Chapter 35: The Dinner table!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 35: The Dinner table!

The old woman who was lying on the bed laughed "No way, Tian." Zhao Tian sitting on a chair spoke "No, I am actually serious, this old man tried to woo an old woman by setting her granddaughter as the teacher in the University."

Wtf? Li Jie was dumbfounded and he looked at his wife glaring at her. Feeling the need to diffuse the tension "Um, he is just joking you know?"

The old woman narrowed her eyes "Hoh, then why did you give her granddaughter the teacher post in our University?"

Li Jie panicked "You know Haoran, right? My friend? She is his wife... Her granddaughter was really in a pinch so I gave her a job in university?"

The old woman squinted her eyes "That's not very convincing..." Li Jie looked at her stupefied -_- What?

Zhao Tian just chuckled in his mind seeing the old man getting yelled. At this time, the door opened as Ning Zuiye entered the room "Dinner is ready, Tian, Dad. Mom, I will bring your dinner here."

The old woman shook her head "No food for Jie today, he is trying to cheat on me."

H-Huh? Ning Zuiye was startled and looked at her Father her eyes widening in surprise "At this age?" Li Jie was taken aback by the disgusted gaze of his daughter on him "N-No, that is a lie. Zuiye." he tried to speak.

"Jie, shut up. No food for you today."

Zhao Tian stood up from his seat and walked to Ning Zuiye casually wrapping his hand around her shoulder "What is for dinner, Aunt Zuiye?"

Ning Zuiye smiled and leaned on him softly pinching his cheek "You favorite dear, come let's go."

thud As they exited the room, Li Jie slowly stood up from his seat moving closer to the door. "Huh? Where are you going?" He heard his wife's voice.

"Um, restroom?"

"You can shit here."


"I mean sit."

Zhao Tian and Ning Zuiye made their way down the stairs at a leisurely pace and Ning Zuiye could feel Zhao Tian's warm hand resting gently on her shoulders, providing a sense of comfort "Why are you making Father receive punishments."

"Huh, why are you blaming me? Aunt."

"I know, you brat must have said something."

Zhao Tian just chuckled "Ahh!" Ning Zuiye's leg suddenly slipped because of the misplaced footing on the next stair but before she could lose her balance and fall Zhao Tian lowered his hand quickly grabbing her waist.

"You ok? Aunt."

Ning Zuiye gave a nod clutching to his arm "Yeah, Tian. sigh Seems like my old age is catching up to me."

Hearing this, Ning Yueli rolled her eyes "Hm... yeah, as long as Brother Tian is okay we both can marry him, right?"

Marrying him? Chi Miya felt a rush of emotions, unsure of how to respond. A part of her was flustered and wanted to speak up, but there was also a strange reluctance within her. It was as if she secretly didn't mind the misunderstanding lingering, perhaps hoping for a different outcome.

She discreetly glanced at Zhao Tian her heart palpating anxiously, expecting his response. W-What will he say? Clear the misunderstanding?

Zhao Tian eating his food shook his head "No, Miya is actually a good friend of mine." Chi Miya, taken aback by his response, couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. I-I got friend-zoned? A slight sigh escaped her lips.

Ning Zuiye looked at Chi Miya's facial expression darkening into a somber expression, 'Seems like she is heartbroken.' Zhao Tian also saw her face and couldn't help but chuckle in his mind.

Ning Zuiye also noticed Zhao Tian enjoying teasing Chi Miya. She smiled wryly and pointed her spoon at him "Tian, it is bad to tease a woman and break her heart you know?"

With a smile, Zhao Tian winked his eye at her and Ning Zuiye couldn't help but giggle in amusement "You mischievous brat." she teased affectionately.

Ning Yueli spoke, "Then if she is not your girlfriend, I can marry Brother Tian." Ning Zuiye spoke with a shake of her head "We can see that in the future, now eat."

Ning Yueli sulked her lips "I am just appointing myself as his Fiancee, Brother Tain is handsome I am worried some other woman will take him away."

The exchange of playful banter continued, while Chi Miya couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness since she had indirectly been rejected. Just stop overthinking, woman.

ring At this time, Zhao Tian's mobile rang and he took the mobile from his pocket. Chi Miya slowly munching her food looked at his broken phone and her eyes widened cough the food choked on her throat and she coughed. B-Babe? Who is the babe?

Zhao Tian was surprised and helped her drink the water "Miya?" Chi Miya raised her hand reassuring "I am okay..."

Before the ring could finish, Zhao Tian attended the call and Zhao Ying spoke from that side 'Tian'er, it is time for dinner. Where are you?'

"I am at the old man's place now. I'll be late."

'Oh, Okay then... come quick babe~~'

"Yeah." click

Chi Miya's eyes quivered in surprise. 'Does he have a girlfriend?'

As I said, stop fucking overthinking!!

By the way, it was Zhao Ying who changed her contact name on Zhao Tian's phone.


Um, I have added characters below... in fandom you can see on mobile. There it looks cooler lol.

I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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