(**Kaito’s POV**)

“Nooooooo! Stoooooooooop!”

―The moment I saw Sakura-chan crying out as her clothes were cut, something just snapped inside me.

I ran down the hill, careful of my feet as the sun was going down and it was getting dimmer, and grabbed Kiriyama’s arm holding the blade.

“What the f*ck are you guys doing…to my little sister?“

“Huh, Kanzaki!? How the hell did you get he―ugh! Kuh~~~~~~~~~~~!”

I kicked Kiriyama in the groin as hard as I could while he was talking.

This caused Kiriyama to flail around, screaming inaudibly.


The two cronies looked at Kiriyama in surprise at the sudden event.

I take the opportunity to hit the man holding Sakura-chan in the jaw with a back fist, giving him a mild concussion.

It’s hard to get a concussion when the other person is aware of it, but with his attention focused on Kiriyama, it was easy to get a concussion.


I punched him in the jaw as hard as I could, and he let go of Sakura-chan’s body and fell, unable to keep his footing.

“You f*cking b*stard!”

The man who had been filming Sakura-chan’s assault on his phone showed his anger at the fact that two of his friends had been beaten up.

I thrust my hand into my back pocket and threw my wallet at the man’s face instead of the stun gun Rin had given me.

The reason I didn’t throw the stun gun was because I couldn’t give the guy a misguided weapon.

The man guarded his face with both arms as the object suddenly flew right at his face.

I took advantage of the opportunity to really drive my right fist into the man’s pigeon toe.


The man I hit in the dove tail begins to writhe in agony, holding his stomach.

But the fist I hit him with was shallow.

So, I immediately took out the stun gun that Rin had given me and hit the man with it.


The man who was hit by the stun gun fainted, screaming.

I immediately used the same stun gun on the other man who had a concussion.

I didn’t know when this man would recover, so I made sure to knock him unconscious.

The man who received the concussion also lost consciousness, screaming just like the man I had just knocked out.

The reason why I took him by surprise was to give him no chance to fight back.

I was outnumbered and outgunned by these guys.

If I had given them a chance to regroup, even for a moment, they would have swapped positions immediately.

That’s why I got the upper hand with my initial surprise attack and maintained it by folding them in.

“Onii-chan, behind you!”

“Die Kanzakiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!””

I reacted to Sakura-chan’s voice and looked behind me to see Kiriyama running towards me with a knife in his hand.

I took out my phone and aimed the light at Kiriyama’s eyes.

“Oh, my eyes!

Since it was already dark, Kiriyama temporarily lost his eyesight when the light suddenly shone into his eyes, and he held his eyes with his hands.

I aimed at Kiriyama’s pigeon tail, just like I had done with the man earlier.

But this time, I used my knee instead of my fist.


Kiriyama collapsed to the ground after being hit in the tail by me.

If I used the stun gun on Kiriyama here, everything would be over.

But― I didn’t use the stun gun on Kiriyama.

Instead, I kicked him seriously in the stomach.

I really wanted to kick him in the face, but I couldn’t let him lose consciousness by doing that.

He’s messed with the most important thing in my life.

I’m going to make him wish he was dead…!!

After that, I kept kicking him hard, aiming for the places where he would never lose consciousness, such as his arms, legs, and waist.

Kiriyama continued to writhe in agony each time, but I didn’t care.

“O-Onii-chan, that’s enough! If you continue like that, he will die!”

As I continued to kick Kiriyama, Sakura-chan cried out in a distressed voice.

I wondered why Sakura-chan was crying.

What does it matter what happens to this guy?

Oh, I see― was she crying because of what Kiriyama did to her? 

I knew I couldn’t forgive this guy.

“Stop, please no more… If you kill that person, Onii-chan will become a murderer!”

Sakura-chan said this to me as she hugged me from behind. 

I smiled at Sakura-chan.

“It’s okay, Sakura-chan.”


“They’re scum. They’re not even human. That’s why it’s not a crime to kill them.”

“Onii-chan… what are you saying…?”

Sakura-chan had a shocked expression on her face when she heard my words.

Why does she have this look on her face?

There’s clearly nothing wrong with what I’m saying, right? 

This scum is not a person.

So even if he died, it wouldn’t matter.

Thinking about this, I tried to kick Kiriyama again.

But then―


―A surprised looking Sakihime appeared.

She must have caught up with me because she was planning to come after me.

“Onee-chan, stop Onii-chan!”

Sakura-chan shouted to Sakehime who appeared here.

“Eh, What’s going on…? What’s this…? Why is Umi-kun kicking that person out of the way just now…?”

Sakihime sat there with a puzzled expression on her face.

The expression on her face is as if she is looking at something unbelievable.

“Onee-chan! Please, help me!”

Sakura-chan is desperately begging for help from Sakihime.

I don’t understand why Sakura-chan is saying that to Sakihime.

“N-No… that person, it’s not Umi-kun…”


“That person is not Umi-kun! He’s too kind to do something like this!”

Sakihime pointed at me and for some reason said I was not Kaito Kanzaki.

What the hell is she talking about?

Well, whatever.

Kiriyama is my priority right now.

I dismissed Sakihime from my mind and swung my right leg up towards Kiriyama―.

Part 2

(**Kirara’s POV**)

“T-That idiot…! Why did you go ahead all by yourself!”

As soon as we got out of the police car and went into the mountains, Momoi went ahead by herself.

Maybe I felt slow because Camilla and the policeman were the only ones who could keep up with Momoi’s speed, but what was I thinking, going alone on a mountain road at night!

“We’re almost…Haa~…Haa~…there…”

“Onee-sama, are you alright?”

“I’m just…fine…”

Alice, who was not used to running, managed to run along the mountain road with the support of a policeman.

It’s very hard to watch.

Still, Alice didn’t stop running.

That’s how worried she is about Sakura― well, maybe she’s actually worried about Kaito.

From what I heard in the police car, Alice seemed to have the same bad feeling as me.

Well, that’s why Momoi went off on her own…

We endured the hardship of climbing the mountain road and headed for Kaito and the others.

“―What the hell is this…?”

I couldn’t help but mutter as I saw an all-too-impossible sight in the moonlight.

First of all, Momoi was sitting with her head down right near us.

Then there were three men lying on the ground― Kaito was swinging his right leg at one of the men who was lying in a pool of blood.

Sakura seemed to be trying to stop Kaito, crying and hugging him desperately.

“Kai’s heart is breaking! This is not good!”

Alice, who appeared here late after me, let out a voice I’ve never heard before, and started running down the hill towards Kaito.

I was a little behind, but I followed Alice down the hill.

What Alice is probably trying to do is to stop Kaito from kicking the bloody man.

The bloody man is already dying, you can see it from a distance.

If he goes any further, he won’t be able to recover from his injuries.

That’s why I followed Alice and ran to Kaito’s side.

However, Kaito was already swinging his leg up― so we couldn’t get there in time.

But Kaito’s foot didn’t hit the bloody man.

Before Kaito’s downward swinging foot could hit the man, Sakura, who was hugging Kaito, stepped in between them.

It was the first time I’ve ever seen such a thing.


She was blown away by Kaito’s serious attack because of her small and light body.


Kaito let out a bewildered voice when he saw Sakura’s body suddenly interrupted and blown away by Kaito’s attack.


“Little angel!”

Kaito and Alice rushed to Sakura, who was blown away rather than Kaito.

“Sakura, are you okay!?”

When I called out to Sakura, she nodded to me, holding back the pain from where she had been kicked.

But since she wasn’t surprised by my presence, she was probably in a daze and didn’t fully recognize me.

“Sorry, take care of the little angel.”

After confirming that Sakura was okay, Alice said and walked over to Kaito.

Camilla and Shirousagi came towards me and Sakura later.

“Sakura-chan, are you okay?”

“Why are you doing this, Kanzaki-kun…?”

Camilla and Shirousagi couldn’t believe what had just happened in front of their eyes.

I honestly don’t know if Sakura is safe in this state.

“Let me see.” 

As I was wondering how to reply to Shirousagi and the others, a policeman approached Sakura and started to check her condition.

“…She’s going to be fine. I’m sure she’ll be conscious soon.”

“I see…”

For the time being, I nodded to the policeman’s words.

I don’t know if she’s really okay or not, but for now I have to trust his words.

Now that Sakura was safe, I shifted my attention from Sakura to Kaito and the others.

There, Alice was talking to a confused Kaito.

“I, I, What did I just do…!? Kicking Sakura-chan to the ground…! No, that’s not all… Why did I do this to Kiriyama…!?”

“Kai, just calm down… Don’t worry, the little angel is safe…”

“But, but… why did I do this… Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”


Kaito seemed to be very confused, and instead of accepting Alice’s words, he held his head and screamed.

Alice looked sad when she saw Kaito, but then her gaze turned to the object in Kaito’s hand.

It was what looked like a stun gun.

“Give it to me.”

Alice took it from Kaito’s hand and used it on him.

Kaito, who was suddenly hit with the stun gun, screamed and fainted.


As I was puzzled by Alice’s sudden action, she spoke to me while gently hugging Kaito’s body.

“We have to keep him unconscious for now…”

“I see…”

I left Sakura in the hands of the policeman and approached Alice and the others.

“Take care of Kai for me.”

“Eh? Oh, hey!”

As soon as I approached, Alice entrusted me with the unconscious Kaito.

Kaito was sweating, probably because he had been running as hard as he could in the middle of summer.

“What are you going to do?”

“Judging by the way the little angel is dressed, these guys are familiar with it. Maybe they’ve messed with others before.”

Alice said, pulling out the guys’ phones and coming back to me.

She then unlocked the men’s phones using a phone unlocking app that Kaito had made earlier.

Alice opened the folder, and there were pictures and videos of various girls being made to look miserable.

“I knew it…”

“What’s this… These guys are so evil…”

I wonder how many girls’ lives these men have taken away…

But I was going to do to Momoi what these guys did to them.

…When I thought about it, it came to my mind more than ever.

“Do this and that―”

Next to me, regretting my mistake, Alice began to operate the three phones.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m putting all the personal information about these men on the Internet. I’m not going to post pictures or details, but I will say that they have committed sexual crimes, and they will pay with their lives for ruining Kai’s birthday.”

I don’t even have to look at her face to know that.

Alice is clearly very angry right now.

And I feel the same way.

Not only did they mess up Kaito’s birthday and put their hands on Sakura, but they also made a lot of other girls unhappy, and I will never forgive them.

So I didn’t stop Alice from doing what she was doing.

Alice posted all their personal information on the Internet and handed the three phones to the policeman.

“Here’s all the evidence. I’ll be sure to notify the higher-ups so they don’t let these men out of jail for the rest of their lives.”

“Y-Yes… But, you see… from my point of view, I can’t help but need to arrest that boy as well…”

The policeman looked apologetic and said he was going to arrest Kaito, who I was hugging.

“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to you about that too. And Alice is going to give Kai a very hard time.”

“No, but………… No, it’s nothing, I understand!”

The policeman nodded, sweating, as Alice stared silently at the policeman who was still trying to argue with her.

“Then we’re good.”

Alice nodded to the policeman, and then walked over to Momoi.

And then― she slapped Momoi on the cheek as hard as she could.


Momoi, who was suddenly slapped on the cheek by Alice, looked up at Alice with a puzzled expression.

“Why didn’t you and your little sister try to stop Kai?”


“Was it because you were afraid of Kai?”


“Then why?”

“Because… he’s not Umi-kun…”

“What do you mean?”

Momoi denied that Kaito was not Kaito.

Alice raised her eyebrows and asked Momoi about it.

“Umi-kun is a very kind person! Umi-kun isn’t the type of person to keep beating up on someone like that!”

What the hell is this girl talking about?

It’s true that Kaito is very kind, but he was actually violent in front of her.

And yet, Momoi seems to turn a blind eye to the fact that it wasn’t Kaito who did it.

“I’m so tired of you… Do you even know what you’re saying?”

Alice looked at Momoi with a look of utter dismay.

“What the…?”

“You’ve just denied Kai’s very existence. You have no right to stand next to Kai.”

Alice then turned on her heel and walked towards us.


Momoi looked at Alice in dismay.

“If you stay with him, Kai’s life will be over. That’s why I’m going to take Kai. And since the little angel will be unhappy if she stays by your side, I’ll keep her with me too.”

“W-Wait a minute! That’s not right!”

“What is?”

“Why are you taking them with you!?”

“According to your argument, he’s not Kai, is he? If that’s the case, there’s nothing wrong with taking him with me. And I wasn’t there, but I know this. You refused to help the little angel, didn’t you? How can someone like that claim to be her sister?”


Momoi looked down, as if she knew what Alice had said.

Normally, Alice would be more reckless in trying to take her family away.

But Momoi couldn’t deny it any longer.

“Don’t ever get involved with Kai and the others again.”

“No, that’s just… I don’t want that…”

When Momoi was told to stay away from Kaito and the others, she shook her head with tears streaming down her face.

Alice looked at Momoi, not with her usual expressionless face, but with a very cold look in her eyes.

“This is what happens when you keep running away. This is the path you have chosen. If you want to hate me, hate yourself for being weak.”

At Alice’s words, Momoi completely broke down in tears.

I continued to watch the scene in silence, but I really thought that Momoi’s heart was very weak.

Momoi was about to be taken away from Kaito and the others, but she hadn’t even been able to stand up from where she had first sat down.

If she really didn’t want Kaito and the others to be taken away, she should have asked Alice for help, but she hasn’t been able to do so. 

She just stood there and complained.

It was just like a child who wanted to buy sweets.

“This is the key to the villa.”


I looked back at Alice, unsure of what to make of the fact that she had just walked up to me and suddenly handed me the key.

“The rest is up to you. Whether she can grow or not― it’s up to you to do your best.”

“…No way…? You’re just going to throw the whole thing at me…?”

“This is what you need to do, right? However, when she grows up here, she will be a very tough opponent. Whether you want to raise a rival to make amends or wait for another opportunity― that’s up to you.”

So Alice was trying to bring us closer together by letting me be there for the broken-hearted Momoi.

If I could get her back on her feet here, that might be possible.

Because right now, she’s looking for a place to stay after having two of the things she cares about taken from her.

But it’s so easy to say it in words, but it’s so difficult to actually do it.

Because it means that I have to fill in the gaps left by Kaito and Sakura.

And if I do that, Momoi will no longer be a weak-minded Momoi, but a girl who can face Kaito head-on.

That means I’ll be raising a love rival with my own hands.

…You’ve really said some crazy things now, Alice…

But I didn’t have the choice to reject it here.

I wanted to make it up to Momoi.

And if Momoi grows up and becomes a good woman here, then it’s just a matter of me going above and beyond.

So I nodded to Alice.

“Then you can use this key. You’ll be living here alone with the Momoi girl.”

“…Why is Momoi also…?”

I thought she was going to give me the key so that I could live here while Momoi was in Okayama.

“Because I’m taking Kai with me? Also, I don’t know what the cousin would do to the Momoi girl if you take her back home… We’re going to have to seriously worry about her life. So here.”

Alice said, and put the key in my hand.

…Can Momoi and I stay safe in Okayama?

Alice’s not-so-joking remark caused me to worry about that.

After this, the police supporters came and took away the three men who had done such a terrible thing to Sakura― although one of them was sent to the hospital.

The police took Kaito and Sakura in their arms, and Alice and the others left.

Momoi and I parted ways with Alice and the others in the mountains, and went back to Alice’s villa with a few police escorts―.