Chapter 83: Lightning attack!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 83: Lightning attack!

*vroom* As Zhao Tian pulled up in front of the University's main entrance with the Rolls Royce, the students exiting the campus couldn't help but stop and stare in awe at the luxurious car before them.

Mei Xiu who came out of the University glanced around looking for Zhao Tian and as her gaze fell on the sleek Roles Royce, a frown appeared on her face.

'Is that him?' She was quite confused.

Zhao Tian didn't exit the car because he knew if students saw Mei Xiu entering his car, it would create rumors so he made a call to her.

Mei Xiu felt her mobile vibrating and seeing it was Zhao Tian, she quickly answered the call "Zhao Tian?"

"Just enter the car." Zhao Tian spoke and Mei Xiu again glanced at Roles Royce, waving her hand."Yeah, now enter." Zhao Tian spoke and canceled the call.

Mei Xiu was taken aback 'It was really him? When did he become this rich?' she mused in her mind and quickly approached the car.

*thud* She entered the car and Zhao Tian stepped on the accelerator *vroom*. Glancing over at Mei Xiu, Zhao Tian asked "So, what's with this boyfriend thing?"

A faint blush appeared on Mei Xiu's face and she averted her gaze "I-It means what it means... don't you know what it is."

Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes "I am sure, you didn't ask me out because you have feelings for me... so what's the catch?"

A sigh escaped Mei Xiu's lips. She just thought that she could tease him a little but he caught her. "The thing is... this." Mei Xiu showed her mobile screen to him.

"Ashes of Love couple event?" Zhao Tian raised an eyebrow reading the title.

The blush on Mei Xiu's face deepened and with a shy amile, she spoke "Um... I watch a couple show called 'Ashes of Love' and after a week, there is an event in our nearby city."

"In that event, the actors of the show are coming... and I want to go and meet them."

Zhao Tian nodded his head "And you need a boyfriend to go to the nearby city?" Mei Xiu shook her head "N-No, No... only couples could attend that show, so..."

Oh! Zhao Tian understood why she wanted a boyfriend and shook his head "No, go by yourself."

"W-Wha-" Mei Xiu was startled, she didn't expect to outright refuse without even considering. She hastily spoke "Zhao Tian, you don't have to be my real boyfriend... you just have to act like my boyfriend."


Eh? "Whyyyyyyyyy? Please Zhao Tian.... I am a big fan of them... please please... Zhao Tian." she curled her lips down showing a sad face.

Zhao Tian chuckled in his mind seeing her acting like a child and spoke "No, ask someone else... I am not your worker or anything."

Mei Xiu quickly grabbed his arm pleading "Ehhhhhhh, but I only have you as my male friend... I don't have anyone to ask. So please, please Zhao Tiannnnnnn."

"Weaker?" Teng Zen raised an eyebrow "Do you want me to believe a young man like you has already reached the stage I am in which took me decades?"

Lee Jing clenched his teeth tightly, feeling frustrated "This is the stage, I couldn't reach no matter what." He is still in the Spirit Astral Stage and he is flying only because of those wings.

*swish* Teng Zen dashed through the air, his every step leaving a spark of purple lightning in the air. As he closed in on Zhao Tian *woosh* he extended his hand lunging the steel rod towards Zhao Tian''s face intending to smack his face.

*grip* As the rod reached his face, Zhao Tian simply caught the rod. "What?" Teng Zen and even Lee Jing were stunned in disbelief as he knew the strength of a Heaven Stage Cultivator.

Reeling out of his shock, Teng Zen narrowed his eyes *thrisssh* as a sudden burst of lightning spewed through his body and the steel conducted the lightning *frisssh* causing it to crack with lightning.

As Zhao Tian was gripping the rod, the lighting passed through him. *thrissh* H-Huh? But seeing no effect or screaming from Zhao Tian, Teng Zen was confused. "Are you really heave-"

*thriisssh* Zhao Tian used his own lightning element, conducting it through the steel rod. "Aarrghhhhh!!" Teng Zen's agonized screams echoed through the air as the electric shocks coursed through his entire being. The purple lightning danced across his veins, leaving him writhing in pain.

Zhao Tian released hishold on the rod and Teng Zen quickly dashed back away from Zhao Tian reaching near Lee Jing his body trembling in fear. "*cough* H-He is the real deal...Urgh! My whole body hurts."

Lee Jing squinted his eyes again glimpsing at Zhao Tian who hadn't made a single move since he appeared "And our opponent has the same element as ours."

Teng Zen gave a solemn nod "Since we are already in this, let's finish him together."

*fwish* Lee Jing's whole body sparkled in purple electricity and he concentrated them in his palm as twin blades made of pure lightning appeared. His technique allows him to manifest anything out of lightning just like his wings, as low complicated as it is easier to manifest.

*swish* Both of them again dashed at Zhao Tian at the same time. Teng Zen feigned as he was about to strike him with the rod while secretly channeling lightning energy to his leg for a powerful kick.

*thud* As he swiftly swung his leg towards him, Zhao Tian just turned his gaze at the kick and *fwish* in the next instant, his whole leg got crystallized in ice.

*thrash* The leg of Teng Zen shattered into a thousand icy fragments, leaving him staring in shock at the gaping hole where his limb used to be. "Arghhhhhhhh!" A gut-wrenching scream of pain tore from his lips.

"Sect Elder!" Lee Jing yelled and hurled the twin blades near Zhao Tian's neck. *thrisssh* But a bolt of lightning appeared from Zhao Tian's body hitting him in the chest and he was blasted back into the air. *thud*

"Who knew you were a dual elemental freak! You pay for my leg, you bastard!" Teng Zen screamed in anger and punched his fist in the air. *swwooosh* a large fist crackling with purple lightning materialized, hurtling swiftly towards Zhao Tian,

*flick* With a ripple in space, Zhao Tian appeared in front of Teng Ze and grabbed his neck "You-" But before he could utter anything red lightning appeared from Zhao Tian's body.

"Aaaaararrgghhh!" Teng Zen yelled in terror as he felt his body being churned and fried by the red lightning swirling inside his flesh and bones. The high voltage of the lightning caused his body to sizzle and burn from the inside out, the searing heat consuming him and his scream continued.

"AARGHHH-" His body convulsed in Zhao Tian's palm and his body quickly burned into a charred thing. Zhao Tian let go of his grip, watching as the charred remnants were carried away by the gusts of wind.

Lee Jing who had just seen the death of Teng Zen by the weird red lightning and his body turning into chards left him horrified.

"Sect... Elder?"

I uploaded five chaps yesterday in privilege so couldn't upload in premium... up to 15 chapters privilege available.

If u like the story boost with PS, Golden ticket gifts and maybe drop a castle lol.