Chapter 51 A date with Miya!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 51 A date with Miya!

Zhao Ying blinked her eyes in surprise as she looked at her mother and brother engaged in lively conversation, exchanging smiles and enjoying their meal together at the dinner table.

'Huh? Did something happen? Every day she sits opposite him at the table but today she is sitting beside him closely. I feel like they suddenly became a lot closer.' Lost in her thoughts, she absentmindedly scraped the spoon on the plate.

As she was in her thoughts she suddenly heard her Mom's voice "Ying'er!" Zhao Ying raised her head to look at Zhao Suyin. "Mom?"

"What are you doing playing with the spoon? Eat the food." Zhao Suyin said, "Yes Mom." Zhao Ying obediently nodded and started to dig into her meal.


Inside the artifact-

Lying on the bed, Zhao Tian found himself lost in the delicate touch of Zhao Ying's naked body pressed against his, her luscious pink hair cascading over his arm. With a gentle caress, he admired the curves of her figure, feeling her supple boobs gently brushing against his chest.

Zhao Ying looked at his tender blue eyes "You seem a lot closer to Mom today... Did something happen?"

Zhao Tian smiled "Well, we watched a movie together..." He tucked her hair behind her ears and said softly. "Oh?" Zhao Ying mused.

At this time a pair of soft hands hugged him from behind, as Xia Shenyi's voluptuous bosom pressed against his back while her fingers playfully traced the contours of his well-defined abs "Tian!" With a hushed voice, she breathed his name into his ear, sensually licking his ear.

Zhao Tian gently turned his head to face Xia Shenyi and his eyes softened "Shenyi..." As he turned his face, Xia Shenyi leaned in closer, pressing her lips against his in a tender kiss.

Retracting the kiss, she snuggled her body on him feeling the warmth of his body lingering on her skin. Zhao Ying also moved in closer intertwining her legs with his, enveloping herself in his embrace and burying her face against his neck, seeking solace and comfort in their closeness. Sandwiched between two naked beauties, Zhao Tian smiled contently and he remembered something "By the way, Ying'er I have a date tomorrow..."

Stilly burying her face in his neck, Zhao Ying frowned "With whom?" "Chi Miya..."

"Oh, her huh..." Zhao Ying muttered seemingly unbothered. She opened her lips biting his neck "You idiot already began searching for the next woman."

Zhao Tian just chuckled and turned his head "And Shenyi, also prepare the pill I asked for tomorrow."

"Hm... ok, Tian."

A sigh left Zhao Ying's lips "This artifact is good, I can sleep extra hours and enjoy more time with my Tian'er."


*vroom* Zhao Tian cruised down the road in his sleek white Lambo, finally arriving at Chi Miya's company. As he pulled up, he caught sight of Chi Miya standing outside, looking effortlessly chic in her usual office attire - a crisp white shirt paired with a stylish blue coat, matching pants, and elegant heels.

Seeing the white Lambo, Chi Miya hastened her steps towards the car, "Tian!" she called him, her face adorned with a joyful smile. Sitting inside, Zhao Tian opened the door and Chi Miya entered the car.

Zhao Tian drove the car out of the company's premises. Glancing at her he asked, "This is our date and you are in an office outfit. Is it okay for you?"

A wry smile appeared on Chi Miya's lips "Sorry Tian... I had a meeting today, so if I were to change my fit it would take time, so I just came like this."



After half an hour, they arrived at a place, and looking at the place sitting inside the car, Chi Miya stammered "D-Don't tell me..."


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS SHIT!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Chi Miya screamed at the top of her lungs as she felt the rush of the air hitting her face and suddenly the world turned upside down.

"AHHHH!!!" She screamed as the roller coaster went upside down on the track. They just went to an amusement park and took on the roller coaster ride.

Zhao Tian couldn't help but chuckle seated beside her on the roller coaster as he saw Chi Miya's hair cascading on the air and her hilarious scared face.

The roller coaster gradually slowed down as it climbed higher and higher along the track. Finally, as the coaster crested the top, Chi Miya's heart raced with fear and her breath quickened as she saw the height she was in and after that, it was totally downhill.

"T-Tian, I am scaredddd! Ahhh!" She struggled in her seat, but couldn't move much due to the seatbelt for safety reasons. She stretched out her arms and clasped Zhao Tian's neck. "T-Tiannnnnnn!" She cried as the roller coaster slowly went down from the top.

Zhao Tian had a mischievous smile on his face completely enjoying her funny reactions and her panicked face. *woooooshhh* The roller coaster began to descend from the heights and Chi Miya screamed again, her heart pounding in fear "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"



Stepping out of the roller coaster, "Haa... Haa..." Chi Miya breathed heavily her chest rising and falling as she clutched onto Zhao Tian for support "I-I thought I was almost dead there..." she panted, trying to catch her breath her steps still clumsy.

Zhao Tian gently wrapped his arm around Chi Miya's waist, leading her with care toward a conveniently placed bench nearby. As they settled down, Chi Miya remained tightly gripped to Zhao Tian's neck and he felt her body trembling in his arms. "I-I almost threw up the food we ate in the last hour... Haa..."

Zhao Tian let out a deep sigh, as he gently stroked her hair giving her comfort "Do you need something to drink?" he asked.

A small blush crept over her cheeks as she shook her head "N-No, let me stay like this for a while..."

Zhao Tian couldn't help but chuckle "Since you like to drive fast, I thought you liked the adrenaline that gave you, so I brought you here... but who knows you were this scared for a roller coaster."

Chi Miya didn't say anything and stayed silent feeling the touch of his skin. "Ahhhh!" Suddenly, a piercing scream echoed from the nearby ride, causing them to glance over and see the people on the ride going up and down at high speed.

"Maybe we should have gone there..." Hearing him speak, Chi Miya raised her head and looked at the ride. Fuck! She would have died if she went on that, seeing that alone scares her.

Zhao Tian took his mobile from his pocket and noticed the time "After spending a little time here, we can go to a movie." Chi Miya gave a nod "En."

Zhao Tian and Chi Miya spent some time around the Amusement park and later went to the movies.


I hope you guys liked this chapter!