Chapter 60 Fei family Mansion!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 60 Fei family Mansion!

*thrisssh* Floating in the sky Zhao Tian clasped his palm as burning flames scorched dancing on his hand. *swish* Bringing his hands together in a fluid motion he pulled his right hand like pulling a string in a bow.

*swish* A fire arrow materialized in his hands and pulling the arrow, his eyes gazed at the destroyed building and the assassin underground. "Can't leave evidence."

*swish* With a flick of his finger, the fire arrow was hurled at the building. *BOOOM* an earth-shattering explosion erupted, obliterating the structure into countless fragments and igniting a fierce blaze that consumed the surrounding forest, leaving behind a trail of devastation.

Looking at the scorching fire on the ground, Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes and took his mobile from his pocket to call someone.

*ring* The call connected "Tian?"

"Oldman, I need the address of the Fei family mansion."


*baam* Zhao Tian landed on the Front Court of the large mansion near the fountain. "Huh? The bodyguards, who had been leisurely strolling around the perimeter, were immediately startled as a man suddenly landed on the court.

"W-What? Did he just come flying here?" One yelled and the others prepared their guns in case the man made any movements.

Zhao Tian didn't say anything and walked forward as he unleashed his cultivation pressure. "ARggghhh!" The sheer intensity of his power caused the men to be instantly crushed, rendering them unable to move as they were pressed down by the immense weight of his aura.

"Urghh!" They convulsed and contorted their body as the overwhelming force caused excruciating pain overall their body. They are just normal humans and the intensity of his coercion was so extreme that their minds became muddled by the torment and fell unconscious. *thud*

Walking to the large door *boom* *crack* He kicked the door open sending the doors dashing through the hallway. "Kyaaah!" The maids inside the mansion were startled by the sudden sound.

They rushed out of the hall into the kitchens. *tap* They slowly peeked out from the kitchen and they were all taken aback looking at the handsome man walking in.

However, as they caught a glimpse of the cold gaze, a chilling sensation raced down their spines, and didn't dare to raise any noises, and closed their mouths in fright.

Zhao Tian walked on the large staircase that led to the upper floor. Seeing Zhao Tian's back the maids looked at each other bewildered "What is happening here? Where are the guards."

On the upper floor, Fei Lingxi relaxed comfortably on the plush sofa as she casually spoke into her cell phone "Yeah, sign it off..."

Zhao Tian spoke glancing at the two women "Bodyguards of only Spirit Astral Stage? That bitch doesn't have money to afford powerful bodyguards?"

Hearing his mutter, the women exchanged bewildered glances 'H-How did he see through our cultivation?'

Zhi Luo and Yan Xu looked at each other and gave a faint nod. *woosh* Suddenly, a vibrant surge of green energy emanated from both of their bodies as Zhi Luo dashed forward to Zhao Tian while Yan Xu backed away and took a pair of blades off her back. *sling*

Zhi Luo instantly appeared in front of Zhao Tian her fingers stretched as the green energy condensed on her hand forming wind claws. *swoosh* She slashed at Zhao Tian but Zhao Tian caught her wrist.

In the meantime, Yan Xu slashed both of those swords toward Zhao Tian "Hurricane Slash." She muttered as two big green slashes materialized in the hall creating an 'X' shape and wreaking havoc on the surrounding walls as they hurtled toward Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian catching the wrist of Zhi Luo threw her at the wall *clank* *thrassh* as she was hurled away. *feen* Looking at the incoming slashes, Zhao Tian raised his hand and as the slashes came in contact with his palm, it got destroyed.

*swoosh* Zhao Tian appeared near Yan Xu and grabbed her face slamming her head onto the ground *boom* and because of the impact the floor shattered as she got plunged to the lower floor.

At this time, Zhi Luo also came scratching away the debris and Zhao Tian glanced at her "If you take another step, I'll kill you." Hearing his cold voice, Zhi Luo's body shuddered in fear, and stood there like a statue.

These two women are just bodyguards hired for money and he doesn't want to kill them unnecessarily. Zhao Tian turned his eyes toward the lower floor and frowned.


*baam* The noises echoing through the house caused Fei Ziyu and Fei Lingxi to jump in surprise, their hearts racing as they exchanged nervous glances."Seems like they are fighting." Fei Lingxi muttered under her breath.

*BOOM* But suddenly the whole room shook because of the impact. H-Huh? Both Fei's panicked seeing this and stood up from their couch.

"W-What's happening?"

Both of them raised their heads and saw the ceiling made of powerful steel trembling. *Boom* *crash* In the next moment, the ceiling was blasted leaving a huge hole.

Fei Ziyu's eyes widened in shock looking at the young man who just entered the room "T-Tian?"


I hope you guys liked this chapter!