Chapter 30: Not a good drive!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 30: Not a good drive!

At the top of the mountain, there is a small beautiful wooden pavilion where one can sit and enjoy the natural scenery in front of them.

*vroom * Zhao Tian parked the Ferrari on the hillside and both of them stepped out of the car. A sense of pure joy enveloped Chi Miya glancing at the breathtaking view of the setting sun, casting a mesmerizing glow on the distant mountains.

"Come on!" Zhao Tian said walking to the pavilion and with a nod, Chi Miya followed him. "Haah!" A soft sigh escaped her lips as she sat on the wooden bench after a quite long journey.

As the gentle breeze tousled their hair, they sat there silently looking at nature's beauty in front of them. Chi Miya turned her eyes and saw Zhao Tian's handsome face enriched by the orange sunlight "Tian... Thank you, I really needed this after those stressful business meetings. Finally, some time to relax."

Zhao Tian gave a small nod and smiled looking at her. Zhao Tian comfortably leaned back on the bench and opened his lips to speak "I thought of talking about this with you before... Chi Shui how did she?"

Chi Miya understood what he wanted to know and spoke "While travelling with my Mom and Dad, she was caught up in an accident... and her legs got heavily injured making it impossible for her to walk anymore. My Mom and Dad also passed away in that accident."

A sigh left her lips "I was doing my university degree at that time. and the burden fell on me... so I quit it and handled the business."

Zhao Tian smiled "And that university girl is now the President of one of the biggest companies in the city." Chi Miya shook her head with a smile "I am just maintaining what my father left behind."

"How humble of you..."


They light-heartedly chatted for a bit and Chi Miya felt more at ease around Zhao Tian, His gentle and playful words had a magnetic effect on her, never failing to captivate her heart and she found herself growing more attracted to him.


"Urghhh!" Chi Miya growled in pain as the shards of glass mercilessly sliced through her delicate skin, inflicting deep wounds upon her. In an attempt to withstand the pain, Chi Miya forcefully clenched her teeth, desperately attempting to maintain control over her senses.

*thoom* Zhao Tian kicked the smashed door open and swiftly pulled Chi Miay outside. *cough* As she came out, she struggled to maintain her balance, her steps becoming unsteady with a severe cough "I-I am sorr-"

Huh? Zhao Tian's senses tingled, alerting him to imminent danger. Reacting swiftly, he embraced Miya tightly, hurling both of them to the ground in a protective motion. "Miya!"

*swish* *thud* In the midst of the chaos, a sudden and unexpected gunshot reverberated, sending shockwaves through their surroundings.

Chi Miya was filled with immense shock and her eyes trembled uncontrollably as she witnessed a bullet, accompanied by wisps of smoke, fibbing exactly where she had been standing mere moments ago. W-What the? she felt the presence of death ominously looming over her, as she narrowly evaded the trajectory of the bullet.

An assassination attempt?

Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes and looked in a specific direction "Sniper?" With his keen eyes, he saw a black-clothed man sitting on top of a rock with a long sniper rifle in his hands.

"There are many." Zhao Tian muttered as he sensed even more black-clothed people surrounding them from all sides.

Chi Miya's eyes trembled glimpsing at the bullet stuck on the road. T-They are after me? She gritted her teeth in anger "Those fuckers!" she clenched her fist.


I hope you guys liked this chapter!

Btw I changed the description pic!