Chapter 57 Need to kill her?

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 57 Need to kill her?

"Hmm..." Zhao Tian muttered his hands gripping the steering wheel driving the car through the windy roads Zhao Ying also glanced around the area Zhao Tian was driving in. "What are we doing near the forest? trekking?" Fiind updated novels at

Zhao Tian let out a chuckle "Yeah!" he parked the car to the side and opened the door coming outside. Following suit, Zhao Ying also came outside with a weary sigh as she stretched her arms and closed her eyes relaxing her muscles.

"Haah!" She exhaled and opened her pink eyes *gasp* but her eyes dilated in shock as she saw a sharp knife crackling with green energy hurling towards her at high speed, aiming right at her face woosh

*swoosh* Reacting swiftly, yellow energy radiated from Zhao Ying's body as she raised her arm, a shining yellow sword materializing in her palm *sleesh* she quickly slashed the knife in a horizontal slash. *clank* The knife got cut into two pieces and fell to the ground.

A small smile appeared on Zhao Tian's lips as he glanced at the Light sword in her hand "Nice reaction! Seems like Shenyi's training is fruitful!"

Zhao Ying squinted her eyes and used her astral sense "We are surrounded by three people. 1st level of True Astral Stage" Zhao Tian shook his head "No, four!"

*trreekkkk* The earth beneath their feet unexpectedly started to shake violently. Filled with a mix of fear and anticipation, Zhao Ying instinctively took a step back, only to be startled by a sudden whooshing sound that echoed through the air.

*woosshhh* At this time, a man fully clad in black appeared right in front of Zhao Ying with a dagger in his hand, the tip of it piercing toward Zhao Ying.

Zhao Ying deftly swirled the sword in her hand blocking the dagger and the man, taken aback by her speed and precision, took a couple of steps back and furrowed his brow in puzzlement.

'I can't sense astral energy from her... but she is using a technique and it seems like the affinity is Light. They wanted to kill her... because of the rare affinity?.'

*swish* The man again dashed at her slashing his dagger at her once more and Zhao Ying again intercepted the attack with the sword *clank* creating a loud clash as the two weapons collided.

Zhao Ying blinked her eyes and the man in front of her disappeared. *woosh* She felt a green energy in the corner of her eyes and she narrowed her gaze.

'He is using a movement technique along with the wind element giving him such speed. He is four levels lower than me, yet I can't defeat him...'

'Urghhh! My lack of battle experience is obvious.'

'Now in the front!' The man again darted at her and aimed the sharp edge of the dagger right at her neck. But as he inched closer, he saw her crouching down and was not trying to attack or defend this time.

Hm? Regardless, without hesitation he slashed near her neck. But suddenly, a protective yellow barrier materialized, covering her body from the dagger *clank*. At the same time, Zhao Ying, who had just been crouching, swiftly swung her sword and sliced through the assassin's legs. Her blade effortlessly sliced through the flesh, leaving a trail of crimson stains on her weapon.

"ARGHHHH!" The assassin let out a guttural cry of frustration as his body collapsed onto the ground, writhing in excruciating pain. 'Light shield...' She muttered under her breath. She only used Light's sword from the beginning making the assassin think that she has no other tricks.

She lured him in by showing a feint and protected her with the Light shield while slashing with the Light sword. Seeing the bloody body of the assassin squirming on the ground Zhao Ying was horrified.

She looked away in disgust but she shook her head 'No, No, I am a cultivator...' she again glanced at his severed legs and steeled her resolve. She took a deep breath calming her nerves and the sword in her hand disappeared.

"Good job, Ying'er!" Zhao Tian walked towards her and a smile blomed on Zhao Ying's face seeing him. "Tian'er..."

Hugging her body, Zhao Tian spoke "Ying'er, you go back inside the artifact and rest... I will clear things here."

Zhao Ying gave a nod and she disappeared. Zhao Tian then turned toward the assassin who was squirming on the ground "Don't worry, I'll kill you now." He took his own dagger and sliced at his neck killing him.

He then walked towards the bulky man who was still coerced on the floor under pressure. "So, who ordered you to kill me?"

The bulky man didn't say anything and glared at Zhao Tian. "Well, I know you assassins won't tell anything easily." Zhao Tian spoke and tried to search for anything in the assassin's clothes.

He just found some hidden weapons and blades... but in the midst, he found the photo. On the back, it was written 'Target' "Hm?" He turned the photo and saw Zhao Ying's picture on it.

Someone has sneaked a picture of Zhao Tian while she was in the University Classroom. "Huh?" Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes and glanced at the bulky man "Now I want to know who the fuck dared to kill my sister?" a cold voice left his lips.

The man was taken aback by the intensity of Zhao Tia's anger, as he could sense it through the tone of his voice 'Ah Shit!"


I hope you guys liked this chapter!