Chapter 45: Harem approved?!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 45: Harem approved?!

Xia Shenyi and Zhao Ying entered her room. Xia Shenyi pointed at the bed "Sit, I have to talk some things with you.."

Zhao Ying sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Xia Shenyi. Xia Shenyi showed a smile "Zhao Ying, I can call you Ying, right??" she asked sitting on the couch.

Zhao Ying gave a slight nod "Yeah, and you?" "Xia Shenyi..." she responded.

Xia Shenyi leaned back on the sofa, turning to Zhao Ying with a curious expression. "Ying, what do you know about Tian?" Zhao Ying's brow furrowed in confusion. Is it a competition for who knows more about Tian'er?

"I have known Tian'er since childhood and he was someone very close to my heart, my little brother. I have loved him for years... than you."

Xia Shenyi couldn't help but chuckle as Zhoa Ying pressed the words 'than you' "Hm... do you know how special he is?"

"How special he is?" Zhao Ying raised an eyebrow. Xia Shenyi gave a nod "Even I don't know how to describe him. He himself is a miracle, possessing a body that could even defy the mortal limitations of heavens is not a small thing."

"In talent, looks, and power... no one can match him. He is above anyone else, He alone is the Honoured One."

H-Honoured One? Zhao Ying was startled to hear the extravagant name "Is... Tian'er that amazing?" she asked intriguingly, her heart curious to know more about the unknown extraordinary side of her Tian'er.

Xia Shenyi gave a nod "En. Now he is in the 5th level of Heaven Astral stage... Even if you are a peerless genius it would take at least 50 years for you to reach that stage but Tian reached that in just a span of three weeks."

I-In just three weeks? Zhao Ying was taken aback hearing this. She doesn't know the stages of cultivation, but the idea of completing something that typically required 50 years of effort within such a short timeframe was simply...mind-boggling for her.

Xia Shenyi nodded her head "With the speed he is cultivating, in the future he will surely become a God."

"G-God? Did I just hear God?" She hastily asked in shock. Xia Shenyi giggled "Surprised, right? You need to know he is just that outstanding and his achievements in the future will be limitless."

Xia Shenyi squinted her eyes "In my opinion, you are the one who doesn't deserve him and here you are trying to monopolize him... haha."

Zhao Ying's heart trembled upon hearing Xia Shenyi's words. She never knew these amazing things about Zhao Tian, but she has always loved him. In her eyes, he is her cute little brother who always cared for her and showered his love on her since childhood.

She still remembers the little antics she did to get his attention and her little brother always spoils her, never showing any anger and always gazing at her with a gentle and affectionate look on his face.

Hearing all those things, her eyes crescented in concern, In that moment, an overwhelming sense of inferiority washed over her... she felt worthless in front of him. Xia Shenyi's words added a whole new layer to her perception of him.

I don't deserve to be with T-Tian'er?

Xia Shenyi was stunned by Zhao Ying's gloomy face. 'Did I go overboard?' She just thought of explaining things and convincing her but seems like she is going off limits.

"Well, even I don't deserve him. No woman deserves to monopolize him..." Xia Shenyi spoke trying to encourage Zhao Ying a bit.

Seeing that she still had a stern look on her face, Xia Shenyi got up from the sofa and sat down next to her with a sigh "Ying, don't think like humans who have mortal life. You are gonna be a cultivator and your life span is longer than hundreds of years."

Xia Shenyi spoke in a soft voice "Ying, not only you... I also love him with all my heart. And as his woman, I'll do my best to support him and I hope you will do the same."

Zhao Ying felt a tightening sensation in her heart, a wave of distress washing over her "I-I need time to wrap around with these things. This is all sudden to me and..."

Xia Shenyi gave a nod and stood up "I know, I'll be taking my leave then." she spoke leaving the room.


As Xia Shenyi came out of the room, she glanced at Zhao Tian who was sitting in the hall "Tian!" she called him softly, walking towards him.

Xia Shenyi walked to him settling herself comfortably on his lap. Zhao Tian too wrapped his hand around her waist, drawing her closer "What happened? Did you talk?"

With a sigh, Xia Shenyi leaned on his shoulder "I did... I am kind of nervous." Zhao Tian frowned "Why are you nervous?"

Xia Shenyi spoke "Even though you love me, I know you love Ying more than me because she has a strong bond with you, and if she asked you to leave me... you might leave me."

Zhao Tian pinched her lips "What are you saying? I won't leave you." he reassured her, leaning in to place a tender kiss on her lips. The warmth of his touch sent a surge of love and comfort through her body.


"Yeah, I promised you..."

creek After a while, Zhao Ying came out of the room. Seeing her, Xia Shenyi tried to get off Zhao Tian's lap but Zhao Tian clutched her waist tightly not letting her get up "Ying'er..."

Xia Shenyi was surprised, she thought being so intimate with him might be unease for Zhao Ying, but he didn't let her go indirectly speaking his love. With a soft sigh, Xia Shenyi buried her face on his right shoulder.

Zhao Ying also noticed his gesture and saw Xia Shenyi burying her face on his shoulder. She walked to him and sat on his left thigh "Tian'er."

Zhao Tian wrapped his left arm around her waist and smiled softly. Seeing his smile, Zhao Ying couldn't help but giggle a smile gracing her lips "You have never changed, idiot." she spoke kissing his cheek "I love you, Tian'er!"

At this stage, her feelings for Zhao Tian have reached a point where she is completely infatuated with him and she simply couldn't hate him for having many women. All she truly desires is his love and affection, and she is willing to accept other women, as long as she gets his love.

"I love him too..." Xia Shenyi spoke with a smile. Zhao Ying gave a light nod and Zhao Tian tightened his hug around them "And I love both of you!"



(A/n: You might think this is all extra stuff. His sister could just accept the harem and all if she truly loves him. But I just wanna show the emotions and delve quite into the character... um. Well not every woman accepts the harem right?)

I hope you guys liked this chapter!