Chapter 9: A scene in cafeteria!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 9: A scene in cafeteria!

"The one who created this artifact is surely wealthy." Xia Sheyi spoke entering the room. Zhao Tian, intrigued by the sight of a stack of astral stones, leisurely approached them and carefully picked up one in his palm.

"Hm? This astral stone seems more powerful than the one I found out in the Earth." Xia Shenyi spoke "Oh? That's because this astral stone is a higher grade."

"It only appears in stars with high astral energy density, that's why the quality is low in your middle star."

"Does that apply to the astral beasts too?" Zhao Tian asked and Xia Shenyi gave a nod "The higher the cultivation of the astral beast is, the more refined the beast stone."

As Xia Shenyi looked through the contents, her eyes were drawn to a small golden box in the middle. "Hm? What's this?"

She took the box in her hand and with the box held firmly in her grasp, she attempted to pry it open "This also needs the owner's permission? Tian come here for a second..."

"Hm? Need my biometrics again?" Xia Shenyi smiled wryly "Everything here belongs to you after all so only you can open it."

Zhao Tian took the box in his hand "But why did this recognize me as the master but not you." Xia Shenyi nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders "Maybe because of your Honoured One's physique."

"Huh? Why are you saying my physique might be the reason for everything?" Zhao Tian asked inquisitively.

Xia Shenyi reached out, her delicate fingers caressing his face "As I said, no one knows what this physique holder can do... There is no history of the first physique holder who became the God."

"And the second one was killed before learning the full potential of this physique. So no one knows what the person who has this physique can actually do."

Zhao Tian just sighed and opened the small box. As the lid lifted, there was a golden ring nestled perfectly in the center of the box.

"Is this also an artifact?" Filled with excitement, Xia Shenyi reached out her hand eagerly to touch it. *woosh* But as if having a consciousness, it flew away floating in mid-air. Xia Shenyi was dumbfounded "An artifact that has a sense of awareness? No..."

The ring levitated and circled Xia Shenyi's body. Then it flew encircling Zhao Tian's body and as if recognizing him, the golden ring trembled and in the next instant it disappeared.

"Huh? It's gone?" Zhao Tian and Xia Shenyi glimpsed around the room in surprise. *woosh* But it reappeared on Zhao Tian's ring finger and Zhao Tian raised his hand to look at the ring.

"Here it is."

Xia Shenyi brought her face closer to the ring "This ring doesn't have a consciousness, when you opened it, it searched for a potential master and it chose you."

At this time, Zhao Tian felt some information flow in his mind and he frowned "Empyreal space ring?"

Xia Shenyi was startled "Space ring? Did you just say space ring, Tian?" "Um yeah, seems like it can store things..."

"You are really lucky, only noble people in the high star could afford this... I also had one but I lost it." Xia Shenyi spoke and looked at his ring finger, but now there is no ring in it.

"Huh? Where did that space ring go?"

Zhao Ying didn't mind her and continued eating 'Here comes the bitch... now she will blabber things with Tian'er until we leave this cafeteria.'


A little later, Zhao Tian, Zhao Ying, and Fei Ziyu left the cafeteria. Fei Ziyu spoke looking at Zhao Tian "You know Tian, my birthday is coming soon and we are arranging a big party. I hope you will come to attend the party."

Zhao Tian gave a faint nod "I will come if I am free..." Fei Ziyu patted his shoulder "Come on, Don't say that. You should definitely come and Ying you too."

Zhao Ying spoke bluntly looking at her "I am not interested." Fei Ziyu smiled awkwardly "W-Well..."

"Ahhhhhh!" At this time they heard a sudden piercing scream and Zhao Tian quickly turned his head looking at the stairs on the left.

*thud* "Urghhhh!" A woman was rolling down the stairs and beside her *clank* a wheelchair was also cascading alongside her.

Shocked by this chaotic scene, Zhao Tian quickly moved reaching the stairs, and before the woman's body could hit the floor, he managed to swiftly catch her body in his arms.

It was only at that moment he took a clear look at her, short slight blonde hair and a cute face. However, his gaze quickly shifted to the rest of her body, which appeared to be covered in bruises, and her body contoured in pain "Aaarghhh!! M-My leggg...urgh" She let out a cry of pain, clutching her injured leg.

"Aaarghh!" The excruciating agony coursing through her leg caused the woman to emit a piercing scream. Her body trembled in overwhelming pain and she instinctively clung to Zhao Tian's clothes desperately "URGHHH!"

Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes 'Seems like she has sprained her legs, but how did she fall off the stairs? Isn't there a special way for disabled people...' his gaze shifted to the damaged wheelchair which just fell on the floor.

As he lifted his head to gaze up the staircase, he caught sight of three girls wearing smirks on their faces. However, as soon as they noticed Zhao Tian's piercing gaze, their expressions suddenly froze and they quickly averted their eyes.

Zhao Ying also quickly approached Zhao Tian "Tian'er what happened to her?" Fei Ziyu walked up the stairs looking at the three girls "You three bitches, weren't you the one who pushed her?"

She walked in front of them and without hesitation, she raised her hand and delivered a slap across the girl's cheek "How cruel, to push a disabled girl off the stairs." the girl stood silently lowering her head.

Zhao Ying squinted her eyes looking at Fei Ziyu but then she shook her head and looked at Zhao Tian "Tian'er let's quickly take her to the infirmary."

Zhao Tian stood up taking the woman in a princess carry "No, I think it is best to take her to a hospital." Zhao Ying nodded her head "Ok, then..."

Taking her in his arms, Zhao Tian quickly walked away. Fei Ziyu saw this and hastily came downstairs "Wait, Tian let me come too..."

But Zhao Ying interrupted her "No need. I and Tian'er are enough..." she spoke and followed Zhao Tian as they went to the parking space.

Fei Ziyu let out a heavy sigh, her frustration evident as she approached the three girls once more "What are your names and which major are you from? huh? I will get a suspension for you."


I hope you guys liked this chapter!!!

Character pics uploaded!