Chapter 7: About Cultivation world!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 7: About Cultivation world!

Li Jie spoke in a serious tone "They are fricking monsters... when I saw their powers in real life, I was so shocked... even our tanks or any firepower didn't stand a chance in front of them."

"Some of them are walking nuclear powerhouses which could easily destroy a city."

Zhao Tian frowned inquisitively "If our country has that much power, wouldn't it have been the ruler of this world? World wars and countless global conflicts, triggering widespread devastation would surely happen plunging humanity into an era of unrelenting chaos."

A chuckle left Li Jie's lips "Our country does not have a monopoly on this kind of energy they call astral energy, Tian. There are strong cultivators in most of the powerful nations in the world."

"Every country has signed a peaceful treaty with the cultivators refraining them from damaging public properties and keeping their existence as a secret."

"In every nation, there exists an individual known as the 'Ombudsman', who serves as the highest authority in the realm of cultivation and is responsible for supervising the actions and operations of fellow cultivators within the boundaries of the country."

Hearing all of this, Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes "It all seems so complicated."

Li Jie laughed with a casual shrug "Well, they are dangerous entities. Cultivators are even hired as bodyguards for some high-profile people and government officials."

Zhao Tian spoke, "Then there will also be people who could hire cultivators to assassinate a person."

Li Jie gave a nod "Yeah, you are right. There is also a large secret organization within the government to keep an eye on these cultivators."

"A secret organization to keep an eye on them?" Zhao Tian asked intrigued.

Li Jie thought for a moment and spoke "Let's say, you are joining a boxing match, and if the opponent is secretly a cultivator. Can you beat him? The answer is no."

"So that's why this organization exists to supervise these fields so the cultivators don't get in the way of normal people. If not, cultivators would dominate in every field... and the Olympics would turn into a war haha."

"That makes sense..." Zhao Tian muttered under his breath.

Li Jie's smile widened "I even had doubts about you first because of your impressive display of strength and speed in basketball. But later I found out that you are not a cultivator, you just have great physical strength."

Zhao Tian could only smile bitterly, speaking about basketball he suddenly remembered something "That's right. Old man... do you know Quon Chen? Is he also a cultivator?" he asked as he had a small match with him before.

"Quon Chen..." Li Jie murmured his name in thought and spoke "Oh, him... that junior student. He begged me so that he could play basketball."

"Since he is a cultivator, he really couldn't play in major games but he really likes to play the game, so he asked me to at least let him play within the university and I agreed."

'So that's why he is holding back against the match with me...' Zhao Tian realized and a sigh left his lips.

"Seems like you are getting so interested in this cultivation and stuff." Li Jie asked with a curious smile and Zhao Tian nodded "Anyone would be interested to know about people who use superpowers."

"Haah!" Zhao Tian stretched his hands as he came out of the President's room and took the mobile phone from his pocket. "Oh, it's already time..."

As he reached the parking space, he saw his sister Zhao Ying standing near the car with her arms crossed and an angry look on her face. Casually walking closer towards her, a faint smirk danced across his lips "Come on, Ying'er... let's go." he said entering the car.

Ying'er? "Tian'er, calling me affectionately won't calm me down. You know what you did right?" Zhao Ying asked in a frustrated voice.

"First come inside the car." Hearing this, Zhao Ying entered the car. Zhao Tian spoke, "So, what happened to my precious big sister?"

"Huh? You really don't remember writing 'dumb' on my forehead?"

"Oh? that? It's because you marked me, I also marked you as my important person." Zhao Tian chuckled.

"is that so?" Zhao Ying swiftly took the highlighter which she kept ready in her pocket and kneeled on her seat.

As she was sitting in the front seat, she leaped on top of him who was in the driving seat "Let me mark on your forehead too."

But Zhao Tian caught her hands and smiled playfully "No.."

Zhao Ying struggled violently "Let my hand go. I will get my revenge..." The whole car shook because of her twisting her body and Zhao Tian saw her knee slipping toward the gear "Oi, idiot... don't damage the car."

"Then don't resist..."

Zhao Tian let out a soft sigh and loosened his grip letting her hands go. Zhao Ying smiled and moved to his seat sitting on his lap crossway placing her foot on the front passenger seat.

As she settled herself comfortably on his lap, she affectionately wrapped her left arm around his neck and began to mark his cheek with the highlighter. 'Precious' 'Idiot' she continued to write o his skin in small letters.

"Have you finished? Move to your seat... I need to drive the car." But Zhao Ying shook her head still clinging to him like a koala "No, this is like a punishment... drive while I am like this. I will also move my legs so you could change the gears." she snorted.

"Seem like I spoiled you so much...." Zhao Tian said with an amusing chuckle and started the engine. *vroom* *vroom*

Zhao Ying nestled into his embrace, buried her face on his neck finding solace. In that tender moment, a cascade of thoughts flooded her mind, 'Yeah, it's your fault for spoiling me so much and making me feel this way,Tian'er... so take responsibility.' an impish smile crept onto her lips, unable to contain the sheer joy that consumed her.

'Haah... Tian'er~!'


I hope you guys liked this chapter!