(**Kaito’s POV**)

“Sakura-chan, can I have a word with you?”

Camilla-chan broke into the room and went on a rampage, but thanks to Alice-san, I felt a little better and went to Sakura-chan’s room.

…By the way, I heard that my running will continue tomorrow.

It can’t be helped because of what I did back then… I think I’m going to be stuck with sore muscles tomorrow…

And Camilla-chan, who went on a rampage in her room, is now being lectured heavily by Alice-san.

Camilla-chan was crying while she was being lectured, which was pitiful, but I couldn’t interfere with Alice-san’s mood.

I also want to be friends with Camilla-chan, who is a cute little girl with cat ears, but I don’t think that’s going to happen with Camilla-chan from the way she is now…

…Well, back to the topic at hand, the reason I came to see Sakura-chan is to apologize for kicking her to the curb yesterday.

“Onii-chan, are you alright now…?”

Sakura-chan came out of her room and looked up at me as if she was worried.

She’s really a good girl, even though I spooked her out yesterday, she’s still worried about me.

So I’m going to take good care of her from now on.

“Yeah, I’m fine now. I just want to talk to you, is it okay?”

“Oh, yes! Come on in!”

Sakura-chan smiled and invited me into her room.

I thought she was going to bed, but it seems she was watching anime on the big TV in Alice-san’s villa.

…Moreover, she was watching an anime for otaku.

“I’m surprised, you watch this kind of stuff?”

When I asked Sakura-chan about it, she began to shyly fidget.

“E-Etto… Camilla-chan lent me an anime she had recorded because she thought it was interesting, and I thought Onii-chan might like to watch it too.”

Sakura-chan said so as she glanced up at me.

“I-I see.”

I smiled back at Sakura-chan, though I was a little confused.

The anime Sakura-chan was trying to introduce to me was actually one I had been watching.

The title of the anime is “The Man Who Failed to Become a Hero is Reincarnated in a Peaceful Other World, Only to Be Brought Back by a Young Goddess and Live a Chaotic Life.”

Yeah, that’s a long title…

Well, as you can guess from the title, loli plays an important role in this work.

The story begins with the protagonist, who was enjoying his life to the fullest, about to confess his love to his childhood friend, when he is suddenly transported to another world by a young girl with a fantastic atmosphere who appears in front of him.

The reason why he was sent to another world was to defeat the Demon King, as is often the case in this kind of story.

The protagonist is discovered to have a talent as a thief as a power to defeat the Demon King, but in that world, the profession of “thief” is ridiculed and not popular.

The protagonist, who was originally going to be a thief, ends up becoming a swordsman, and the young girl with the fantastic atmosphere cries when she finds out about it.

The protagonist feels guilty for the little girl and wants to return to the original world, so he vows to defeat the Demon King as a swordsman… but the party he forms to defeat the Demon King is all loli in appearance, except for the protagonist.

Naturally, the hero is called a pedophile by those around him, and the party is nicknamed the “Lolicon Party.”

However, I liked it a lot because it was a story about the heroines and their crazy lives and how they grew up.

…That doesn’t mean I’m a lolicon, okay? [TLN: Sure, you’re not (definitely not doubting kekw).]

…It’s true, okay?

I like Sakura-chan, but not because she looks like a loli.

W-Well, in any case, I’m curious why Sakura-chan went out of her way to recommend this anime to me.

She seems to know what I like, so I wonder if she thinks I like lolis.

It’s not like she was just trying to encourage me to watch this anime because she looks so young.

I can’t see any reason for her to do that.

I looked at Sakura-chan and she was staring up at me.

“Oh, I’ve seen this anime too, and I like it.”

When I said that to Sakura-chan, her face turned into a big smile.

“That’s right! I knew it! Onii-chan likes this kind of thing!”

Sakura-chan is smiling very happily, but I have very mixed feelings about it.

Because… right?

Sakura-chan just said “I knew it” with all her might…

This is totally because she thinks I’m a lolicon!


Why does my little sister think I’m a lolicon!?

I was so shocked that I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Sakura-chan tugged on the sleeve of my clothes and urged me to sit on the bed.

As I sat down on the bed, Sakura-chan looked a little reserved, but finally sat down on my lap with a bold expression on her face.


Sakura-chan is a very sweet girl, but this was the first time she sat on my lap, so I was very surprised.

When I looked at Sakura-chan’s face from behind, I saw that her cheeks were red and she was lying face down.

She was always smiling and hugging me, but judging by the way she was looking at me, she was probably embarrassed to be in this position.

I’m not sure why she did this…

“Oh, you know… just for today, can I watch anime like this…?”

Sakura-chan looked back at me and asked me with an upward glance.

I was so taken aback by how cute Sakura-chan was that I reflexively nodded my head.

We watched anime, but to be honest, I wasn’t really interested in anime at that time.

Sakura-chan on my lap was too cute, and she smelled so good that I was nervous.

What am I thinking about with my little sister…?

I want to hold my head like that, but I can’t because I’m hugging Sakura-chan from behind.

…Because it’ll be dangerous if she falls, you know!?

I’m not hugging her because I want to, okay!?

I don’t know who I’m excusing myself to, but that’s what I’m shouting in my heart―.

Part 2

“Sakura-chan, I’m sorry about yesterday, okay?”

I apologized to Sakura-chan after one episode of the anime.

Sakura-chan then paused the anime and looked back at me.

It’s no wonder she cursed me.

That’s what I thought.

That’s what I had done to her.

However, Sakura-chan had a gentle look and a cute smile on her face as she smiled at me.

“No, don’t apologize, Onii-chan. After all, Onii-chan saved Sakura’s life. So don’t be so hard on yourself.”

Sakura-chan said, and hugged me.

Then, as if she could hear my heart beating, she pressed her face against my chest.

“But it’s because of me and Kiriyama that Sakura-chan got into that mess in the first place…”

“That’s not true. Onii-chan and Sakura were just involved. It was all their fault, and Onii-chan was the victim. That’s why Sakura doesn’t think it’s Onii-chan’s fault and she’s very grateful.”

“Do you really think so…?”

“Yes! Because… ah…”

Sakura-chan turned over and started to fidget, trying to say something.

“What’s wrong?”

I was worried about Sakura-chan, so I asked her, and she opened her mouth, her face turning red.

“The thing is… Sakura loves Onii-chan!”

I wondered what she was going to say, but she said something that made me very happy.

I’ve noticed that she’s been into me for a while now.

I think the reason she’s blushing too much right now is because she’s so close to me that she’s embarrassed to be sitting on my lap again.

I remembered what Alice-san had said earlier. 

“Not accepting a favor properly… is hurting the person.”

I remembered those words and decided to reply to my little sister who is always giving me affection, even though it is very embarrassing to tell her directly at such a close distance. 

“I love you too, Sakura-chan.”

I said this to Sakura-chan, who was staring at me with a bright red face, and she smiled and hugged me again.

She looked disappointed for a moment, but it was probably just my imagination.

I had no doubts about the expression on my little sister’s face as she hugged me and indulged herself to me―.

Part 3

(**Nagisa’s POV**)

While Kaito and his friends were having a sweet time…


“Yoshi, yoshi, don’t cry so much, Byodoin-san’s not mad at you anymore.”

Camilla-chan had come to my room earlier, suddenly crying, and I had somehow managed to soothe her.

“But… but… this is the first time Alice has ever been that angry with me! She hates me now!”

I smiled bitterly at Camilla-chan, who hugged me while crying like that.

I knew that Byodoin-san would never hate this girl.

The way she treats Camilla-chan, she cares for her very much.

So I can say with certainty that Byodoin-san will never hate Camilla-chan.

However, if she were to intervene in the midst of cheering up a depressed Kanzaki-kun and then attack him, she would certainly be offended…

But, Byodoin-san is also surprisingly bold in hugging Kanzaki-kun to cheer him up.

I thought Kanzaki-kun was with Saijo-san, but perhaps he was dating Byodoin-san?

…No, Momoi-san’s younger sister― there’s something about Sakura-chan that makes me think that’s not true either.

I think he has a tendency to get involved.

I’m sure he’s destined to be thrown into a quagmire of multiple romantic relationships.

…Yeah, I’m sorry to hear that.

I felt sorry for Kanzaki-kun as I continued to coax Camilla-chan.

As a result, I would regret it immensely.

“I want to sleep with Nagisa-sama today…”

Camilla-chan, whose eyes were red and swollen from crying earlier, clung to me tightly and began to say such things.

“W-We can’t do that! It’s not a good idea!”

“Why…? It’s fine since we’re both girls… I don’t want to sleep alone today either…”

When Camilla-chan begged me in a sweet way, I replied in my mind, “I’m a guy, though!?”, is what I thought.

It’s hard not to talk about it. 

Because if I do, I’m sure I’ll end up in a tragic situation.

How on earth can I convince her of this…?


While I was wracking my brain for a reason to say no, Camilla-chan looked up at me, almost in tears.

She’s a very sweet girl, isn’t she?

She looks so cute and… honestly, if she was a little more mature (but only one year older), I’m sure I’d be more conscious of her.

That’s how cute Camilla-chan is.

But that’s not what I’m talking about.

I’m not stupid enough to make the mistake of sleeping with a girl.

If I do that, I’m sure I’ll end up with a hell of a flag.

I thought about it and was about to say no― but Camilla-chan’s next words made me change my mind.

“So, if you take a bath with me, we don’t have to go to bed together… But other than that, I won’t give in…”

“Okay, I’ll sleep with you!”

I chose to sleep with Camilla-chan without hesitation.

If I took a bath with her, I would be out of the picture.

And Camilla-chan has no intention of backing down.

If that happens, my instincts are telling me that I should make a decision here before things get too complicated and people start saying they won’t give up until we really take a bath together.

…Yeah, for now, I’ll sleep on the couch after she goes to bed…

I concluded that I would sleep with Camilla-chan after this― but she hugged me so tightly that I couldn’t get out of bed that night and couldn’t sleep―.

I really don’t know what’s going to happen to my life…

―As Camilla-chan cuddled me in her lovely sleep, I held my head in my hands.