…

Sakura left the house in the morning with Rin-chan, so she hadn’t eaten breakfast yet.

And yet it was already past noon.

“Rin-chan, should we eat?”

“No! We can’t eat until we find Onii-sama!”

Sakura wanted to eat lunch and told Rin-chan about it, but Rin-chan was too stubborn to listen.


Sakura, who was having a hard time with her hunger, stared at Rin-chan’s face.

“What’s with those eyes…? You shouldn’t do that, you know? We have to find Onii-sama first, okay?”


“No means no!”


“You’re not as hungry as you think, are you!?”

“I’m starving…”

“I-I understand! So please don’t look at me like that!”

Sakura kept staring at Rin-chan, and she nodded.

“Thank you, Rin-chan!”

“Mou~, it can’t be helped…”

When I thanked Rin-chan, she sighed.

I’m sorry, Rin-chan.

But please give Onee-chan a little more time.

Sakura thought she was doing Rin-chan the wrong thing, but Sakura gave priority to Onee-chan.

“―Hey, that’s…”

“Oh? …Hee~―Well, I guess I’m a lucky guy.”

At this moment, Sakura and the others didn’t notice that three eyes were on them―.